Lab 5: AC97 (Audio) Controller and FPGA – IC Communication


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EECS 151/251A FPGA Lab
1 Before You Start This Lab
These documents will be helpful as you work through this lab.
1. labs sp17/docs/AC97 Spec.pdf
The official specification of the AC97 protocol which you will partially implement in this lab.
This is a large document but there are only a few sections that are important to us. They
will be referenced later in the spec.
2. labs sp17/docs/AD1981B Datasheet.pdf
The datasheet of the AD1981B AC97 Audio Codec. We will be writing a controller that lives
on the FPGA which will communicate with this IC using the AC97 protocol. This IC receives
audio data over the AC97 protocol and converts the digital audio data to an analog signal
which is sent through the headphone jack.
We strongly recommend you read through Section 3 of this lab document before coming to lab.
2 Lab Overview
Run git pull in your git cloned labs_sp17 directory to fetch the latest skeleton files for this lab.
In this lab, we will create a AC97 controller that lives on the FPGA. The controller will interact
with an AC97 audio codec IC on the ML505 development board. Your controller will implement
a portion of the AC97 protocol that will allow it to send digital audio data and control signals to
the IC.
This lab will be done in teams of two; it will involve building a peripheral used in
the project. Once you have formed a team with another student, please email the TAs ( and with both of your names, lab sections, and
Github usernames.
3 Introduction to the AC97 Protocol
AC97 is a 5-wire protocol which is used for communication between a source/producer of audio
data and an audio codec. The audio codec present on our FPGA development board (ML505) is
the Analog Devices AD1981B Codec. Our AC97 controller will send digital packets to this codec
using the AC97 protocol. The AC97 codec will decode the signals sent to it and will use its DAC
(digital to analog converter) to send a audio signal through the headphone jack on the back of
the ML505 board. You can plug in your headphones and listen to its output. You can find the
headphone jack by looking at the silkscreen (text) on the ML505 board.
Refer to the AD1981B Codec datasheet and the official AC97 spec when working through this lab.
They are in the labs_sp17/docs folder.
3.1 Protocol Connections
Figure 1: Codec – Controller Connections
The AC97 controller will be a module that you design in this lab. It is instantiated on the FPGA
and has 5 wires between it and the codec. The wires are:
1. SYNC – tells the codec when a frame is about to start
2. BIT_CLK – a clock from the codec which your controller should synchronize its data transfers
3. SDATA_OUT – the serial line on which your controller transmits data to the codec
4. SDATA_IN – the serial line on which the codec transmits data to your controller (not used in
this lab)
5. RESET – a signal driven by your controller that resets the codec
The way in which your controller transmits audio samples (linear PCM) to the codec is through
the SDATA_OUT wire. There is a specific method of framing the samples so that the codec knows
how to read them which is defined by the AC97 spec.
3.2 How Data is Transmitted
AC97 is a serial interface: data is transmitted to and from the codec one bit at a time. On every
cycle of the AC97 bit clock (BIT_CLK), one bit of data is transfered from the AC97 controller (on
the FPGA) to the codec over the SDATA_OUT wire, and one bit of data is transfered from the codec
to the FPGA over the SDATA_IN wire.
The constant streams of data passing between the codec and the FPGA are divided into frames.
The bit clock is generated by the codec, and runs at 12.288MHz. There are 256 bits per frame, so
48,000 frames are sent per second. This is where the 48kHz sampling rate of the codec comes from.
Each frame sent to the codec provides one 20-bit audio sample for each of the DACs in the codec,
and each frame sent by the codec provides one 20-bit sample from each of the codec’s ADCs.
Frames are divided into twelve slots of 20 bits each, plus a 16-bit tag field, which serves as the
frame header. Each slot serves a different purpose and contains various types of data to be sent to
the codec. Each slot should be sent with the MSB first going down to the LSB. For example if you
were to send data[19:0] in slot 1, you would begin by sending data[19] and finish by sending
The start of each frame is indicated by a rising edge of the SYNC signal. The SYNC signal goes high
one clock cycle before the first bit of a frame, and goes low at the same time as the last bit of the
tag field is sent. The diagrams below will summarize how frames are sent using the AC97 protocol.
