Mario Assignment 3 CSSE1001/7030


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The goal of this assignment is to extend the existing support code of a mario style 2D-platformer written in Python using
To be successful in completing this assignment you will have to use the concepts and skills that you have learnt. Specifically,
you will need to have a good understanding of GUI programming, inter-class interactions, extending classes and file IO.
This document outlines the tasks that you will need to implement for this assignment.
Getting Started
The archive file contains all the necessary files to start this assignment. A significant amount of support code
has been provided to allow for the basic working game functionality to be implemented relatively easily.
The main assignment file is , which contains an incomplete implementation of , the top-level GUI
application class. You should add code to and modify to implement the necessary functionality.
All features and code you write should be placed inside , or . You are not permitted to modify
any files inside the game directory. Your assignment must be able to be launched by running
Basic Running of the Game MarioApp MarioApp
Because this assignment deals with multiple files, while not required, you may wish to investigate a more sophisticated IDE.
One option is PyCharm, which is free for students.
Pymunk Library
Physics is implemented in the game using the Pymunk library. It may be useful in completing the assignment to have an
understanding of some of the components of the Pymunk library as you may need to refer to these libraries.
You will need to install this library in order to implement your tasks for this assignment. Pymunk can be installed by running
the included .
The assignment is broken down into three main tasks:
1. The first task involves modifying the file to implement basic launching of the game and some additional
2. The second task involves extending the game mechanics to add more functionality to the game
3. The third task is for you to independently design and implement a sufficiently complex feature of your choosing
For postgraduates: There is an additional task for you to complete. You will need to appropriately implement animations using
sprite sheets in the folder.
Task 1 – Basic GUI
1.1 – Working Game
For this task, you will need to write code in , which will start the game when the file is run. This will require you to write
the function to launch the GUI.
You should modify so that the window title is something appropriate (e.g. “Mario”)
Once the game runs, you will need to implement keyboard bindings. You should find an appropriate location in the class to
make calls for each of the keyboard presses to the appropriate method. The binds should behave as follows:
Key Action
W, UP, SPACE Makes the player jump (Hint: see ).
A, LEFT Moves the player to the left (Hint: see ).
S, DOWN Makes the player duck (Hint: see ).
D, RIGHT Moves the player to the right (Hint: see ).
1.2 – File Menu and Dialogs
Implement a menu for the game which has a top level “File” menu. Within the “File” menu, you will need the following buttons:
Button Purpose
Prompts the user with a popup text input dialog. When the player inputs a level filename, load that level
replacing the currently loaded level.
main MarioApp
Button Purpose
Level Reset all player progress (e.g. health, score, etc) in the current level.
Exit Exits the game.
When a player runs out of health, you should show a dialogue asking whether they want to restart the current level or exit the
Note: On Mac OS X, the file menu should appear in the global menu bar (top of the screen).
1.3 – Status Display
Implement a custom tkinter widget (i.e. a class which inherits from ) which displays the score and health of the
player at the bottom of the window.
The player’s score should be shown as a single number. The health of the player should be displayed as a ‘health bar’ (similar
to the image below). The health bar should be coloured as follows:
When the player has greater than or equal to 50% of their maximum health, it should be coloured green.
When the player has between 25% and 50% of their maximum health, it should be coloured orange.
When the player has less than or equal to 25% of their maximum health, it should be coloured red.
This widget needs to be updated when the score and health of the player updates during gameplay.
1.4 – Bounce Block
Implement a type of block which will propel the player into the air when they walk over or jump on top of the block.
The velocity with which you propel the player should be sensible but noticeable.
Hint: You should implement a bounce block by making a new class which extends .
You may (and should) utilise the image files found in
The bounce block is represented by the character, in level files.
1.5 – Mushroom Mob
Animated Health Bar Example
Implement a new type of mob which has the following properties:
The mob should move at a reasonably slow rate
When the mob collides with a block, player, or other mob it should reverse its direction (HINT: )
When the mob collides with the side of a player, the player should lose 1 health point and be slightly repelled away from
the mob
When a player lands on top of the mob, the player should bounce off the top of the mob and the mob should be
You may find it useful to look at the existing mob classes and collision handling methods before commencing this task.
You may (and should) utilise the image files found in
The mushroom mob is represented by the character, in level files.
Task 2 – Extending the Game
2.1 – Star Item
Implement a type of item that makes the player invincible for 10 seconds (that is, they should not be able to take any damage
during this time). Any mobs that the player collides with during this time should be immediately destroyed.
During the time the player is invincible, the player’s health bar should be coloured yellow.
You should utilise the image files found in
The star is represented by the character, in level files.
2.2 – Goals
Implement a new type of block that acts as a goal and allows changing between levels. The block should be constructed with
an id and the name of the next level file. Your must include at least the following two types of goals:
Type Sprite Purpose
Flagpole When a player collides with this, immediately take the player to the next level. If the player lands on
top of the flag pole, their health should be increased.
Tunnel By default this should act as a normal block. However, if the player presses the down key while
standing on top of this block, the player should be taken to another level.
