JAC444 Workshop 10 RMI in Java


Category: You will Instantly receive a download link for .zip solution file upon Payment


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This assignment lets you practice RMI in Java and includes concepts such as Networking, RMI,
and Serialization.
Give a solution to the following problem (RMI System for car registration):
A Car object is described by model, color, mileage, and plate. All the values are given, except
plate which is undefined.
The plate value is calculated by the RMI server. The server algorithm for calculating the car
plate is simple: the server invokes hashCode() for the Car object.
The client must print Car object and send it to the server for car registration. Once the car is
registered, the client must print the Car object again, this time with its assigned plate number.
Hints: You can assume that the client and server run on the local machine.
Marking Criteria and Tasks:
Please note that you should:
a- have appropriate indentation.
b- have proper file structures and modularization.
c- follow Java naming conventions.
d- document all the classes properly.
e- not have debug/useless code and/or file(s) left in assignment.
f- have good intra and/or inter class designs.
in your code!
• Task: Developing and running the desired solution (you should submit your source
codes – just individual .java files added with screenshots which demonstrate the way
your code runs): 5 marks.
Deliverables and Important Notes:
• You are supposed to submit your solution online on Bb by the end of the day on
Monday, 10th of August, 2020.)
• Please note that you would be allowed to submit just once, so please be super
careful and double check before you hit submit.
• There would be a 20% penalty for each day (or part of it,) in case you submit
JAC444 Summer – 2020 2
03/08/2020 Workshop 10 Page 2 of 2
• Remember that you are encouraged to talk to each other, to the instructor, or to
anyone else about any of the assignments, but the final solution may not be copied
from any sources.