1. [Weight = 4] (Formatting the printout) Write a Python program that will print a range of numbers
in rows and columns. The range is specified by user. Moreover, user is asked to input the number
of numbers printed on each row and the number of spaces for printing each number. Each row is
filled up from left to right, and a new row will be used only after a row is filled up. Each number is
printed on right-justified format.
A sample output:
Hint: There are two challenges to this question. The first is to determine when to print a new row.
The key is after printing every n (which is provided by user) numbers, a new line begins. The
second is to provide m spaces for printing each number. Please reference to the example just
above section 7.1.4 in
2. [Weight = 4] (Binary number addition) In this question we continue Q2 of A4. In that question,
we have
tableAdd = (“00”, “01”, “10”)
def PROC0(digit1, digit2):
Input: digit1, digit2, each of which is either 0 or 1.
Output: a string of two digits which is the sum of the two digits.
Therefore, the result could be “00”, “01” or “10”.
return tableAdd[digit1+digit2]
def PROC1(digit1, digit2, digit3):
Input: digit1, digit2, digit3, each of which is either 0 or 1.
Output: a string of two digits which is the sum of the three digits.
Therefore, the result could be “00”, “01”, “10”, or “11”.
firstPROC0Result = PROC0(digit1, digit2)
secondPROC0Result = PROC0(int(firstPROC0Result[1]),digit3)
if firstPROC0Result[0] == secondPROC0Result[0] == “0”:
result = “0”
result = “1”
return result+secondPROC0Result[1]
In this question you will implement PROC2() with the function signature below. Notice that this
function signature is not the same as what we have covered in the class. You must use PROC1()
in your implementation.
Recall that we have developed the pseudocode in the slides on
Computation. You may use int() to remove the leading 0 in a string of a number.
Function PROC2(num1, num2)
Input: num1 and num2 are two multidigit binary numbers. Their lengths
do not have to be the same.
Output: The result of the binary addition of num1 and num2.
Include the statements below in your .py file.