HW #3: Dungeons and Dragons


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1 Overview 2
2 Game Description 3
3 Game flow 3
4 Game units 4
4.1 Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1.1 Player classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 Enemies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.1 Enemy types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Combat system 7
6 The CLI (Command line interface) 8
6.1 Interacting with the CLI – Observer pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7 Forms of input 9
7.1 Testing your game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7.1.1 Random numbers generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7.1.2 User input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8 Submission guidelines 11
1 Overview
In this assignment you will implement a single player multi level version of the dungeons and dragons board
game 1
You are trapped within a dungeon, full of enemies: monsters and traps. Your goal is to fight your way
through them and get to the next level of the dungeon. Once you complete all levels, you win the game.
The program will be checked for correctness, complying to OOP principles and coding conventions.
In assignment 4, you will be required to extend the game to support multi-player mode
2 Game Description
The game is played on a board similar to the board in Figure 1. The game board consists of a player,
enemies of different types (monsters and traps), walls and empty areas that both players and enemies can
walk through.
In this board, the symbol @ in green represents the player while the later red symbols B, s, k and M represent
the monsters that the player should fight. In addition, there are dots scattered along the paths, representing
the free areas and # symbols that represent the walls. The game takes a path to a directory that containing
indexed files via the command line argument. Each file represent a game level.
Figure 1: The game board
In this version of the game, there are three types of players which differ in the abilities they have (detailed
in the next sections) and two types of enemies: monster and traps. The user controls the player using the
keyboard and the computer controls the monsters.
3 Game flow
The game starts with a collection of boards represent the desired levels. Here is the flow of the game:
• The user chooses a player character.
• The game starts with the first level. Each level consists of several rounds. A round, also called Game
Tick, is defined as follows:
– Player make a single action.
– Each enemy make a single action.
• The level ends once the enemies are all dead. In this case, the next level will be loaded up.
• The game ends once the player finished all levels, or if the player dies.
We will represent the game board as a 2-dimensional array of chars for both input and output, with each
char representing a wall, a game character or a free cell.
A Range between 2 points on our board is defined by their Euclidean Distance:
range(p, q) = q
(px − qx)
2 + (py − qy)
4 Game units
Game units includes of both player classes and enemies. Each unit in our game will have the following
• Name: String
• Health, defined by:
– Health pool: Integer
– Current health: Integer
• Attack points: Integer
• Defense points: Integer
• Position (x, y coordinates on a 2d board)
4.1 Player
In addition to the game unit properties, a player has the following properties:
• Experience: Integer, Initially 0. Increased by killing enemies.
• Level2
: Integer, Initially 1. Increased by gaining experience.
• After gaining (50 × level) experience points, the player will level up.
• Upon leveling up the player gains:
– experience ← experience − (50 × level)
– level ← level + 1
– health pool ← health pool + (10 × level)
– current health ← health pool
– attack ← attack + (5 × level)
– defense ← defense + (2 × level)
• Special ability: specific ability for each player class (See the section below).
4.1.1 Player classes
There are three classes that extend Player. Each player class has a special ability.
A user can cast3
the player special ability to improve its situation at the cost of (limited) resources.
1. Warrior
• Special ability: Heal, heal the warrior for amount equals to (2 × defense) (but will not exceed
the total amount of health pool).
• The warrior’s ability has a cooldown, meaning it can only use it only every cooldown game ticks.
2Not confused by the game level
3Cast means use. This is the terminology used in this domain
• Fields:
– cooldown: Integer, received as a constructor argument. Represents the number of game ticks
required to pass before the warrior can cast the ability again.
– remaining: Integer, initially 0. Represents the number of ticks remained until the warrior
can re-cast its special ability.
• Upon leveling up, in addition to the normal updates of Player leveling:
– remaining ← 0.
– health pool ← health pool + (5 × level)
– defense ← defense + (1 × level)
• On game tick:
– remaining ← remaining − 1.
• On ability cast:
if remaining > 0 then
generate an appropriate error message.
remaining ← cooldown
current health ← min (current health + (2 × defense), health pool)
2. Mage
• Special ability: Blizzard, randomly hit enemies within its range for an amount equals to the
mage’s spellpower.
• Using mana as a resource.
• Fields:
– spell power: Integer, ability scale factor. Initial value is received as a constructor argument.
– mana pool: Integer, holds the maximal value of resources. Initial value is received as a
constructor argument.
