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Introduction. In this homework, we will use DataFrames to represent collections of feature vectors.
Each row will be a feature vector. Our row labels will be either datetime objects or traditional
integer indices, and our column labels will be feature names. We will be examining weather data
from Tucson International Airport, TIA, for the thirty-year period 1987-2016.
We will investigate this data using clustering, which is a form of unsupervised learning. All the
models we have looked at before are supervised, meaning that we use labeled data (with a known
target variable) to train the model. In unsupervised learning, we don’t have known values of the
target variable (and the target variable may not even be well defined). Unsupervised learning,
instead of looking for a “correct” prediction, looks for natural groups or patterns in data.
Clustering is the unsupervised analogue of classification. In clustering, we don’t know what the
class labels are, and we don’t necessarily know in advance what the class variable is supposed to
In this homework, we’ll implement a common clustering algorithm called k-means, which sorts points
into clusters by their centroids – which is just a fancy word for the means of vectors. Each point
gets assigned to the centroid that it’s closest to. We give the algorithm the data and a value of k –
the number of clusters we want to find – and it does its best to find centroids that group the data
into reasonable clusters.
k-means is an iterative approximation algorithm, which means it starts with an initial guess and
then takes steps to improve this guess bit-by-bit, until the steps no longer lead to an improvement.
Once the update steps no longer do anything, we’re done and we return the centroids we found.
We’ve seen an example of one of these algorithms before, although we didn’t implement it ourselves:
the scipy function curve fit uses the same idea.
Instructions. Create a module named Below is the spec for ten new functions that you
must implement, and a few others that you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Code the new ones
up, add the others, and upload your module to the D2L HW4 assignments folder. Unless the spec
explicitly instructs you to, don’t do any error-checking; assume that valid arguments will be passed.
Testing. Download hw4 and auxiliary testing files and put them in the same folder as your module. Each of the ten functions is worth 10% of your correctness score. You can examine
the test module in a text editor to understand better what your code should do if necessary; consider
the test module to be part of the spec.
Documentation. Your module must contain a header docstring containing your name, your section
leader’s name, the date, ISTA 331 HW4, and a brief summary of the module. Each function must
contain a docstring. Each function docstring should include a description of the function’s purpose,
the name, type, and purpose of each parameter, and the type and meaning of the function’s return
Grading. Your module will be graded on correctness, documentation, and coding style. Code
should be clear and concise. You will only lose style points if your code is a real mess. Include inline
comments to explain tricky lines and summarize sections of code.
Collaboration. Collaboration is allowed. You are responsible for your learning. Depending too
much on others will hurt you on the tests. “Helping” others too much harms them in reality. Cite
any sources or collaborators in your header docstring. Leaving this out is dishonest.
Resources. Here are some references that might be helpful:
Pandas and scikit-learn docs:
About the data we’re working with:
Function Specifications.
Functions for loading, cleaning, and processing data.
• is leap year: takes an integer year and returns True if that year is a leap year, False
otherwise. (Look up when leap years occur if you don’t know.)
• euclidean distance: takes two feature vectors and returns the Euclidean distance between
• make frame: This function doesn’t need to take any arguments. Make a DataFrame by
calling read csv and passing it the TIA 1987 2016.csv filename. Replace its index with
datetime objects by assigning a pandas date range object to the index, and then return
the frame. Your returned frame should look something like the following:
• clean dewpoint: This function takes the frame created by make frame. Looking at our
datafile, we see that the dewpoints for March 10th and 11th, 2010, are -999. Those dates
are missing in the GSOD data, so we have added them manually. Replace those values in
the DataFrame with the average of the dewpoints on those days for the other 29 years. You
can ignore any other missing data (pandas has replaced them with NaNs, and that’s ok here).
• day of year: This function takes a datetime object and returns the day of the year it
represents as an int between 1 and 365. The nontrivial part: if the year is a leap year,
return the day of the year as though it were not, unless the date is February 29; in that
case, return 366. (Hint: lookup the timetuple method for datetime objects. It returns an
object with a useful instance variable, tm yday. Of course, you need to recall how to access
an instance variable.)
• climatology: This function takes the data frame we have created and uses it to calculate
30-year averages of our feature variables for each day of the year. Instead of calculating
these averages manually, we will use a piece of pandas functionality: the groupby method.
This is a DataFrame method that takes a function as an argument.1
Call the groupby method, passing it your day of year function. This will return a
GroupBy object. All you need to know about this GroupBy object is that you can call its
mean method and it will return a DataFrame indexed by the days of the year (1-365) whose
values are the averages of the values in the original frame; then you can return this new
frame. The frame should look something like this:
• scale: This function takes a DataFrame and scales each of the features so that they run
from 0 to 1. This is similar in spirit to calculating z-scores for each value, and often improves
the performance of k-means; without this step, variables with higher spread would dominate
the distance calculation.