Figure 2: Framing for AC97
Figure 3: Framing for AC97 with Timing Details
3.3 Sending the Frame Tag (Slot 0)
The bits in the tag (slot 0) are indicate which, if any, of the other slots in the frame are valid. The
tag bits are assigned as follows:
Bit Description Value
15 Frame Valid Should be 1 always
14 Slot 1: Valid Register Address Should be 1 if we are writing or reading from a
control register in the codec
13 Slot 2: Valid Register Data Should be 1 if we are writing to a control register
in the codec
12 Slot 3: PCM Left Channel Valid Data Should be 1 if we have a sample to send to the
11 Slot 4: PCM Right Channel Valid Data Should be 1 if we have a sample to send to the
10-0 Etc. Valid Bits Should be set to 0
3.4 Setting Control Registers With Slots 1 and 2
After you send the correct tag through SDATA_OUT, you will then need to send slots 1 and 2. These
slots contain an address and a value which refer to some control register on the codec IC. The
codec contains a multitude of registers which control various features (volume/gain, mute, etc.).
Our controller will need to manipulate some registers to unmute the codec and to set the volume
You should refer to the codec datasheet, specifically the table on page 12 to get the
details of these control registers. We have specified below the registers that you will need to
Reg Address Description Value
0x02 Master Volume Should unset the mute bit and set right and left volume
0x04 Headphone Volume Should unset the mute bit and set right and left volume
0x18 PCM-Out Volume Should unset the mute bit and set right and left volume
In slot 1, the command register address needs to be specified as follows in 20 bits.
1. Bit[19] – Read/Write Command (1 = read, 0 = write)
2. Bit[18:12] – Control Register Address (64 16-bit locations, addressed on even byte boundaries)
3. Bit[11:0] – Set to 0
The first bit (MSB) sampled by the AC97 codec indicates whether the current control transaction
in this frame is a read or write operation. The following 7 bit positions communicate the targeted
control register address. The trailing 12 bits should be 0.
In slot 2, the command register data needs to be specified as follows in 20 bits:
1. Bit[19:4] – Control Register Write Data (16 bits)
2. Bit[3:0] – Set to 0
If we are writing data to a register, you must send the data with the MSB first in the first 16 bits
of slot 2. If you are reading data, the entire slot 2 must be filled with 0s.
3.5 Sending Linear PCM (pulse code modulation) Samples in Slots 3 and 4
The next 2 slots (slots 3 and 4) are used for sending the actual audio samples you want the codec
to drive to the headphone output. Remember that the samples must be transmitted MSB first
and each sample is 20 bits wide. Also note that each sample is a signed integer encoded with 2s
complement, so the total range is roughly ±2
19. Each sample represents the amplitude of the audio
wave to be played.
Fill the remaining slots (slots 5-12) with all 0s for each 20-bit slot.
3.6 Codec Timing
The datasheet is useful for figuring out how the timing works with the codec. Pay close attention
to the timing parameters and diagrams on pages 6-7 of the datasheet as your controller needs
to be coded with those in mind.
Your controller will need to send bits on the rising edges of BIT_CLK, and the codec will sample
them on the falling edge of the BIT_CLK. Recall, that the BIT_CLK is provided by the codec.
3.6.1 Codec Reset
Your controller will have to perform a cold reset of the codec when it receives a reset signal from
the FPGA board (when you press the CPU_RESET button). The cold reset timing is critical, since
if your controller doesn’t hold the reset properly, the codec may lose its clock.
This timing diagram below is critical to understanding how to reset the codec.
Figure 4: Reset Timing Diagram from Datasheet
You will notice from the diagram, that the reset signal that your controller will send to the codec
is active low, which means that to assert the reset signal, you have to pull the line low. You will
need to pull the reset signal low for at least tRST LOW which is defined in the datasheet. While the
reset signal is being asserted, the codec will stop producing the BIT_CLK and thus you cannot rely
on it during reset; you must instead rely on a different clock to time the reset.
Once the reset signal has been asserted for the required time, after a delay of tRST2CLK, the BIT_CLK
will begin to oscillate, after which the controller can begin transmitting frames to the codec. When
the codec undergoes a cold reset, all of its registers are set to their default values as specified in
the datasheet.
3.6.2 SYNC Signal for Frame Timing
The codec needs a way to know when a frame is about to begin so that it can interpret its content
appropriately. This is done using the SYNC signal which is sent from your controller to the codec.
You should assert SYNC for a total duration of 16 BIT_CLKs at the beginning of each audio frame.
Refer back to Figure 3 in Section 3.2 to understand how the SYNC signal should be asserted with
each frame.