A player’s current state (coins, health, etc) should not change when the level changes, apart from their position.
You may find the constant defined in useful in determining the size of the various goal types.
You may also find the and image files in useful.
The flags and tunnels are represented by the characters, and respectively in level files.
The levels loaded by the flag and tunnel may be hardcoded until the next task is completed
2.3 – Loading Configuration
Implement the ability to load a configuration file for a game of mario. When the game is launched the user should be
prompted to enter the file path for a configuration file.
flag tunnel
I =
The configuration file will be in a similar format to the example given below.
At the minimum, a configuration file will include a tag, a tag and a tag for the level specified as start
A tag should have a property which will set the gravity of a world when it is constructed. It should also
contain a property which will be the filepath of the first level to load.
A tag should have the following properties:
character: This can be either mario or luigi and will change the image displayed in game.
x: This is the starting x co-ordinate of the player.
y: This is the starting y co-ordinate of the player.
mass: This is the weight of the player set when adding the player to the world.
health: This is the maximum amount of health a player will have.
max_velocity: This is the maximum x velocity that a player can reach when moving.
Each of the levels should have it’s own tag, e.g. where level is the file path of that level.
A level tag should have a property which is the filename of the level to load when the player reaches a flag goal block. If
the next level is END then it should prompt the user that the game is over and close the game window.
A level tag may also have a property which is the filename of the level to load when the player enters a tunnel block.
If the configuration file is invalid, or missing and cannot be parsed, you should alert the user via a error message box
and then exit the game.
gravity : 400
start : level1.txt
character : luigi
x : 30
y : 30
mass : 100
health : 4
max_velocity : 100
tunnel : bonus.txt
goal : level2.txt
goal : level1.txt
tunnel : small_room.txt
goal : level3.txt
goal : level2.txt
goal : END

==World== ==Player==
==World== gravity
2.4 – Switches
Implement a new type of block that acts like a switch. When a player lands on-top of a switch, all bricks within a close radius
of the switch should disappear. A player should not be able to trigger a switch by walking into the side of it (the player should
stop moving as if it were any other block).
When a switch is pressed, it should remain in a ‘pressed’ state ( ) for 10 seconds. During this time, the player should not be
able to collide with this block (HINT: returning from a collision handler will turn off collisions). After this time, the
switch should revert to its original state and all invisible bricks should become visible again.
It is up to you to pick a sensible radius for the switch. It needs to be noticable when playing with the supplied level files.
You may (and should) utilise the and image files found in
The switch is represented by the character, in level files.
2.5 – High Scores
In this task you should implement a way to store the high scores for each level in a file.
The highscore information should be stored in (a) txt file(s) in a reasonable format. The exact format of the file(s) and way the
data is stored is up to you but marks may be deducted for inappropriate save format.
When a player reaches a goal (and therefore finishes a level), prompt the user via a dialog for their name and store the score
they had at the end of the level to the relevant file for the level (creating it if it doesn’t exist). Adding a new entry to the file
shouldn’t remove any existing entries already in it.
Add a button to the file menu called “High Scores”. When clicked this will open a new custom window
displaying the names and scores of the top ten highest scorers for the current level, sorted in descending order by score. Note
that the file might have more or less than ten entries, but you shouldn’t display more than the top ten entries in the window. If
the file doesn’t exist, the dialog shouldn’t display any entries.
Task 3 – Over to You
For this task you are expected to demonstrate your ability to intelligently extend the features of the base game. The features
that you choose to implement are left up to you. For full marks in this task your features will need to be of sufficient
complexity. For example, sound effects are generally not deemed to be of ‘sufficient complexity’.
It is highly encouraged that you only attempt this task if you feel confident in your programming ability. You will need to
discuss your plans for this task with a tutor in a practical or via a private question on Piazza. The tutor will be able to advise
you as to whether your intended feature is of sufficient complexity to gain marks.
If you are attempting to implement this task then you must submit a feature PDF which outlines exactly what features you
have implemented and how to use them when running your assignment. The PDF should include screenshots of the features
and a brief description of how the features were implemented.
If you are thinking about using pygame for your task three please ensure that you discuss it with a tutor as pygame should be
avoided where possible.
If you attempt task 3 and it requires additional assets then you are allowed to zip your entire project and submit that. Ensure
that extracting the zip will have at the top level. You must mention in your features.pdf document that you have
submitted a zip and what additional assets were included.
If your feature wants to have different functionality for the and keys you may rebind those keys.
If your feature.pdf does not clearly explain your feature then you may not receive marks for that feature.
switch switch_pressed
Postgraduate Task
The task for postgraduate students is to implement a class which is able to load images from a sprite
sheet. A sprite sheet is an image which consists of multiple smaller images, see the spritesheets folder for reference. The
should be able to load one of the smaller images from a sprite sheet based on the smaller images
location and position within the sheet.
Hint: To implement this, you will want to investigate using the Pillow library
Hint: To implement this, you may also want to investigate making a new subclass to handle sprite sheets.
