In this homework, we consider the latent factor modeling of utility matrix M (e.g., a rating matrix where
rows represent users and columns products such as movies). Recall that in latent factor modeling, the
goal is to decompose M into lower-rank matrices U and V such that the difference between M and UV is
The homework consists of the following two tasks:
1. [80 points] Implement the incremental UV decomposition algorithm as discussed in class (and
described in the text), where the element is learned one at a time.
Assume initially all elements in latent factor matrix U and V are 1’s.
The learning starts with learning elements in U row by row, i.e., U[1,1], U[1,2], …, U[2, 1], …
It then moves on to learn elements in V column by column, i.e., V[1,1], V[2,1], …, V[1, 2], …
When learning an element, it uses the latest value learned for all other elements. It should compute
the optimal value for the element to minimize the current RMSE as described in class.
The learning process stops after a specified number of iterations, where a round of learning all
elements in U and V is one iteration.
The algorithm should output RMSE after each iteration (remember that the mean is computed
based on non-blank elements in the input matrix M).
Write your code in Python (DO NOT use Spark here). Name your algorithm,
__ It can be invoked as follows.
Execution format:
python input-matrix n m f k
“input-matrix” is a utility matrix described above. It comes in sparse format. For example,
the matrix you saw in class can be represented as follows.
INF 553 – Spring 2017
n is the number of rows (users) of the matrix, while m is the number of columns (products).
f is the number of dimensions/factors in the factor model. That is, U is n-by-f matrix, while V
is f-by-m matrix.
k is the number of iterations.
For example, python matrix.dat 5 5 2 10.
Output format:
In this task, DO NOT write the output to any files. Use standard output to print them instead.
After each iteration, output RMSE with 4 floating points, so you could use print “%.4f” % RMSE to
print results as follows.
Submit a Python script in the form:, that is your first and last names followed by
the name of program.
2. [20 points] In this task, you are asked to modify the parallel implementation of ALS (alternating
least squares) algorithm in Spark, so that it takes a utility matrix as the input, and output the RMSE
into a file after each iteration.
The code for the algorithm is under the /examples/src/main/python. A copy is also provided with this handout.
Note that make sure that you use the version for spark-2.1.0 (it is slightly different from previous
Things to do:
1. Take a utility matrix as the input
2. Output RMSE into a file after each iteration
Execution format:
bin/spark-submit input-matrix n m f k p output-file
All parameters are the same as for, except for an additional parameter p, which is the number
of partitions for the input-matrix, and an additional parameter output-file, which is the path to the
output file.
Output format:
In this task, write the output to a file.
After each iteration, output RMSE with 4 floating points, so you could use “%.4f” % RMSE to format
the RMSE value, and save into file as follows.
Submission: __
You may use numpy package in this homework. To install it on EC2, execute “sudo pip install
We will be using Moss for plagiarism detection. Do not copy from each other or you will face
serious consequences!