INFO1113 Assignment 2 Demolition Man


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You are working for a company called ArcadeRetro which recreates popular arcade games for modern
audiences. The company is currently developing a game called Demolition Man. In the game, the player must
guide Bomb Guy around the map, destroying walls to reach the goal whilst avoiding enemies.
You have been given the task of developing a prototype of the game. A full description of gameplay
mechanics and entities can be found below. An artist has created a simple demonstration of the game and
has posted it on your online forum (Ed).
Working on your assignment
You have been given a scaffold which will help you get started with this assignment. You can download the
scaffold onto your own computer and invoke gradle build to compile and resolve dependencies. You will be
using the Processing library within your project to allow you to create a window and draw graphics. You can
access the documentation from here.
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The game contains a number of entities that will need to be implemented within your application.
The map designates where Bomb Guy and enemies are allowed to move. Laid out as a grid, enemies can
move along rows and columns where there is no wall. Maps are 13 rows tall, and 15 columns wide, with a 64
pixel offset between the top of the screen and the start of the first row. Each grid space is 32×32 pixels.
There are 4 different tile types within the map: solid, broken, empty and goal. Solid tiles cannot be broken
and form physical barriers for Bomb Guy and the enemies. Broken tiles also form physical barriers for Bomb
Guy and the enemies, however can be broken with the use of bombs. Empty tiles can be traversed through.
The goal tile is the target tile for Bomb Guy. Upon reaching the Goal tile, the player has completed the level.
Enemies can traverse through the Goal tile.
Map layouts are stored in text files, and the name of the map file can be found in config.json under the “path”
attribute. Sample Map and config.json files can be found under resources on Ed. Map files store the maps as
multidimensional character arrays, where each character represents what is in that cell. Note that a map is
valid if it has a bounding border, a starting location for Bomb Guy, and a Goal Tile (all maps used for marking
will be valid, but you should write your own tests for invalid maps and handle them as you see fit). There is
no minimum requirement for the number of enemies, or the layout of the remainder of the map. Note that
if another character is represented in the Map file (for example, ‘P’ to represent the starting location for
Bomb Guy), the tile should be empty.
Character Contents Sprite
W Solid wall
B Broken wall
(space) Empty tile
G Goal tile
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Bomb Guy
Bomb Guy is the player-controlled character in the game. Bomb Guy can move vertically and horizontally on
the map and cannot pass through walls. Bomb Guy is controlled with the arrow keys (up, down, left and
right). Bomb Guy changes their grid space on the map when the key is pressed (not held). For example, if the
player presses down the left key, Bomb Guy should move one grid space to the left (assuming that they are
able to). Bomb Guy should not move left again until the player releases the left key and presses it again.
Also present in the configuration file is the number of lives Bomb Guy has. The field is stored under the “lives”
attribute. Bomb Guy can lose a life whenever they collide with an enemy or an explosion.
Bomb Guy has four sprites that can be rendered for each cardinal direction that form a walking animation
cycle. Each sprite should be rendered for 0.2 seconds before moving onto the next sprite in the cycle. Bomb
Guy should face same direction as they have just moved. For example, if Bomb Guy has just moved left, then
the left-facing animation cycle should be rendered. Similarly, if Bomb Guy has just moved down, then the
down-facing animation cycle should be rendered. On start-up, Bomb Guy should begin with the down-facing
animation cycle.
When Bomb Guy reaches the goal tile, the next level should be loaded. Each level is stored in order in the
configuration file in the field “levels”. If Bomb Guy reaches the goal tile for the final level, the win screen is
Bomb Guy’s starting location is marked in the map file with the ‘P’ character.
Enemies are the antagonists of Bomb Guy. Like Bomb Guy, enemies can move horizontally and vertically on
the map. They cannot pass through solid and broken walls, however can pass through each other. All enemies
move once every second, according to the AI for the specific enemy type. The Red Enemy moves in a straight
line and turns to a random decision every time its path is blocked by a solid/broken wall. The Yellow Enemy
moves in a straight line, but on collision with a wall will attempt to move clockwise (if it was moving left, it
will try to move up, and if unable to, then try right and then left; similarly if it was moving down, it will try to
move left, otherwise up or right).
