
MIE1628 Assignment 1 Assignment on MapReduce

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1. K-means
K-means algorithm is the most well-known and commonly used clustering method.
• It takes the input parameter, k, and partitions a set of n objects into k clusters so
that the resulting intra-cluster similarity is high whereas the inter-cluster similarity
is low.
• Cluster similarity is measured according to the mean value of the objects in the
cluster, which can be regarded as the cluster’s ‘center of gravity’.
• The algorithm proceeds as follows:
• Firstly, randomly selects k objects from the whole objects which represent
initial cluster centers.
• Each remaining object is assigned to the cluster to which it is the most similar,
based on the distance between the object and the cluster center.
• The new mean for each cluster is then calculated. This process iterates until the
criterion function converges.
2. Data Input
We are going to cluster data points dataset and this dataset is provided to you, download it
from Quercus.
• data_points.txt
3. Questions
1) [Marks: 15] Implement a Map Reduce program for counting the number of lines in a
document. Use the ‘shakespeare.txt’ file and download it from Quercus. Please submit
input/output files with code.
2) [Marks: 45] Apply K-means clustering on Map Reduce using k = 3 and k = 6 clusters
on the given dataset, list the cluster labels or centroids, the number of iterations for
convergence or use maximum iterations = 20 and time/duration.
3) [Marks: 10] Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using K-Means Clustering
with MapReduce.
Please read the paper which is provided with the assignment in the Quercus and answer
the following questions.
4) [Marks: 10] Can we reduce the number of distance comparisons by applying the
Canopy Selection? Which distance metric should we use for the canopy clustering and
5) [Marks: 10] Is it possible to apply Canopy Selection on MapReduce? If yes, then
explain in words, how would you implement it.
6) [Marks: 10] Is it possible to combine the Canopy Selection with K-Means on
MapReduce? If yes, then explain in words, how would you do that.