“H2S04” : A Gas Simulation


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Have you watched a film lately? Beautifully complex simulations are everywhere: explosions,
wreckage, ocean storms, sparks, and volcanoes, just to name a few. Simulations are
tremendously useful: given an initial condition and a set of rules, we can straightforwardly use a
computer to evolve the initial condition according to those rules, often giving rise to vastly
complex behavior, more complex than we could animate manually, or even understand
In science and engineering, simulations are often used to study high-order effects of rules such
as the laws of physics. Enforcing conservation of energy in a particle model of light yields
photo-realistic images (slowly). Applying what little we know of hydrodynamics to 3D models
lets us study boat hulls in a variety of weather conditions. We also use simulations to predict the
weather, crime, outcomes of sports matches, and nearly everything else one could quantify.
These simulations are often computationally complex, requiring a deep understanding of
numeric precision, and make simplifying assumptions grounded in mathematics.
Early forms of simulation, cellular automata, sidestepped issues of precision and exponential
complexity by discretizing (treating as integer values) time, space, motion, and anything else
playing a role in the simulation. Perhaps the most well known of these cellular automaton
simulations is Conway’s Game of Life, which uses only two trivial rules to govern “life” in a
square grid.
In this lab, you will implement a surprisingly capable cellular automaton simulation of a twodimensional gas represented by an upright square lattice, inspired by thePhD work of Brian
Wylie in the late 80s. In this simple 2-dimensional world, time is partitioned into discrete
“steps”, gas particles occupy discrete locations within the lattice, traveling at unit speeds in
exactly one of the four directions: up, left, down, or right. While the real world is of course much
more complex, this very simple universe is quite sufficient to give rise to some interesting and
complex behavior. In fact, simulations very much like this one were applied to early rocket
propulsion systems.
The 6.009 representation of a gas
Our gases are conceptually a 2-dimensional array of cells inrow-major order. For each gas,
we’ll specify the number of rows as the height and the number of columns as the width . In
Python, it’s best to number the rows from 0 to height-1 and the columns from 0 to
width-1 . With this convention the indices for a 3×4 ( height =3, width =4) 2D array are
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3
1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3
2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3
Since Python doesn’t have 2D arrays, we’ll use a list of cells, listed in left-to-right, top-tobottom order. So the list representation of the 3×4 2D array would be
[ ,

You should refer to the width and height parameters when converting a 2D coordinate to
the appropriate list index.
Each cell is a set (though we use a list of unique elements for simplicity in this lab) of features,
which may be a wall or one of four moving particles:
“w” denotes that a wall is present
“u” denotes a particle moving up (towards lower row numbers)
“r” denotes a particle moving right (towards higher column numbers)
“d” denotes a particle moving down (towards higher row numbers)
“l” denotes a particle moving left (towards lower column numbers)
No two particles moving in the same direction may occupy the same cell. Each cell in the gas is
any subset of the above elements, represented as a list in arbitrary order. For example, a wall
with a right-moving particle crashing into it may be represented as [“r”, “w”] or as [“w”,
“r”] (The Simulation Step section below details why this particle is crashing into the wall
instead of moving away to the right from it).
Some examples:
an empty 4×3 gas with no walls or particles:
gas_1 = { “width”: 3,
“height”: 4,
“state”: [ [], [], [],
[], [], [],
[], [], [],
[], [], [] ] }
Now let’s surround the grid with walls on all sides.
gas_2 = { “width”: 3,
“height”: 4,
“state”: [ [“w”], [“w”], [“w”],
[“w”], [ ], [“w”],
[“w”], [ ], [“w”],
[“w”], [“w”], [“w”] ] }
Finally, add two particles in the middle, crashing into each other from the right and left. We also
add a particle crashing downwards into the bottom wall.
gas_3 = { “width”: 3,
“height”: 4,
“state”: [ [“w”], [“w”], [“w”],
[“w”], [“r”,”l”], [“w”],
[“w”], [ ], [“w”],
[“w”], [“w”,”d”], [“w”] ] }
The server.py visualization would show gas_3 (a minimal gas) like this:
A “full” gas would be represented as:
{ “width”: 5,
“height”: 5,
“state”: [ [],[],[],[],[],
[],[],[],[],[] ] }
And would be rendered on the server as:
Simulation step
A single function step(gas) produces a gas according to the rules in this document. To
compute the new gas state from the input, three steps are performed:
1. Resolve any collisions with walls.
2. Resolve any collisions among particles.
3. Advance particles according to their directions of motion (propagation).
The steps are described in detail below.
Particle collisions
When colliding with a wall, a particle simply reverses direction. For example, [“r”,”w”]
becomes [“l”,”w”] . Likewise, [“u”,”w”] becomes [“d”,”w”] , and [“d”,”l”,”w”]
becomes [“u”,”r”,”w”] . Note that a wall collision should occur in any cell with a “w”,
independent of the wall’s location in the larger diagram.
