
Homework 1 Managing Data(bases) using SQL

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Objective: CREATE TABLE statement, Primary/Foreign key constraints
Problem 1:
Create the following table:
➢ Table name: customer
➢ Columns:
o customerID (whole number max 4 digits)
o customerName (variable character max 50 characters)
o customerSince (date)
➢ Primary key on column customerID named customer_pk

Problem 2:
Execute the following two statements (inserting one sample record into table customer and verifying that record was
correctly inserted):
➢ INSERT INTO customer VALUES(1008, ‘New Customer’, sysdate);
➢ SELECT * FROM customer;

Problem 3:
Create a second table:
➢ Table name: orders
➢ Columns:
o orderID (whole number max 8 digits)
o orderDate (date)
o shippingMethod (variable character max 25 characters)
o customerID (whole number max 4 digits)
➢ Primary key on column orderID named orderID_pk
➢ Foreign key on column customerID relating to column customerID in table customer named customerid_fk

Problem 4:
Execute the following statements:
➢ INSERT INTO orders VALUES(12345678, sysdate, ‘2-Day’, 1008);
➢ INSERT INTO orders VALUES(88888888, sysdate, ‘2-Day’, 1009);
➢ SELECT * FROM orders;

Problem 5:
Explain why the second INSERT statement under 4. failed with an error (No screenshot needed, simply a written