When an enemy occupies the same grid space as Bomb Guy, Bomb Guy loses a life and the current level is
reset. When Bomb Guy loses all of his lives, the game ends.
All enemies have the same animation patterns as Bomb Guy, with a 4 frame walking cycle animation for each
cardinal direction, with each frame lasting 0.2 seconds.
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Bomb Guy has an infinite supply of bombs which they can use to help clear a path to the goal and remove
enemies. When the player presses the SPACE key, Bomb Guy places a bomb on the grid space that they are
standing on. The bomb remains stationary there for 2 seconds, at which point it detonates, causing an
The explosion’s shockwave and fire extend in the four cardinal directions to a maximum of 2 grid spaces
away from the location the bomb was placed. The explosion can be stopped earlier than 2 spaces if it
comes in contact with a wall (either solid or broken), however broken tiles are then turned into empty tiles
if they are caught in an explosion. An example of this can be seen below with before, during and after
screenshots of an explosion.
If Bomb Guy is caught in the explosion, they lose a life and the level resets (assuming they have more than
1 life). If an enemy is caught in the explosion, they are removed from the level.
The bomb has 8 sprites used for its animation. Each sprite should last for 0.25 seconds, such that when the
final sprite ends, the explosion begins.
There are 3 sprites for the explosion. The centre sprite is used where the bomb was placed. The horizontal
explosion sprite is used for explosions in the same row as the original placement. The vertical explosion
sprite is used for explosions in the same column as the original placement. The explosion should remain on
the screen for 0.5 seconds.
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There are two main UI elements present on the screen: the number of lives remaining, and the time
remaining for the level. Both should be shown at the top of the screen, using the provided icon sprites and
PressStart2P-Regular.ttf font, similar to the screenshot below:
Note that the time remaining in seconds for each level is stored in the configuration file under the field
“time”. If the timer reaches 0, the player loses the game.
Game Over Screen
There are two loss conditions for the game: Bomb Guy loses all of their lives, and the level timer reaches 0
seconds remaining. When a loss condition is reached, the Game Over screen is shown as below:
Win Screen
If Bomb Guy reaches the goal tile for the final level before any loss condition is reached, the player wins the
game, and the Win Screen is shown as below:
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Your application will need to adhere to the following specifications:
• The window must have dimensions 480×480
• The game must maintain a frame rate of 60 frames per second.
• Your application must be able to compile and run on any the university lab machines (or Ubuntu
VM) using gradle build & gradle run. Failure to do so, will result in 0% for Final Code Submission.
• Your program must not exhibit any memory leak.
• You must use the processing library (specifically processing.core and, you cannot
use any other framework such as javafx, awt or jogl.
Artists within the company have produced sprites for your game. You have been provided a /resources folder
which your code access directly. These assets are loadable using the loadImage method attached the PApplet
type. Please refer to the processing documentation when loading and drawing an image.
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Marking Criteria (14%)
Your final submission is due on Friday 5 November at 11:59PM. To submit, you must submit your build.gradle
file and src folder to Ed (by pressing MARK) and your UML to Canvas.
Final Code Submission (6%)
You will need to have implemented and satisfied requirements listed in this assignment. Make sure you have
addressed the following and any other requirements outlined previously.
• Window launches and shows orange background
• Configuration file is correctly read in
• Map loads and walls are displayed
• Bomb Guy and enemies are correctly loaded in
• Bomb Guy is controlled by input as described above
• Bomb Guy cannot walk through broken or solid walls
• Bomb Guy’s sprite is correctly animated in all directions as described above
• Enemies cannot walk through broken or solid walls
• Enemies move once every second
• Enemies exhibit the correct animation cycles
• The yellow enemy follows its path outlined above (clockwise decision on collision)
• The red enemy follows its path as outlined above (random decision on collision)
• Bomb Guy loses a life and the level resets if they collide with an enemy or an explosion
• Bomb Guy can deploy bombs by pressing the SPACE key
• Bombs have the correct animation sequence
• Bombs detonate after 2 seconds
• Explosions are properly created as explained above
• Explosions use the correct sprites as explained above
• Explosions destroy broken walls
• Explosions are halted by walls
• Bomb Guy loses a life if he hits an enemy or an explosion
• Enemies are removed if they walk into an explosion
• Bomb Guy’s lives are shown at the top of the screen
• The timer is shown at the top of the screen
• The next level is loaded if Bomb Guy reaches the goal tile
• The win screen is shown if Bomb Guy reaches the goal tile in the final level
• The game over screen is shown if the timer expires
• The game over screen is shown if Bomb Guy loses all of their lives
• Ensure that your application does not repeat large sections of logic
Test Cases (4%)
During development of your code, add test cases to your project and test as much functionality as possible.