4 Copy Over Lab 3+4 Designs
You should copy over your lab 4 input processing circuits. Copy over your implementations of
synchronizer.v, debouncer.v, edge_detector.v, and rotary_decoder.v. Then copy over
your tone_generator.v and music_streamer.v. You can directly copy these files over from your
labs_sp17/lab3 directory.
cd ~/labs_sp17
cp lab3/src/synchronizer.v lab5/src/.
cp lab3/src/debouncer.v lab5/src/.
cp lab3/src/edge_detector.v lab5/src/.
cp lab3/src/rotary_decoder.v lab5/src/.
cp lab3/src/tone_generator.v lab5/src/.
cp lab3/src/music_streamer.v lab5/src/.
You can overwrite the existing skeleton files in lab5/src.
5 Building the AC97 Controller
Open up labs_sp17/lab5/src/ac97_controller.v. You will be implementing your AC97 controller in this module.
5.1 I/O Ports
• sdata_in, bit_clk, sdata_out, sync, reset_b
These are the signals comprising the AC97 protocol. They behave as mentioned in the previous section. The reset_b signal flows directly to the AC97 codec and the sdata_out, sync
signals go through a register in ml505top clocked by the bit_clk before going to the AC97
codec. The reset_b signal is an active low reset, which means that to assert the reset to the
codec, you must pull the signal low.
• system_clock, system_reset
The system_clock is a 33Mhz clock that will continuously operate. The system_reset is
a 1 clock cycle reset pulse that is generated when you press the CPU_RESET button. The
system_reset comes from a synchronizer → debouncer → edge detector chain.
• volume_control [3:0]
This input will be explained in more detail in the Volume Control section. This signal is tied
to the GPIO DIP switches 3, 4, 5, 6.
• square_wave
This input comes from your tone_generator and is either 0 or 1, indicating the state of the
square wave to play. Your AC97 controller will output this square wave input to the codec
using the AC97 protocol.
5.2 General Operation
In the general case, the bit_clk will operate at its specified frequency. Your controller’s job is to
send AC97 frames to the codec. It will need to set sdata_out and sync in accordance to the AC97
For sending data to the codec, the AC97 protocol defines 2 20-bit slots for PCM data per AC97
frame. The data you send corresponds to DAC codes on the codec. These slots should be filled
with the integer -250000 or 250000 based on whether the square_wave input signal is high or low.
Since we are sending signed PCM samples to the codec, you will need a way of holding a signed
number. To do this in Verilog, we can use the ’signed’ keyword on a wire or reg net as such:
wire signed [19:0] pcm_data;
assign pcm_data = -20’d250000;
You are also in charge of setting the three previously specified registers of the AC97 codec so that
the volume level is set properly and so that the output is unmuted. It is recommended that you
write to these registers in a loop so that you are performing a register write every frame; this will
make your controller simpler.
5.3 Resetting the Codec
When we assert the reset_b signal to the codec, the bit_clk stops oscillating and only begins
again after the reset_b signal has been deasserted. However, we need to precisely time how long
the reset signal is asserted. To do this, we will use the system_clock which is always oscillating,
and use the system_reset input to trigger a codec reset.
You should read the datasheet for the codec and understand how to reset it. Make sure you reset
the codec for the required amount of time.
Be careful, however, since resetting the codec too frequently or for too long can cause
the codec to lose its clock and stop operating. If this happens to you, you can recover by
re-running make impact.
5.4 Resetting Controller Registers
When the system_reset is asserted, you should only touch one register, which is your reset clock
counter that times the reset. Other registers that are modified by the posedge of the bit_clk
shouldn’t be touched.
In order to get simulation working and your other design registers (frame shift register, frame
counter, etc.) in your design to a default state, you should use reg assignments.
reg [255:0] frame_to_send = 256’d0;
5.5 Clock Crossing
The design of the AC97 controller is tricky since it involves 2 clocks. Generally, you do not want
registers that are set by one clock, to be used in combinational logic and then registered by another
clock. However, we have that situation in this design.
Our music_streamer and tone_generator are being clocked by the 33 Mhz system clock, while
the logic that sends data over sdata_out is being clocked by the bit_clk. Ordinarily, this would
pose a problem, since the square_wave register is being set in the system clock domain, and its
value is being read, used, and registered in the bit_clk domain.
However, in this particular case, since the square_wave register updates are so infrequent with
respect to both the clocks, and a brief glitch in the square wave would make hardly any impact on
the audio output, we can use the square_wave value in the bit_clk domain without much worry.
