PA5: Concurrent Hard Disk Emulation CMPSC 473


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1 Overview
In this programming assignment you will design a multi-threaded device driver for an
emulated hard disk drive (HDD). This assignment has two required tasks and two extra
credit tasks.
2 Background
A hard disk drive (HDD) is a device that allows storage and retrieval of digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with a magnetic
material. Each platter is paired with a ”disk head,” which can read/write to the platter
surface. We studied HDDs in some depth in Lecture 25 (Nov. 30).
You will work with a simple emulated HDD (E-HDD) that we have written for you.
E-HDD has a single platter consisting of 100 tracks and each of these tracks is in turn composed of 10000 sectors. A sector is 512 bytes in size and is the granularity of read/write
for our disk (meaning both that it is the smallest size of a request to the disk and that a
request to read/write a sector is guaranteed to be atomic by the disk). E-HDD has a fixed
length buffer (in terms of number of requests, irrespective of their sizes) for requests coming from the device driver. Requests may be re-ordered once the buffer fills up according
to the disk’s scheduling algorithm. Requests are issued to the disk head whenever the
buffer fills up or a timer expires, whichever occurs earlier. This timer is reset every time
requests are issued to the disk head. Clearly, the number of requests coming from the
device driver threads can sometimes exceed the buffer size. This requires a certain type
of synchronization to be achieved so that none of the requests are lost despite the finite
buffer size.
3 Description of Tasks
We are providing you the code for E-HDD that exposes the following interface to our
multi-threaded device driver: (i) int read disk(int sector number) and (ii) int
write disk(int data, int sector number). If an access is made to an invalid
sector, the disk outputs BAD SECTOR, else prints the value read (in case of read) or the
value written (in case of write) in the sector. E-HDD is provided as a 1-dimensional array,
defined as int disk[SECTORS*TRACKS]. Both TRACKS and SECTORS are defined as
macros in driver.h. Since this is an emulation, we have introduced a delay caused by
movement of head from one track to another. The delay is calculated as: |source track
– destination track|x1 + 2 msec (where 2 msec is the average rotational delay for a HDD
with rotational speed of 15,000 RPM).
Each device driver thread will receive a sequence of two types of requests from (implicit) applications with one device driver thread servicing one application-level request
in our design. These requests will be specified via an input file and will have the following
• op name: IO call which is either ”read” or ”write”, return values have same interpretation as those for read disk and write disk. Both the read disk() and
write disk() are void functions, i.e., they don’t return any value but simply print
their outputs on the console.
• sector number: argument to the above call
• arrival time: describes when this request is to be issued by a device driver
thread (real time) as an offset from the start time of the program.
We will use pthreads for creating our multi-threaded device driver. Each incoming
request is handled by a newly-created thread whose properties relevant to our emulation are defined within a structure called thread info. Each of these requests/threads
will have: int tid which is the thread id, char[] op name, int sector number,
int data, int arrival time and struct timespec exit time. These threads
will call the thread handler() function which in turn will call either read disk()
or write disk() based on op name. After a request has been serviced, it will record the
current time as an offset from the start time of the program and store it in the exit time
in the thread structure. The difference between arrival time and exit time will represent
how long it took for the request to get serviced.
We are going to assume that the device driver threads have access to the disk buffer
through shared memory. The disk buffer/head will be implemented as a separate thread
in the same address space as the device driver threads. In practice, they must make use of
privileged IO instructions. A disk operation has the effect of appending a request to the
disk buffer if there is room. If there is no room, the device driver thread blocks waiting for
there to be room. A new disk request is added as a buffer node which has: op name
denoting the operation to be performed by the head, sector number and data which
is to be written onto the given sector number if its a write operation. Each buffer node
has a request id given by int req id to help the disk thread signal the appropriate
device driver thread after its request has been serviced. The buffer has an upper limit
on the number of requests it can hold, given by the variable limit. The buffer limit is
hard coded in the code base, its value can be changed inside the init() function. The
requests are issued to the disk head whenever the buffer fully fills up.
3.1 Task 1: Implement Disk Buffer
You are to implement a mechanism to attach disk requests emerging from the device
driver to the buffer and issue them to the disk head at appropriate times. Keep in mind
that the incoming requests are being issued by concurrent threads accessing a shared
buffer. Therefore, this task requires that you prevent any data races due to this. You must
ensure the following:
• The number of requests in the buffer should not exceed its limit.
• Requests are only issued to the disk when the buffer is full.
• Requests are be allowed to be added to the buffer concurrently with the disk head
servicing requests.
