
MIE1628 Assignment 5 Assignment on Azure Cloud Platform

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1. [Marks: 5] Explain below the 5 components shown in orange boxes. Explain which
Azure components you will use where in this big data architecture and why.
2. [Marks: 5] Explain how Stream Analytics works in Azure.
Raw Data
Unstructured Data
Structured Data
Ingest Data Data Store
Prepare and
transform data Model and
serve data
Azure Data
Cosmos DB Azure Data
3. [Marks: 10] Deploy all the resources in Azure Portal. Implement a Stream Analytics
job by using the Azure portal. See this for reference –
For query use below:
INTO BlobOutput
FROM IoTHubInput
HAVING Temperature > 29
See the below screenshot and show the top 30 results for your output.
Part B:
Data Input: Claim a dataset from Piazza – link. If the dataset is too large, you can take a subset of
the data as well. No two groups can have the same dataset.
You need to solve a meaning full problem using this dataset.
Some problems to consider:
1. Fraud Detection System
2. Customer Churn Rate Prediction
3. Segmentation using Clustering
4. Recommendations with your Dataset
5. Sales Forecasting
6. Stock Price Predictions
7. Human Activity Recognition with Smartphones
8. Wine Quality Predictions
9. Breast Cancer Prediction
10. Sorting of Specific Tweets on Twitter etc.
Implement this part in Azure Machine learning using Azure Notebook
1. [Marks: 10] Explain what problem you are going to solve using this dataset. Provide a
brief overview of your problem statement. [Discuss your problem statement with your
TAs if they approve then you can proceed with the next steps.]
2. [Marks: 15] Explain your dataset. Explore your dataset and provide at least 5 meaningful
charts/graphs with an explanation.
3. [Marks: 15] Do data cleaning/pre-processing as required and explain what you have done
for your dataset and why?
4. [Marks: 20] Implement 2 machine learning models and explain which algorithms you
have selected and why. Compare them and show success metrics
(Accuracy/RMSE/Precision/Recall) as per your problem. Explain results.
5. [Marks: 20] Deploy a run-time pipeline for your dataset using Azure Designer Studio.
Do hyperparameter tuning for your algorithms. Explain your results.
Use Automated ML for your data set. Explain the best model results.