Lab #7 CS-2050 – Section B


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1 Requirements
This lab is intended to test your ability to work with abstract data types and interface functions. You will
not be provided with a main file in your starter code, and any testing code you produce will not be graded.
In this lab, you will produce a set of interface functions for a list type which employs the use of a linked
list data structure.
struct Node {
Node * next ;
void * data ;
typedef struct {
Node * head ;
int size ;
} List ;
1.1 initList
List * initList () ;
Info: This function initializes and returns a linked list.
1.2 getSize
int getSize ( List * list );
Info: This function takes a linked list and returns the number of elements on the list.
1.3 freeList
void freeList ( List * list ) ;
Info: This function takes a linked list and frees all memory allocated for the list. Remember that you
should not free the user’s data, as that does not belong to your library.
1.4 getAtIndex
void * getAtIndex ( List * list , int index ) ;
Info: This function takes a linked list and returns the object at the given index, or NULL on error.
1.5 insertAfter
int insertAfter ( List * list , void * object , void * sentinel ) ;
Info: This function takes a linked list and attempts to insert the given object after the specified sentinel
object in the list. If the sentinel object does not exist on the list, the object should be inserted at
the end of the list. It should return 1 on success and 0 on failure.
1.6 listContains
int listContains ( List * list , void * object ) ;
Info: This function takes a linked list and returns 1 if the given object is on the list, or 0 otherwise.
1.7 removeAtIndex
void * removeAtIndex ( List * list , int index ) ;
Info: This function takes a linked list and removes the object at the given index of the list. This
function must return the object to the user.
2 Notice
Grading: Total 37 points
1. Write required init function
* 4 points
2. Write required get size function
* 1 point
3. Write required free list function
* 8 points
4. Write required get at index function
* 5 points
5. Write required insert function
* 7 points
6. Write required remove function
* 7 points
7. Write required listContains function
* 5 points
1. All of your lab submissions must compile under GCC using the −W all and −W error flags to be
considered for a grade.
2. You are expected to provide proper documentation in every lab submission, in the form of
code comments. For an example of proper lab documentation and a clear description of our
expectations, see the lab policy document.