You will need to construct unit test cases within the src/test folder. To test the state of your entities without
drawing, implement a simple loop that will update the state of each object but not draw the entity.
Ensure your test cases cover over 90% of execution paths (Use jacoco in your gradle build) Ensure your test
cases cover common cases. Ensure your test cases cover edge cases. Each test case must contain a brief
comment explaining what it is testing.
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UML and Javadoc (4%)
You will need to submit a UML diagram in PDF form to Canvas to provide a brief graphical overview of your
code design and use of Object Oriented Principles such as inheritance and interfaces (3%). Markers will use
this to determine whether you have appropriately used those principles to aid you in your design, as well as
figure out whether more should have been done. A general guideline is that markers will be looking for at
least three levels in a class hierarchy (similar to how in Question 2 of the Week 5 tutorial, Teacher extends
Employee which extends Person). Note that you should not simply use a UML generator from an IDE such as
Eclipse, as they typically do not produce diagrams that conform to the format required. We suggest using
software such as LucidChart or for making your diagrams.
Your code should be clear, well commented and concise. Try to utilise OOP constructs within your application
and limit repetitive code. The code should follow the conventions set out by the Google Java Style Guide. As
part of your comments, you will need to create a Javadoc for your program (1%). This will be properly covered
in week 11 but the relevant Oracle documentation can be found here.
Suggested Timeline
Here is a suggested timeline for developing the project. Note that it is released on October 5 (start of week
8) and due November 5 (end of week 12).
Week 8: Familiarise yourself with gradle and processing, utilising the processing Javadoc and week 8
supplementary lecture. Identify opportunities to utilise Object Oriented Design principles such as inheritance
and interfaces and begin to plan a design for the codebase with regards to the classes that you will need to
make. Make a rough UML diagram for your design that you can base your codebase off of.
Week 9: Begin writing the actual code for the program. Start small, for example by initially creating the map
and the player, and gradually add more elements. At the end of the week, you should have loading in the
map and player movement finished, as well as some sprite management. If confident, use Test Driven
Development (writing test cases at same time as writing the code). Conduct a large amount of user testing
to ensure the initial mechanics work as expected.
Week 10: Develop more gameplay features, such as enemies, bombs, and explosions. Sprite management
should be streamlined at this point and animations complete. You should have a fairly high code coverage
for your test cases at this stage. If you are noticing any questionable design decisions, such as God classes or
classes that are doing things they logically should not be doing (for example, the Bomb sprite being managed
by Bomb Guy), this is the time to refactor your code.
Week 11: Finish developing the remaining features for your program, notably the configuration file, level
system, timer and lives management. Additionally, finish writing your testing suite. You may find that topics
covered this week and in week 10 may assist with cleaning up your code (for example, with the use of Streams
and Functional Interfaces), so feel free to modify the code to make it more understandable.
Week 12: Create the UML and Javadoc for the program. Fix any remaining bugs that your code exhibits.
Submit your code to Ed (by uploading the entire project and pressing MARK) and submit your UML to Canvas
in PDF form.
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Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero for the entire
assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the assignment specification, or
your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.
Academic declaration
By submitting this assignment you declare the following:
I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure, and except where specifically
acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my own work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously
submitted for award or assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severe penalties as outlined under
Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties may be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my
submitted work has been copied without proper acknowledgment from other sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the
work of other students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments.
I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstrate my knowledge of the relevant
material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, either written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final
assessment mark.
I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, may provide a copy to another member
of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the
assignment may be maintained by the service or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.