
Principles of Software Design (ENSF 480) Lab 2

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Exercise A – Overloading Operators in C++ (16 marks)

In this exercise you are going to use some of the files that you have used in lab1, exercise B, and you will
overload several operators, for classes Mystring, and DictionaryList. For your convenient the copy of those files
is again posted on the D2L, under the Lab 2 section.

Note: Once you downloaded the files from D2L, make sure to use your code from lab 1, exercise B, to
complete the missing definitions of member functions: find, copy, and destroy.

What to Do:
Open the file exBmain.cpp and uncomment the line that calls function test_operator_overloading, and its
prototype at the top of the file. Then, change the conditional compilation right above the implementation of
test_operator_overloading from #if 0 to #if 1 and try to compile and run the program. Now you will see a
few errors.

These errors are due to the fact that this function is trying to make some operations on Mystring or
DictionaryList objects using common C++ relational operators such as, >, <, <=, !=, or other type of operators such as <<
or [] that are not by default defined by C++ compiler for objects of Mystring or DictionaryList.

Your job in this
assignment is to find out which operator is required to be overloaded and write the necessary code in files
mystring_B.h, mystring_B.cpp, dictionalyList.h and dictionaryList.cpp.

Since there are several operators to be overloaded, again the best strategy is to work incrementally.

Means first comment
out most of the lines in function test_overloading, except the two lines that uses the operator >= and << .

Then write the
necessary code in the given files. If they work fine, then uncomment the next few lines to implement and test the next
operator — until all required operators are properly defined and tested.

Instructions to Submit Exercises A:
Submit the following files electronically on the D2L:
• As part of your lab report (PDF file), submit the copy of all .cpp and .h files, and the output of your
• Submit a zipped file that contains your actual source code (all .cpp and .h files)

Exercise B – Inheritance in C++ (20 marks)

The concepts of aggregation, composition, and inheritance in C++ and Java are similar, but they are completely
different in terms of implementation and syntax. Also, another major difference between the two languages is
that C++ unlike Java supports multiple inheritance.

What to Do: Inheritance in C++:
In this exercise, first you will write the definitions of following classes: Point, Shape, Rectangle, Square,
GraphicsWorld, as explained below.

Class Point:
This class is supposed to represent a point in a Cartesian plane. It should have three data members: x, and y
coordinates and an id number that its value will be assigned automatically.

The first object’s id number should
be 1001, second one should be 1002, and so on. Class Point should also have at least the following member
– display – that displays x, and y coordinates of the point in the following format:
X-coordinate: ######.##
Y-coordinate: ######.##
– A constructor that initializes its data members.

Note: You are not supposed to define a default constructor in this class. Automatic calls to the default
constructor will hide some of the important aspects of this assignment (marks will be deducted if you
define a default constructor for this class).

– Access functions, getters and setters, as needed.
– Function counter()that returns the number of objects of class Point at any time.
– Two distance functions that return the distance between two points. One of the two must be a static

You should create two files for this class: called point.h and point.cpp

Class Shape:
This class is the base class or the ancestor of several classes, including class Rectangle, Square, Circle, etc. It
should support basic operations and structures that are common among the children of this class. This class
should have an object of class Point called origin, and a char pointer called shapeName that points to a
dynamically allocated memory space, allocated by the class constructor.

This class should also have several
functions and a constructor as follows:
– A constructor that initializes its data members.
– No default constructor

– A destructor that de-allocates the memory space allocated dynamically for shapeName
– getOrigin – that returns a reference to point origin. The reference should not allow the x and y values of
point to be modified through this reference.
– getName – that returns the name of the shape.

– display – that prints on the screen the shape’s name, x and y coordinates of point origin, in the
following format:
Shape Name:
– two distance functions
double distance (Shape& other);
static double distance (Shape& the_shape, Shape& other);

– move: that changes the position of the shape, the current x and y coordinates, to x+dx, and y+dx. The
function’s interface (prototype) should be;
void move (double dx, double dy);
You should create two files for this class: called shape.h and shape.cpp

Class Square:
This class is supposed to be derived from class Shape, and should have one data member, called side_a, and
in addition to its constructor should have a constructor and several member functions as follows:
– One constructor that initializes its data members with its arguments supplied by the user.

