1 Neural Networks and Universal Approximation Theorem (40 Points)
Universal Approximation Theorem states that a single-layer neural network
(NN) can be used to approximate any continuous function within certain precision. For any function with one input x and one output f(x), one way to
approximate it is to construct several ”bumps” as shown in Fig. 1a.
a. Assuming sigmoid activation function is used, design a single layer NN
with one input and one output to approximate the bump function shown in
Fig. 1b. An example of a reasonable approximation using a single layer NN is
show in in Fig. 1c. Try to replicate it as closely as possible. (Hint: consider
the bump as a combination of a step-up function and a step-down function).
Implement it in the language of your choice and plot your approximation. Draw
your NN architecture with all weights and bias values. Empirically, what is the
minimum number of hidden neurons you need to make such approximation?
b. Specify what parameters in your NN determine (1) the steepness of
the step-up and step-down part of the bump, (2) the step-up and step-down
locations (x-coordinates), (3) the height of the bump.
Now we consider any function with two inputs and one output. We want to
show that we can approximate it with a two-layer NN.
a. Design a single layer NN with two inputs x1, x2, and one output f(x) to
approximate a bump function in 2D. The bump goes up at x1 = 0.3 and goes
down at x1 = 0.7. The height of the bump is 1. An example of a reasonable
approximation using a single layer NN is shown in Fig. 2a. Try to replicate it as
closely as possible. Implement it in the language of your choice and plot your
approximation. Draw your NN architecture with all weights and bias values.
Do not include any edge with zero weight. Empirically, what is the minimum
number of hidden neurons you need to make such approximation?
b. Design a two-layer NN with two inputs x1, x2, and one output f(x) to
approximate a 2D tower function. The base of the tower is a square centered
(a) 1D Function Approximation with Bumps
(b) 1D Bump
(c) Approximation example
Figure 1: Illustration of Function Approximation with Bumps
(a) An approximation of a bump function (b) An approximation of a tower function
Figure 2: Function Approximation with Two Inputs and One Output
at (0.5, 0.5) with side length 0.2. The height of the tower is 1. An example of
a reasonable approximation using a two-layer NN is shown in Fig. 2b. Try to
replicate it as closely as possible. Implement it in the language of your choice
and plot your approximation. (Hint: consider adding a x1 direction bump and
a x2 direction bump together; you only need one hidden neuron in the second
hidden layer–carefully tune the weights and bias of the second layer). Draw
your NN architecture with all weights and bias values. Do not include any edge
with zero weight. Empirically, what is the minimum number of 1st-layer hidden
neurons you need to make such approximation?
c. Suppose you have a 2D function f(x1, x2) defined on a unit square
(x1, x2 ∈ [0, 1]). The maximum absolute value of the gradient for both directions is t. You want to approximate this function with a collection of tower
functions similar to the one in part b. More specifically, we divide the unit
square into a n × n grid. The towers are step functions that are centered at
grid points, and each has width and depth 1/n. You are allowed to adjust the
height of each tower (this is identical incidentally to adjusting the pixels of a
coarser image to represent a finer image). So we will have in total n
functions. And you want to make sure that the maximum error for each tower
function used is . What is the minimum number of tower functions that can
guarantee to make such approximation for all possible function f that satisfies
the conditions? (Hint: think about the worst case for f.) Using the result from
part b, what can you say about the relationship between the gradient limit,
error bound, and the total required hidden neuron number?
2 EM (30 Points)
Suppose there are two tiny laundry machines in your Duke dorm and one of
them is broken θ1 proportion of the time and the other is broken θ2 proportion
of the time. Every time when a machine is broken, it simply takes your money
and does not start. Each time you put money in the machine, the probability it
will run is independent of what happened any other time you ran the machine.
You never get a choice which machine you put yours in because the other one
is always full when you go there. You went to the laundry room m times this
year, and in each visit, you got to use one of laundry machine at random. You
always have way too many clothes, so you had to use whatever machine you
got that day for n times to wash all your clothes. (You only brought money
for n laundry cycles so you just have to wear the dirty clothes if the machine
is broken for various cycles, hopefully no one will notice how smelly you are.)
You recorded the number of successful cycles and the number of failed cycles
(that sum to n). At the end of the year, your RA finally decided to report
the problem and she asked you for the probability of failure for both machines.
If you had recorded which machine you used every time, you would have had
complete information and been able to estimate θ1 and θ2 in closed form. Sadly
you were too lazy to do that, thus having to estimate these probabilities in a
harder way. Luckily you learned a possible approach to address this problem
from your favorite machine learning class—you can assign weights wi to each
laundry visit, according to how likely it is done on machine 1 or machine 2.
a. Use EM algorithm to derive the estimation.
b. Implement the EM algorithm to estimate θ in the language of your
choice. In your data simulation, set m = 6, n = 100, θ1 = 0.8, θ2 = 0.3. Show
the progress of your estimation.
3 Clustering (30 Points)
Figure 3: Dataset for Clustering
a. Implement the k-means algorithm in the language of your choice. The
arguments of your function are k and the input dataset. Return both the group
assignment for each point in the dataset, as well as the mean µj for each group.
You can initialize each mean by randomly selecting a point from the input data.
b. Implement hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm in the language of your choice. The arguments of your function are k and the input
dataset. Return the group assignment for each point in the dataset
c. Run your algorithms developed in part a and part b on the dataset shown
in Fig. 3, with k = 2. Which one performs better? Explain possible reasons for
this discrepancy.
d. How can you pre-process the dataset to help boost the performance of
the weaker algorithm in part c?