Ensure that loaded images are stored in the dictionary within the new subclass.
In addition to loading images from a spritesheet, you will need to implement animations for the following entities.
Player: When the player is walking, jumping or falling animate the player with the appropriate sprites from the
sprite sheet.
Mushroom Mob: When the mushroom mob is walking, animate the walk using the appropriate sprites from the
sprite sheet.
Mushroom Mob: When the mushroom mob is jumped on, animate the squishing using the appropriate sprites from the
sprite sheet.
Coins: Animate the coin to be spinning using the appropriate sprites from the sprite sheet.
Bounce Block: When the bounce block is used, animate the extension of the bounce block using the sprites in the
sprite sheet.
Your style mark will be scaled by your percentage achieved from task 1.
Style = Style Marks * Task 1 Percentage
Your total mark will be made up of functionality marks and style marks. Functionality marks are worth 15 of the 20 available
marks and style marks are worth the other 5 marks.
Total = (Style Percentage * 5) + (Functionality Percentage * 15)
Functionality Assessment
Your assignment will be marked by tutors who will run your file and evaluate the completeness and correctness of
the tasks you’ve implemented.
The table below specifies the mark breakdown for each of the tasks for CSSE1001 and CSSE7030 students.
Task CSSE1001 Weighting CSSE7030 Weighting
Task 1 35% 30%
Task 2 35% 30%
Task 3 30% 25%
Postgraduate 0% 15%
The weighting of each of the sub tasks within the tasks is given in the table below.
Task Sub-Task Weight
self._images ViewRenderer
Task Sub-Task Weight
Task 1
Working Game 10%
File Menu and Dialogs 15%
Status Display 30%
Bounce Block 20%
Mushroom Mob 25%
Task 2
Star Item 10%
Goals 20%
Loading Configuration 30%
Switches 20%
High Scores 20%
Task 3 100%
Sprite Loading 50%
Animation 50%
Code Style
The style of your assignment will be assessed by one of the tutors, and you will be marked on the broad categories listed
Description Weight
All classes, methods and functions have appropriate documentation in the form of docstrings.
The parameters and return values where applicable have been documented appropriately
including an accurate description and the types. Where there exists code whose meaning is not
immediately obvious or clear upon reading, its meaning has been clarified using appropriate
inline comments. Documentation is concise and is not excessive or extraneous.
Logic & Design
All algorithmic logic is suitable for solving the intended objective of the algorithm. Algorithms
are not overly complex or without purpose. All algorithms have been simplified to accomplish
the objective with a succinct and clear approach.
All code is clear and easy to read. Lines of code have been sufficiently abstracted and clarified
through the use of good variable naming so that every line is easily interpreted and the intention
is clear. Lines are not excessive so as to distract from the intention. Blocks of related code have
been grouped together through vertical whitespace to produce logical groups of code.
Excessive or insufficient whitespace which detracts from the structure of code is not present.
Code adheres to common Python style practices such as line length, line breaks, indentation,
Good Object
Inheritance is used appropriately to reduce duplicated code. Inheritance has been used where
appropriate to succinctly and clearly extend functionality of existing classes. Classes have been
designed in a way which provides a logical and clear structure of classes. Appropriate
information is passed between and stored within classes. Private class attributes have only
been used within the declaring class or its subclasses. Methods have been included where it
improves ability to utilise a class.
Assignment Submission
Your assignment must be submitted via the assignment three submission link on Blackboard. You must submit a python file,
, containing your implementation of the assignment. If you attempted task 3 then you must also submit a PDF file,
, containing a description of your features. Both files should be uploaded individually to blackboard. If you
modify or then you must also upload those files. If you require additional assets for task 3, upload all
your assets, python files and features pdf in a single zip archive named . Once submitted download the support code
and your submission from blackboard and place the in the extracted support code file to ensure everything
works as expected.
Late submission of the assignment will not be accepted. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment, as the
time to upload it may make it late. Multiple submissions are allowed, so ensure that you have submitted an almost complete
version of the assignment well before the submission deadline. Your latest on-time, submission will be marked. Ensure that
you submit the correct version of your assignment. An incorrect version that does not work will be marked as your final
In the event of exceptional circumstances, you may submit a request for an extension. See the course profile for details of
how to apply for an extension. Requests for extensions must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the submission deadline.
The expectation is that with less than 48 hours before an assignment is due it should be substantially completed and
submittable. Applications for extension, and any supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificate), must be submitted via
my.UQ. You must retain the original documentation for a minimum period of six months to provide as verification should you
be requested to do so.
Change Log
Version 1.1.0 – Sep 30
Assignment Sheet
Added a marking criteria.
Added a hints section to task 3.
Fixed configuration file example to include settings for the references small_room.txt
Support Code
World creation in replaced with
fixed when changing levels
behaviour changed
now accepts and passes args to
New method added and
Removed and
Added and
MarioApp.__init__ MarioApp.reset_world
load_world WorldBuilder.add_entity
Player.is_jumping Player.set_jumping
DynamicEntity.is_jumping DynamicEntity.set_jumping