Homework Assignment #8 CS5004 – Object-Oriented Design


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Problem 1 [40pts]. In the class, we saw the generic class Pair. In this problem, the objective is to implement class Triple which holds three heterogeneous objects (i.e. they are not
necessarily of the same type). Implement all the usual methods. Note that you do not need to
implement compareTo().
Submission format: You must submit two files: Triple.java which contains the Triple
class and TripleTest.java which contains the class TripleTest whose main() method should
test the functionality of Triple. Create a few tests for each method.
Problem 2 [90pts]. Implement a priority queue capable of holding objects of an arbitrary
type T by defining a generic PriorityQueue class. A priority queue is a type of container where
every item also has an associated weight or priority. For the scope of this problem, the type of
priority value can be anything as long as its values can be compared (Comparable). Note that
larger values mean higher priorities. Your class should support the following methods:
• add(item, priority) Adds a new item to the queue with the associated priority.
• peek() Returns the item with the highest priority. Returns null if empty.
• remove() Returns and removes the highest-priority item. Returns null if empty.
• reset() Empties the priority queue removing all elements.
For example, if q is a priority queue defined to take Strings
q.add(“X”, 10);
q.add(“Y”, 1);
q.add(“Z”, 3);
System.out.println(q.remove()); // Returns X
System.out.println(q.remove()); // Returns Z
System.out.println(q.remove()); // Returns Y
Additionally, your class must support
• size() Returns the number of elements.
• toString() Returns a string representing all elements in the priority queue.
• equals(obj) Returns true if obj is another priority queue with the same elements.
Obviously, you must provide a default constructor. Moreover, you need to write a copy constructor as well which makes an identical (deep) copy of its argument.
Note 1: Use an ArrayList to store the elements internally. Try thinking of an efficient way
to keep track of priorities. There are many ways to implement this. Remember that when
the highest-priority element is removed, you need to “know” or find the next highest-priority
Note 2: Priority queue is an unordered data structure. Therefore, even though you can use an
ArrayList, the equals() method should work as expected. Notice that, we can store duplicates
in the PriorityQueue. With regard to the equals() method, this has to be taken into account.
For instance, if one PriorityQueue has two 3’s, the other one must have two 3’s as well.
Note 3: If there are two or more elements with the same priority, any one of them can be
returned. Make sure that peek() and remove() return the same element in all cases.
Submission format: Create a package called utility which contains PriorityQueue.java.
This package is to be imported by PQTest.java shown below. Use java -ea to test. We will
check your code with other tests too!
import utility.PriorityQueue;
public class PQTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
PriorityQueue p1 = new PriorityQueue<>();
p1.add(“coffee”, 10);
p1.add(“milk”, 8);
p1.add(“tea”, 11);
p1.add(“cake”, 22);
p1.add(“sake”, 3);
assert(p1.size() == 5);
assert(p1.peek() == “cake”);
assert(p1.peek() == “tea”);
p1.add(“matcha”, 11);
String s = p1.remove();
assert(s.equals(“tea”) || s.equals(“matcha”) == true);
assert(p1.size() == 0);
assert(p1.remove() == null);
PriorityQueue p2 = new PriorityQueue<>();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Character x = (char) (’a’ + i); Character y = (char) (’a’ + 9 - i); p1.add(x.toString(), i); p1.add(x.toString(), i); p2.add(y.toString(), 9 - i); p2.add(y.toString(), 9 - i); } assert(p1.size() == 20); assert(p2.size() == 20); assert(p1.equals(p2) && p2.equals(p1)); p1.remove(); assert(!(p1.equals(p2) || p2.equals(p1))); // Here the type of the priority values is String PriorityQueue p3 = new PriorityQueue<>();
p3.add(1, “a”);
p3.add(2, “A”);
} catch(AssertionError e) {
System.err.println(“Does not pass.”);