This happy circumstance will not persist into the project. In the next lab and the project
you will design a more sophisticated synchronization scheme to move multiple bits in parallel from
the system clock domain to the bit_clk domain using an async FIFO.
5.6 Volume Control
Your AC97 controller needs to unmute and set the volume of the audio output using three registers
in the codec. These registers should be set as such (look at the datasheet for the details):
Reg Address Description Value
0x02 Master Volume Unmute and set R/L attenuations equal to
{1’b1, volume_control}
0x04 Headphone Volume Unmute and set R/L attenuations equal to
{1’b1, volume_control}
0x18 PCM-Out Volume Unmute and set R/L gain to 0dB
WARNING: If sufficient attenuation isn’t applied, the codec may supply too much
power to your headphones and destroy them. Check with the TA if you wish to
modify this volume setting scheme.
5.7 SYNC Signal Timing
As a note, if you create registers for the sync and sdata_out signals, make sure that they are both
registered the same number of times and march in line.
You will need to make sure the sync signal is applied properly as you send each AC97 frame. Refer
to Figure 3 in Section 3.2 for details. You should raise the sync signal on the last bit of the previous
frame and hold it high until the last tag bit is being sent.
5.8 Testing in Simulation
To test our AC97 controller, we will be using a block-level testbench. This testbench will
simulate our AC97 controller in isolation to see if it performs to spec.
The source for this testbench is lab5/src/ac97_controller_testbench.v. Run the testbench as
usual by running make CASES=”tests/” in the lab5/sim directory. This testbench isn’t self checking so you should look at the Verilog file and manually inspect
the output waveform to verify that all specifications are met. You should especially check that the
reset behavior of your AC97 controller is in spec. You can extend the testbench so that it sends
more stimulus to the AC97 controller (like changing the volume).
We have provided you with a AC97 codec model in src/ac97_codec_model.v. This module simulates an AC97 codec and interprets the signals your controller sends it on sdata_out. It prints
out debug messages during the testbench to let you know what data it received.
The AC97 codec model has a few timing checks in the form of specify blocks; these timing checks
aren’t always accurate, so if you see them when running the testbench, verify that they are accurate
using Modelsim.
You should make sure that ALL the signals in your AC97 controller are not undefined (X / red
line) for the entirety of the simulation.
6 Connect the music streamer and tone generator
6.1 Testing in Simulation
We previously used a block-level testbench to just test the AC97 controller in isolation. Now we will
use a system/chip-level testbench to test our entire system at a higher level. This dichotomy
is similar to the difference between unit tests and integration tests in software.
Take a look at the source for this testbench in lab5/src/system_testbench.v. You will notice
that instead of instantiating the AC97 controller, it instantiates ml505top. Now, the stimulus that
we supply to our DUT represent signals coming into the FPGA.
This testbench will simulate the entire system which connects your AC97 controller to the tone_generator,
which is connected to the music_streamer, which has connections from your input conditioning
circuits (synchronizer, debouncer, edge detector, rotary decoder). This testbench isn’t self-checking
either, so you should add stimulus to the DUT to make it respond in some way and see that it is
reflected in the waveform.
The codec model can be forced to print debug messages like in the previous testbench if you set its
DEBUG_MODE parameter to 1 in its instantiation.
You should make sure that ALL of the signals in your entire system are well defined (not X) for
the entirety of the simulation.
7 Try it on the FPGA!
With both simulations indicating that everything seems to be working, run make and make impact
from the lab5 directory. When your design is on the FPGA, your music streamer FSM from Lab
3 should still work as usual. By turning on the 1st and last DIP switches, the piezo output will be
enabled. But now, as long as the 1st DIP switch is turned on, you can plug in a pair of headphones
to listen to the output of the music streamer FSM too!
You can use DIP switches 3-6 to change the volume of the audio output. Keep in mind that making
all the switches high will give you the max attenuation, which corresponds to the quietest volume
8 Conclusion + Checkoff
You are done with lab 5! Please write down any and all feedback and criticism of this lab and
share it with the TA. This is a brand new lab and we welcome everyone’s input so that it can be
The differences between a block and system level testbench will be critical in the testing of your
project. You will use both types of testbenches extensively to verify correct behavior of all the
modules you write.
8.1 Checkoff Tasks
1. Show the TA your working AC97 controller by demonstrating the state machine in the
music_streamer working and sending audio to the AC97 codec.
2. Demonstrate that your volume control functionality works by toggling the DIP switches and
observing a change in the volume of the headphone output.