– current mana: Integer, current amount of resources. Initially mana pool
– cost: Integer, ability cost. Received as an argument.
– hit times: Integer, maximal number of times the ability hit. Received as an argument.
– range: Integer, ability range. Received as an argument.
• Upon leveling up, in addition to the normal updates of Player leveling:
– mana pool ← mana pool + (25 × level)
– current mana ← min
current mana +
mana pool
, mana pool
– spell power ← spell power + (10 × level)
• On game tick:
– current mana ← min(mana pool, current mana + 1)
• On ability cast:
if current mana < cost then
generate an appropriate error message.
current mana ← current mana − cost
hits ← 0
while hits < hit times ∧ ∃ enemy s.t. range(enemy, player) < range do
Select random enemy within range.
Attempt to deal damage (reduce health value) for an amount equal to spell power (each
enemy may try to defend itself).
hits ← hits + 1
3. Rogue
• Special ability: Fan of Knives hits everyone around the rogue for amount equal to the rogue’s
attack points at the cost of energy.
• Using energy as resource. Starting energy equals to the rogue’s maximum energy which is 100.
• Fields:
– cost: Integer, special ability cost. Received as a constructor argument.
– current energy: Integer, initially 100 (maximal value).
• Upon leveling up, in addition to the normal updates of Player leveling:
– current energy ← 100
– attack ← attack + (3 × level)
• On game tick:
– current energy ← min (current energy + 10, 100)
• On ability cast:
if current energy < cost then
generate an appropriate error message.
current energy ← current energy − cost
For each enemy within range < 2, attempt to deal damage (reduce health value) equals to
the rogue’s attack points (each enemy may try to defend itself).
4.2 Enemies
The player may encounter enemies while traveling around the world. Each enemy has the following properties:
• Experience value
• Tile (a char, used to represent the enemy character on the game board)
4.2.1 Enemy types
The enemies are divided into two types:
1. Monster
• Fields:
– vision range: Integer, represents the monster’s vision range.
• On enemy turn:
– The monster will attempt to traverse around the board.
– Monsters can move 1 step in the following directions: Up/Down/Left/Right, and may chase
the player if the player is within its vision range.
– Movement rules described as follows:
if range(monster, player) < vision range then 6 dx ← enemyX − playerX dy ← enemyY − playerY if |dx| > |dy| then
if dx > 0 then
Move left
Move right
if dy > 0 then
Move up
Move down
Perform a random move: left, right, up, down or stay in the same place.
2. Trap
• Fields:
– relocation range: Integer, relocation range.
– relocation time: Integer, ticks until the trap relocate itself.
– visibility time: Integer, ticks until the trap becomes invisible. You may assume visibility time <
relocation time.
– ticks count: Integer, counts the number of ticks since last relocation. Initially 0.
• On enemy turn:
– A trap can’t move (unlike monster), but updates its state (re-spawn and visibility time) on
each turn.
– After relocation time game ticks, the trap will relocate itself to a random free location within
its relocation range.
– The trap may attack the player if the range (trap, player) < 2.
– The trap will stay visible for the first visibility time ticks after each spawn (including the
initial spawn).
– The trap’s state will be update on each turn as follows:
if ticks count = relocation time then
ticks count ← 0
Find all free positions within relocation range.
Randomly select one and set as the trap’s position.
ticks count ← ticks count + 1
if range (trap, player) < 2 then
Engage in melee combat with the player.
if ticks count < visibility time then Set the trap visible. else Set the trap invisible. 5 Combat system When the player attempts to step on a location that has an enemy, or when an enemy attempt to step on the player’s location, they engage in melee combat. 7 The attacker is always the unit that attempted to perform the step. The other unit will attempt to defend itself. The combat goes as follows: 1. The attacker rolls an amount between 0 and its attack damage. 2. The defender rolls an amount between 0 and its defense points. 3. If (attack roll − defense roll) > 0, the defender will be damaged, losing health equal to that amount.
4. The defender may die as a result of this attack if his health goes to or below 0.
• If an enemy is killed by the player, the player gains the experience value of the enemy and the
enemy is removed from the game.
• If the player is killed by an enemy, the player’s location is marked with ’X’ and the game ends.
6 The CLI (Command line interface)
The game start by asking the user to select the player character from a list of pre-defined characters.
The CLI should display the game state after each round. That is:
• Whole board.
• Player’s stats (name, health, attack damage, defense points, level, experience, and class-specific properties).