3.2 Task 2: Implement the Elevator Algorithm for Disk Head Scheduling
The disk ops(int algo) function reads the buffer and services all the requests issuing
them to the disk. The parameter algo tells the function whether to use FCFS or Elevator
as the disk scheduling algorithm. Both read disk() and write disk() functions can
call the disk ops() function when required. The function disk ops(int algo), by
default, uses FCFS to service requests stored in the buffer, i.e., the disk executes the operations in the same order as they were appended to the buffer. This can cause unwanted
movement of the head resulting in timely overheads. Your task is to implement the Elevator algorithm. You should do this by adding the algorithm in the existing disk ops(int
algo) function. The parameter algo should be interpreted as follows:
• 0: FCFS
• 1: Elevator
3.3 Task 3: Extra Credit
During relatively idle periods, requests may wait in the buffer for too long. One way
to overcome this problem is to start a timer whenever requests are issued to the disk. The
expiration of this timer is then used as the next time to issue any requests in the buffer
even if the buffer has not fully filled up by then. You are to implement this mechanism.
This timer is reset every time requests are issued to the disk head. Make sure that the
requests are issued to the disk head if the buffer is full before the timer expires.
3.4 Task 4: Extra Credit
Since there can be multiple concurrent reads and writes issued to the same sector, our
device driver threads may face a readers-writers like problem. You are to solve this problem to offer the following behavior. Whenever a request comes in the read disk() or
write disk() operation, before adding itself to the buffer, it calls ENTER OPERATION(char
*op name, int sector number) function. This function decides whether an incoming request follows the Readers/Writers Protocols correctly or not. If it does, the request
should be allowed to add itself to the buffer, if not, must be blocked. But this is not all.
After the request is serviced, it should wake up any request(s) which was/were blocked in
the ENTER OPERATION(). This is done by making the request call EXIT OPERATION(char
*op name, int sector number) before leaving the read disk() or write disk()
function. The purpose of this function is to signal appropriate blocked request(s) before
finally returning to the thread handler() function.
4 Submission and Grading
Same as the previous assignment, PA5 will be done in groups of 2. A group may choose
either members repository as their workplace. Do remember to list both members names
in all files you submit (including your report). Your project won’t be graded if you don’t
have a name on your report. You are supposed to submit your assignment with your
private GitHub repository. Therefore, accept the invitation to access your private repository. If you still need instructions for working with git or adding your teammate to your
repository, refer to the included Git manual file. The TAs will grade you by inspecting
your code, running some test cases for your code (apart from the ones already provided
as sample test cases), and by looking at your report.
4.1 Code and Report
You must push and commit to your private repository all your source files (*.c and *.h)
and report file and a Makefile that the TAs will use to compile your code. You should also
create a short README with instructions on how to compile and run your code.
The quality and performance of your code along with the clarity of report will contribute
towards your grade. Roughly, the TAs will be looking at these aspects when assigning
your grade: (i) the quality and clarity of your implementation (complemented by reading your description in your report), (ii) adherence to constraints regarding the buffer
and readers/writers protocol (iii) correct synchronization with no deadlock. Your report
should have the following two components:
• Pseudo code explaining the synchronization, implementation of readers/writers
protocol [if attempted] and buffer timer [if attempted].
• Average service times for the provided inputs for FCFS vs. Elevator. If you are
doing the extra credit tasks, you need to report times with the extra functionality.
4.2 Grading Rubric
• Task 1 : Implementing Buffer – 5 Points
Major synchronization bugs : 3 point deduction
Other minor implementation issues : 2 point deduction
• Task 2 : Elevator Algorithm – 5 Points
Partial grading based on implementation
• Task 3 (Extra Credit) : Implementing buffer timer – 4 Points
No partial grading
• Task 4 (Extra Credit) : Readers/Writers Protocol – 6 Points
No partial grading
5 Additional Information
• Before starting, make sure you understand the code base and its components.
• You are given a Makefile for the code base which generates an executable named
disk simulation. Your repository will have some sample input files. To run the
executable with an input, type:
disk simulation < sample input.txt • We have included 4 sample input files along with their expected corresponding output files. The buffer limits while testing against the input files were set as follows: Sample Input File | Buffer Limit sample input.txt 1 sample input 2.txt 2 sample input 3.txt 3 sample input 4.txt 5 These buffer limits are Hard Coded in the Code Base itself, by default having a value of 1. You can change this value within the init() function. Note that these outputs are expected outputs, the order of thread execution and/or output may change depending on actual implementation. Regardless of the order, the output must follow the buffer constrains [and readers/writers constraints]. 5