Assignment Purpose
To compile, build, and execute an interactive program using arrays and strings
## Libraries and Skils
This assignment will require the standard input-output C library, the C-Type library, and the String.h library.
This assignment will require these skills:
– file input and output
– string manipulation
– file reading
## Instructions
### Do not modify any of the functions for this assignment.
1. Get the users first name
1. Greet the user by name and explain the game
1. Get a solution word from a file
1. Get a scrambled word from the same file as numberber 3
1. Get the length of the solution word (it is the same as the scrambled word)
1. Change the solution word to all uppercase characters
1. Change the scrambled word to all uppercase characters
1. Display the scrambled word
1. Ask and get the guess word from the user
1. Get the length of the guess word
1. Change the guess word to all uppercase letters
1. Compare the guess word to the solution
1. Let the user know if they guessed correctly
1. If they did not guess correctly display the solution
1. Say goodbye