Task 1: (JavaFX required)
Write an application which randomly generate two numbers and asks the user to perform
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on the two numbers. Use “set” to store your
answers. Following are some sample screen shots of the program. You can improve the output
if you would like, for example you can highlight which questions are not correct as well.
JAC – 444 Winter 2019
JAC – 444 Winter 2019
Task 2: (No Java FX)
Describes how to perform matrix addition. Suppose you have multiple processors, so you can
speed up the matrix addition. Implement the following method in parallel.
public static double[][] parallelAddMatrix(double[][] a, double[][] b)
Write a test program that measures the execution time for adding two 2,000 * 2,000 matrices
using the parallel method and sequential method, respectively.