Collisions between particles are more interesting. In order to preserve momentum, particles
must rebound in opposing directions, but the simulation wouldn’t be very interesting if the
particles simply reversed their directions (indeed, the vertical and horizontal-moving particles
would not interact at all). To give rise to some interesting complexity, we rotate head-on
collisions by 90 degrees.
A 6.009 gas hasonly two particle collision rules: [“r”,”l”] (or, equivalently, [“l”,”r”] )
results in [“u”,”d”] . Similarly, [“u”,”d”] (or, equivalently, [“d”,”u”] ) produces
[“l”,”r”] . Note that these rules only apply to cells with exactly two particles and no wall. No
other collision rules are defined in our 6.009 gas.
What does [“u”,”d”,”l”,”r”] produce after a collision? There is no magic here, it does not
match either of the collision rules, so it remains unchanged, [“u”,”d”,”l”,”r”] , the same set
as the input, and correctly preserves momentum. Three-particle interactions are also
straightforward: [“l”,”r”,”u”] does not match either collision rule, and produces
[“l”,”r”,”u”] , again unchanged, again correctly preserving momentum.
From the example above, gas_3 would produce the following intermediate state after a
collision (before propagation):
[“w”], [“w”], [“w”]
[“w”], [“u”,”d”], [“w”]
[“w”], [ ], [“w”]
[“w”], [“w”,”u”], [“w”]
Particle propagation
This step is simple. All collisions have already been resolved, so each particle in the gas
unconditionally moves one cell in its appropriate direction. Hint: collisions can happen “in
place” in the sense that collisions in one cell are independent of collisions in other cells.
Propagation changes what’s in neighboring cells, so you have to be careful that the new gas
state is computed using only the positions of the particles in the old gas state. Unless you’re
clever, mixing the new and old states might result in a particle moving many cells in one step!
Again, from the example above, step(gas_3) , would produce:
step(gas_3) = {
“width”: 3,
“height”: 4,
“state”: [ [“w”], [“w”,”u”], [“w”],
[“w”], [ ], [“w”],
[“w”], [“d”,”u”], [“w”],
[“w”], [“w”], [“w”] ] }
The next step would produce
step(step(gas_3)) = {
“width”: 3,
“height”: 4,
“state”: [ [“w”], [“w”], [“w”],
[“w”], [“d”], [“w”],
[“w”,”l”], [ ], [“w”,”r”],
[“w”], [“w”], [“w”] ] }
Note: Since all of our gases are surrounded by walls, your code doesn’t have to deal with the
case when particles move outside the bounds of the gas.
This file is yours to edit in order to complete this lab. You are not expected to read or write any
other code provided as part of this lab. In lab.py , you will find the interface your solution
should support: please correctly implement the method step according to this document in
order to earn full credit.
Your code will be loaded into a small server ( server.py ) and will serve up a visualization
website, which we recommend using to debug your simulation visually. To use the visualization,
run server.py and use your web browser to navigate tolocalhost:8000. You will need to
restart server.py in order to reload your code if you make changes. If you find yourself stuck,
create your own test cases to aid your debugging process.
It’s possible to use the Python import command in your solution to load other libraries of
code, but none of them are officially sanctioned for any 6.009 labs. Arbitrary inconveniences,
including our automatic grader giving you no credit for an assignment, may result from
importing libraries not already mentioned in the starter lab.py file! We’ve designed these labs
to be doable and educational without importing any library modules.
Testing your code
Once your step outputs a valid 6.009 gas, you can visualize the output with server.py to
help you debug your code. The web UI uses all .gas gases in ./cases/ in our special 6.009
.gas format (it’s JSON, a standard textual data format that is compatible with Python). You
can generate your own with our handy gas generator: ./create_gas.py –help . Our web UI
will list them alongside the ones we provide!
The visualization shows an animation of gas states produced by your step . For gases smaller
than 16×16 , the visualization shows each particle in the gas container individually, but larger
gases are shown as density vector fields, partitioning the simulation into 16×16 windows and
coloring each proportionally to the ratio of particles to empty space. This simulation also shows
a direction of motion for the average direction of particles in each window. Suddenly, this looks
like science!
There are two ways to run the simulation:
Press the “step” button. This advances the simulation by one step.
Press the “run” button (the one with the triangle on it). This “plays” the simulation freely. To
stop it running, press the “pause” button.
To load a different gas, pause the simulation. Click on the “…” button above the gas
visualization. A list of gases will pop up, so you can click on the one you want to run next.
Use the test.py script to help you verify the correctness of your code. You can select which
tests run like this: test.py 1 3 7 runs only tests # 1, 3, and 7. We will only use the provided
test cases to auto-grade your work. You may also wish to investigate the Python debugger
(PDB) to help you find bugs efficiently.
Does your lab work? Do all tests in test.py pass? You’re done!