HW-4 CS451 


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Write a C/C++ program that uses the PTHREAD library to create 2 threads
and mutexes to synchronize them. The program must to the following:

* MAIN will open a file (hw4.out) for writing, then call thread #1 and
thread #2. MAIN will also close the file when thread #1 and thread
#2 are finished.

* THREAD #1 will open a file (hw4.in) for reading, will read 1 integer
value from the file, and put that value in a global variable. Thread #1
will then wait for thread #2 (use mutexes to control the wait) before
moving on to the next value (in hw4.in).

* THREAD #2 will read the global variable. If the global variable is odd,
thread #2 will simply write the value to hw4.out. If the global variable
is even thread #2 will write the value to hw4.out TWICE.

1. The hw4.in file will have the format of “integer” “linefeed”. If you do not
abide by the input format and my program cannot test your program will my inputs
it will be considered wrong. No exceptions! Thus, I suggest you use the command
“fscanf(file, “%d\n”, &value1)” to read your *.in files. For example:

2. Hw4.out must have the exact format of “integer” “linefeed” as the *.in files
will be very long and I will have a program that runs through your output files
checking results. If you do not abide by the output format and my program cannot
test your output it will be considered wrong. No exceptions! Thus, I suggest
you use the command “fprintf(file, “%d\n”, value)” to write your hw4.out file.
For example:

1. Your program must compile and run on Linux Mint.
2. Your full name must appear as a comment at the beginning of your program.
3. Your source code must be named hw4-yourname.c or hw4-yourname.cpp
4. Your source MUST compile using “gcc hw4-yourname.c -pthread” or
“g++ hw4-yourname.cpp -lpthread”
5. Failure to follow the above 4 directions will result in
loss of points.