– No default constructor. Marks will be deducted if a default constructor is defined for this class
– area – that returns the area of a square
– perimeter: that returns the perimeter of a square
– get and set – as needed.

– display – that displays the name, x and y coordinates of the origin, side_a, area, and perimeter of a
square object in the following format:
Square Name:
Side a:
– More Functions, if needed.

You should create two files for this class: called square.h and square.cpp

Class Rectangle:
Class Rectangle that is derived from class Square needs to have one more side called side_b. This class, in addition to
its constructor (no default constructor), should support the following functions:

– area – that calculates and returns the area of a rectangle
– perimeter – that calculates and returns the perimeter of a rectangle
– get and set – that retrieves or changes the values of its private data members.
– display – that displays the name, and x and y coordinate origin of the shape, side_a, side_b, area, and perimeter of a
rectangle object, in the following format:
Rectangle Name:
Side a:
Side b:
– More Functions, if needed.

You should create two files for this class: called rectangle.h and rectangle.cpp

Class GraphicsWorld:
This class should have only a function called run, which declares instances of the above-mentioned classes as its local

This function should first display a short message about the author(s) of the program and then start testing all of
the functions of the classes in this system. A sample code segment of function run is given below. You are
recommended to use conditional compilation directives to test your code (one class at a time).
void GraphicsWorld::run(){
#if 0 // Change 0 to 1 to test Point
Point m (6, 8);
Point n (6,8);

cout << “\nExpected to dispaly the distance between m and n is: 3”;
cout << “\nThe distance between m and n is: ” << m.distance(n);
cout << “\nExpected second version of the distance function also print: 3”;
cout << “\nThe distance between m and n is again: ”
<< Point::distance(m, n);

#endif // end of block to test Point
#if 0 // Change 0 to 1 to test Square
cout << “\n\nTesting Functions in class Square:” <<endl;
Square s(5, 7, 12, “SQUARE – S”);

#endif // end of block to test Square
#if 0 // Change 0 to 1 to test Rectangle
cout << “\nTesting Functions in class Rectangle:”;
Rectangle a(5, 7, 12, 15, “RECTANGLE A”);
Rectangle b(16 , 7, 8, 9, “RECTANGLE B”);
double d = a.distance(b);

cout <<“\nDistance between square a, and b is: ” << d << endl;
Rectangle rec1 = a;
cout << “\nTesting assignment operator in class Rectangle:” <<endl;
Rectangle rec2 (3, 4, 11, 7, “RECTANGLE rec2”);
rec2 = a;
cout << “\nExpected to display the following values for objec rec2: ” << endl;

cout << “Rectangle Name: RECTANGLE A\n” << “X-coordinate: 5\n” << “Y-coordinate: 7\n”
<< “Side a: 12\n” << “Side b: 15\n” << “Area: 180\n” << “Perimeter: 54\n” ;
cout << “\nIf it doesn’t there is a problem with your assignment operator.\n” << endl;

cout << “\nTesting copy constructor in class Rectangle:” <<endl;
Rectangle rec3 (a);

cout << “\nExpected to display the following values for objec rec2: ” << endl;
cout << “Rectangle Name: RECTANGLE A\n” << “X-coordinate: 5\n” << “Y-coordinate: 7\n”
<< “Side a: 100\n” << “Side b: 200\n” << “Area: 20000\n” << “Perimeter: 600\n” ;
cout << “\nIf it doesn’t there is a problem with your assignment operator.\n” << endl;

#endif // end of block to test Rectangle
#if 0 // Change 0 to 1 to test using array of pointer and polymorphism
cout << “\nTesting array of pointers and polymorphism:” <<endl;
Shape* sh[4];
sh[0] = &s;
sh[1] = &b;
sh [2] = &rec1;
sh [3] = &rec3;
sh [0]->display();
sh [1]->display();
sh [2]->display();
sh [3]->display();

#endif // end of block to test array of pointer and polymorphism
You should create two files for this class: called graphicsWorld.h and graphicsWorld.cpp
What to Submit for Exercise B: As part of your lab report (PDF file) copy and paste your source codes
(.cpp and .h files) and the program output, showing your program works. Also submit a zipped file that contains
your source files: .cpp and .h for all your classes.