Lab Assignment 1 ECSE104L


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Ques1- Write a program to convert one number from one base to another base. User will give three input
1. Number
2. Input number base
3. Output number base

Output of the program:- converted number in the given base
Base range will be 2-20, after 9 start alphabet in uppercase
(234.56)8 = (010011100.101110)2
In this example user will give 234.56, 8, 2 as input and output will be 010011100.101110
Important- your program also check validity of input for example-
If someone inputted 129.43, 8, 4
Then 129.43 is not possible in base 8 maximum number can be 7 only in base 8. In such cases you will print “invalid input” as output.

Ques 2- write a program to add two number. Input for the program are two and their base output of the program will be addition in the given base.
(123)4 +(23)4 = (212)4
Input will be 123, 23, 4 (first number, second number, base)
Output- 212
Here also first you have to check validity of the input.