In this miniproject you will implement naive Bayes from scratch and BERT with pertained weights through package (fine tuning could be optional component), and compare these two algorithms on IMDB review dataset. The goal
is to gain experience implementing machine learning algorithm from scratch and running the modern deep learning
libraries, and getting hands-on experience comparing their performances on the real-world textual dataset.
Task 1: Acquire and preprocess the IMDB data
The IMDB Reviews data can be downloaded from here:˜amaas/data/sentiment/.
Here, you need to use only reviews in the “train” folder for training and report the performance from the “test” folder.
You need to work with the text documents to build your own features and ignore the pre-formatted feature files.
For the naive Bayes method, you need to design the data preprocessing pipeline that turns the unstructured text data
into numerical features. Specifically, you should use the bags of words representation using the scikit-learn function
For BERT, you can use the transformers package to tokenize the input text and convert the tokens into numerical features Find out how you
can do that from this tutorial that uses PyTorch.
You are free to use any Python libraries you like to extract features and preprocess the data.
Task 2: Implement Naive Bayes and BERT models
You must implement the Naive Bayes model from scratch (i.e., you cannot use SciKit Learn or any other pre-existing
implementations of these methods).
In particular, your two main tasks in the part are to:
1. Implement naive Bayes from scratch, using the appropriate type of likelihood for features.
2. Implementing BERT model with pre-trained weights with a package.
Naive Bayes Model Details
For the Naive Bayes model, you must use Python and you must implement the model from scratch (i.e., you cannot
use SciKit Learn or similar libraries). Using the numpy package is encouraged. Regarding the implementation, we
recommend the following approach:
• Implement naive Bayes model as a Python class. You should use the constructor for the class to initialize the model
parameters as attributes, as well as to define other important properties of the model.
• Your model class should have (at least) these functions:
– Define a fit function, which takes the training data (i.e., X and y)—as well as other hyperparameters (e.g.,
the learning rate and/or number of gradient descent iterations)—as input. This function should train your
model by modifying the model parameters.
– Define a predict function, which takes a set of input features (i.e., X) as input and outputs predictions (i.e.,
yˆ) for these points.
– Define a functions evaluate_acc to evaluate the model accuracy. This function should take the true labels
(i.e., y), and target labels (i.e., yˆ) as input, and it should output the accuracy score.
BERT Model Details
For the BERT model, you can use pre-trained weights by downloading the already existing pre-trained BERT model
by Google or others. You can then use these pretrained weights to do the IMDB movie review prediction task. You can
optionally choose to finetune your model. You are not required to implement this model from scratch and you are free
to use a package like
Task 3: Run experiments
The goal of this project is to have you explore traditional machine learning and deep learning NLP techniques. You
will need to conduct binary classification experiment on IMDB Reviews data and report the performance using
accuracy. You are welcome to perform any experiments and analyses you see fit (e.g., to compare different features),
but at a minimum you must complete the following experiments in the order stated below:
1. In a single table, compare and report the performance of the Naive Bayes and BERT models on the IMDB
Reviews classification task, and highlight the winner.
2. Examine the attention matrix between the words and the class tokens for some of the correctly and incorrectly
predicted documents. You will need to choose one of transformer blocks and use a specific attention head for
the multi-layer multi-headed transformer architecture.
You are free to do more experiments to your choosing. As a conclusion, you must answer the following question:
1. Is pretraining on an external corpus (like BERT does) good for the movie review prediction task? What do you
think pretraining does that might help with this task in particular?
2. What conclusions can you make about the performance difference between deep learning and traditional machine learning methods?
These questions are open-ended and must be answered based on your experiment results. Try to demonstrate curiosity,
creativity, rigour, and an understanding of the course material in how you run your chosen experiments and how you
report on them in your write-up.
You must submit two separate files to MyCourses (using the exact filenames and file types outlined below):
1. Your data processing, classification and evaluation code (as some combination of .py and .ipynb files).
2. writeup.pdf: Your (max 5-page) project write-up as a pdf (details below).
Project write-up instruction
Your team must submit a project write-up that is a maximum of five pages (single-spaced, 11pt font or larger; minimum
0.5 inch margins, an extra page for references/bibliographical content can be used). We highly recommend that students use LaTeX to complete their write-ups. This first mini-project report has relatively strict requirements, but
as the course progresses your project write-ups will become more and more open-ended. You have some flexibility in how you report your results, but you must adhere to the following structure and minimum requirements:
Abstract (100-250 words) Summarize the project task and your most important findings. For example, include
sentences like “In this project we investigated the performance of linear classification models on two benchmark
datasets”, “We found that the logistic regression approach was achieved worse/better accuracy than naive Bayes and
was significantly faster/slower to train.”
Introduction (5+ sentences) Summarize the project task, the two datasest, and your most important findings. This
should be similar to the abstract but more detailed. You should include background information and citations to
relevant work (e.g., other papers analyzing these datasets).
Datasets (5+ sentences) Very briefly describe the and how you processed them. Describe the new features you come
up with in detail. Present the exploratory analysis you have done to understand the data, e.g. class distribution.
Results (7+ sentences, possibly with figures or tables) Describe the results of all the experiments mentioned in
Task 3 (at a minimum) as well as any other interesting results you find. At a minimum you must report:
1. A comparison of the accuracy of Naive Bayes and BERT on IMDB.
2. Discussion between the BERT and Naive Bayes results.
Discussion and Conclusion (5+ sentences) Summarize the key takeaways from the project and possibly directions
for future investigation.
Statement of Contributions (1-3 sentences) State the breakdown of the workload across the team members.
The mini-project is out of 100 points, and the evaluation breakdown is as follows:
• Completeness (20 points)
– Did you submit all the materials?
– Did you run all the required experiments?
– Did you follow the guidelines for the project write-up?
• Correctness (40 points)
– Are your models implemented correctly?
– Are your reported accuracy close to the reference solutions?
– Do you observe the correct trends in the experiments (e.g., how well Naive Bayes and BERT models
regarding the accuracy)?
– Do you observe the correct impact of activation choice, initialization, regularization and normalization on
the model performance?
• Writing quality (25 points)
– Is your report clear and free of grammatical errors and typos?
– Did you go beyond the bare minimum requirements for the write-up (e.g., by including a discussion of
related work in the introduction)?
– Do you effectively present numerical results (e.g., via tables or figures)?
• Originality / creativity (15 points)
– Did you go beyond the bare minimum requirements for the experiments?
– Note: Simply adding in a random new experiment will not guarantee a high grade on this section! You
should be thoughtful and organized in your report.
Final remarks
You are expected to display initiative, creativity, scientific rigour, critical thinking, and good communication skills.
You don’t need to restrict yourself to the requirements listed above – feel free to go beyond, and explore further.
You can discuss methods and technical issues with members of other teams, but you cannot share any code or data
with other teams.