
Lab #8 CS-2050 – Section B

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1 Requirements
In this lab, you will write a set of functions for maintaining a sorted list ADT. You will be provided with
a library that contains a linked list implementation, which you may optionally use to implement your
required function. Alternatively, you may use any list implementation of your choosing.
typedef struct {
float distance ;
unsigned int flightNumber ;
unsigned short passengers ;
} Flight ;
1.1 compareFlights
int compareFlights ( Flight *a , Flight * b );
Info: This function takes two pointers to Flight structs and compares them based upon their flightNumber members. The function should return a strictly negative number if a is less than b, 0 if they
are equal, and a strictly positive number if a is greater than b.
1.2 insertFlightAscending
int insertFlightAscending ( List * list , Flight * flight ) ;
Info: This function takes a list and pointer to a struct. This function will insert the struct onto the list
in sorted order using the above compare function. The function will maintain the list in ascending
1.3 printFlights
void printFlights ( List * list ) ;
Info: This function takes a list containing Flight structs and prints out all of the structs in a readable
1.4 countAllEqualFlights
int countAllEqualFlights ( List * list , Flight * flight ) ;
Info: This function takes a list containing struct pointers, and returns the number of structs on the
list which are equal to the given struct.
2 Notice
Grading: Total 20 points
1. Write required insert function
* 8 points
2. Write required compare function
* 2 points
3. Write required print function
* 4 points
4. Write required count function
* 6 points
1. All of your lab submissions must compile under GCC using the −W all and −W error flags to be
considered for a grade.
2. You are expected to provide proper documentation in every lab submission, in the form of
code comments. For an example of proper lab documentation and a clear description of our
expectations, see the lab policy document.