To save a bit of effort we will use some canned code from scikit-learn, a machine
learning module. Make sure to include this import:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
Then, in the scale function, instantiate a MinMaxScaler object with a line like
scaler = MinMaxScaler(copy = False)
1We first met the concept of passing a function as an argument in HW 3, in the r squared function. The property
of Python that allows us to do this is called “first-class functions”, and is shared by many, but not all, modern
programming languages.
and call its fit transform method, passing it the frame you want to scale:
(substituting the name of your argument for df if necessary). Your frame should now look
like this:
Functions implementing the k-means algorithm. As we saw in class, k-means uses a predict-update
loop (a common technique in learning algorithms). Starting from initial guesses, the algorithm
makes predictions, then uses those predictions to update its guesses, then uses the new guesses to
make predictions, etc., etc. We alternate between predict and update steps until the update no
longer changes the predictions, at which point we’re done.
• get initial centroids: The k-means algorithm needs an initial guess for the centroids to
start running. In common practice these guesses are chosen randomly, and the algorithm is
run a few times with different starting points to try to find the best result. But we’ll just
do a non-random process and pick k evenly spaced days.
This function should take a climatology frame and a value of k and return a DataFrame
indexed with standard integer indexing (0, 1, …, k – 1). Row i of this frame should
contain the values from row i * (len(df) // k) + 1 of the climatology frame. (the +1 is
important because our climate frame is indexed from 1, not 0).
• classify: this function takes a centroids frame and a feature vector (i.e. a row from the
climatology frame) and returns the label of the cluster whose centroid is closest.
• get labels: This function takes a DataFrame (in our case, intended to be a scaled climatology frame) and a labels series and returns a Series that maps the indices (days of year)
from the first argument to the labels of the cluster those days belong to. In other words,
for each day in the frame, get the closest centroid to that day (use the classify function
you just defined) and map that day to that centroid’s label. When this is done, return the
Series. (This is the ‘predict’ step.)
• update centroids: Here is the ‘update’ step, probably the trickiest part. This function
takes the DataFrame, a centroids frame, and a labels series. It replaces the existing values
in the centroids frame with the averages of the clusters according to the labels. You’ll have
to think carefully about the relationships between the three inputs to do this calculation.
• k means: Finally we have all the components. Most of the hard work is done, so we just have
to build the predict-update loop. k means should take a DataFrame and a value of k. Get
k initial centroids, get the initial labels, and then run a loop until the algorithm stabilizes
(i.e. the update step doesn’t change anything).
The following pseudocode can be a guide:
centriods = get the initial centroids
labels = get labels from initial centroids
loop until done:
update centroids using labels
get new labels from the updated centroids
check if the old labels == new labels # if they’re the same, we’re done!
Once you have completed this, you’ve completed the graded portion of the assignment.
The next few functions let us evaluate the creature we’ve created. I’ve included implementations of
these below but it would be a good exercise to write your own if you have some extra time (ha).
• distortion: This function measures how well the clustering detected by k-means fits the
data. It takes a (scaled) DataFrame, a labels Series, and a centroids frame. It returns the
sum, over all clusters, of the sum of distances from points in the cluster to its centroid. This
is a double sum – a sum of a sum. Mathematically, it would be written like this:
Xx ∈ Cid(x, x¯i)
where ¯xi
is the centroid of the ith cluster.
• list of kmeans: This function takes a frame and a maximum k and returns a list of k-means
dictionaries for k running from 1 to the max k. Each k-means dictionary maps ’centroids’
to the final centroids frame, ’labels’ to the final labels Series, ’k’ to the value of k, and
’distortion’ to the distortion for that k.
• extract distortion dict: This function takes a k-means list and returns a dictionary
mapping values of k to their distortion values.
• plot clusters: This function takes a frame and a label Series and creates a grid of
scatterplots, plotting each combination of two variables against one another, and plotting
points from different clusters in different colors (and/or with different shaped points). This
allows us to visualize the clusters that our model has found.
To evaluate the k-means clustering, open an iPython shell with
ipython –matplotlib
Import your code using
from hw4 import *
and use the following sequence of commands to create a plot of the distortion:
raw = make_frame()
climo = climatology(raw)
list_of_kmeans = kmeans(climo, 10) # This will probably take a while
distortion_dict = extract_distortion_dict(list_of_kmeans)
distortion_series = pd.Series(distortion_dict)
ax = distortion_series.plot()
ax.set_ylabel(’Distortion’, size = 24)
ax.set_xlabel(’$k$’, size = 24)
Distortion isn’t always a great measure of clustering quality, because it doesn’t penalize higher values
of k in any way, so it always decreases when k goes up.
Sometimes it is useful to apply the knowledge we have about the quantities we’re working with.
What values of k does your intuition tell you might be making particularly informative clusterings?
Why? (Remember the meaning of the data we are working with – how many natural “groups” do
you think there should be?)
As another exercise, compute the k = 4 clustering and plot the cluster labels against the day of the
year. What does this tell you?
I have uploaded a file called cluster that contains my implementations of these four
functions, so you can use those if you don’t have time to write your own.