• Recent combat information.
• Level ups notifications.
A user can use the following actions:
Character ASCII value Action
’w’ 119 Move up
’s’ 115 Move down
’a’ 97 Move left
’d’ 100 Move right
’e’ 101 Cast special ability
’q’ 113 Do nothing
6.1 Interacting with the CLI – Observer pattern
The business logic should not interact directly with the UI.
However, forms of interaction with the UI could be done using the returned values from functions or with
the Observer pattern.
Think which classes should be marked as Observable and which should be marked as Observer.
Do not use System.out.println directly from any non-UI class.
7 Forms of input
The program takes a path of directory and an optional argument -D (explained later), all passed as command
line arguments (not hard coded). The directory contains files represent the game boards. Each file is named
”level i” where i is the number of the level (See the ”level i.txt” files attached to the assignment). We use
the following tiles:
We will use the following tiles:
Character ASCII value Description
’.’ 46 Free, characters can step over
’#’ 35 Wall, blocked, no characters may step over
’@’ 61 Player’s position
’X’ 88 Dead player
Any other character may serve as an enemy tile.
The following player classes and enemies should be defined within your code:
• Players:
Name Health Attack Defense Cooldown
Jon Snow 300 30 4 6
The Hound 400 20 6 4
Name Health Attack Defense Spell Power Mana Pool Mana Cost Hit Times Range
Melisandre 160 10 1 40 300 30 5 6
Thoros of Myr 250 25 3 15 150 50 3 3
Name Health Attack Defense Cost
Arya Stark 150 40 2 20
Bronn 250 35 3 60
• Enemies
– Monsters:
Name Tile Health Attack Defense Vision Range Experience Value
Lannister Solider ’s’ 80 8 3 3 25
Lannister Knight ’k’ 200 14 8 4 50
Queen’s Guard ’q’ 400 20 15 5 100
Wright ’z’ 600 30 15 3 100
Bear-Wright ’b’ 1000 75 30 4 250
Giant-Wright ’g’ 1500 100 40 5 500
White Walker ’w’ 2000 150 50 6 1000
The Mountain ’M’ 1000 60 25 6 500
Queen Cersei ’C’ 100 10 10 1 1000
Night’s King ’K’ 5000 300 150 8 5000
– Traps:
Name Tile Health Attack Defense Experience Value Range Relocation time Visibility
Bonus “Trap” ’B’ 1 1 1 250 5 6 2
Queen’s Trap ’Q’ 250 50 10 100 4 10 4
Death Trap ’D’ 500 100 20 250 6 10 3
You may, however, add player classes and enemies of your own.
7.1 Testing your game
In our program, a random behavior are included in the monster movement and in the combat system. Such
kind of randomness (non deterministic behavior) makes it difficult to test the program.
In addition, the interactivity of the game, in which the user moves the player, makes it difficult to perform
the automatic tests.
In order to test your program, you should enable running a non interactive deterministic version that
does not makes use of a random number generator.
It instead uses two files:
• random_numbers.txt – a file that includes of numbers that represents the random numbers.
• user_actions.txt – a file that includes all user actions.
Your program should run the non-deterministic version by default and the deterministic version if ’-D’ is
given as a command line argument.
7.1.1 Random numbers generation
We will implement 2 variations of the following interface:
public interface RandomGenerator {
int nextInt ( int n ) ;
• The default implementation holds a java.util.Random object. Calling RandomGenerator.nextInt(n)
will refer to the Random.nextInt(n) method (which returns an integer between 0 to n).
• If ’-D’ is passed, the deterministic version is activated. This version uses a file full of numbers (see the
attached file random_numberts.txt) and simply read the next integer.
7.1.2 User input
We’ll use the same trick:
public interface ActionReader {
String nextAction () ;
• The default implementation reads a line from the System.in.
• The deterministic version use a file which includes all user actions (represented as characters) in the
current game (see the attached file user_actions.txt). Calling nextAction() returns the next line from
the file.
You should create unit tests as regular part of your work-flow. Make sure that you cover both basic and
edge cases.
Use the deterministic mode (-D), so your tests will have an automatic & deterministic flow.
8 Submission guidelines
You are required to submit a zip file named ’hw3.zip’ with the following:
• UML class diagram describing an overview of your work in a file named ’hw3.pdf’.
• Your source code and tests in a jar file named ’hw3.jar’.
We will test your project by running:
java -jar hw3.jar <-D>