CMIS102 Homework 3 – Create your own Loop application


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Create your own While-End or (For End) repetition using C code. One of the following themes
should be used:
 Summing the total miles run or walked in a typical week
 Summing the cost for groceries spent during a month
 Summing the cost of hotel rooms used during vacation in a year
 Summing the total number of automobile accidents in the DC area in one week
Be sure to provide an overview of what your repetition structure is doing. Please keep the design
simple for this exercise. Just a few lines of code is all that is needed for this response.
Provide the C code and a screen capture showing the results of testing your code in an online
compiler. Be sure to test your code with several test cases and show your test case table. Include
header documentation in the code as well as internal code documentation.
Submit your word or PDF file, along with your fully tested C code to your assignments folder no
later than the due date.
Grading guidelines
Submission Points
C code for simple While or For loop was provided and compiles and runs
without issue.
Screen captures provided showing test results for each test case. An overview
of what your repetition structure is doing is provided.
Test cases represent a wide variety of possible input values (e.g. large numbers,
small numbers (0), negative, or unexpected non-number entries).
Code includes Header and Internal Code documentation 20
Total 100