GZ720J: Homework 3 Object Detection


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In this assignment, you will work on two distinct algorithms for object detection. In the first
part of the assignment, you will use the Deformable Part Models (DPMs) [1], and implement
Non-Maximal Suppression (NMS) for object detection. In the second part, you will use the
Exemplar-SVM [3] algorithm and will reduce number of Exemplars used for detection. Finally,
you will compute the Average Precision (AP) of your reduced set of exemplars on the test
Image Data You will be working with a subset of the PASCAL VOC20071
. This dataset
contains a very small number of images (50) from the bus category as test images.
A complete submission consists of a zip file with the following folders (please keep each
system in a separate folder):
1. baselineESVM/, baselineDPM/: the baseline folders containing your code for Sections
2. segTransfer/: (if you do the extra credit): The custom folder with all your code and
data for segmentation transfer
3. a write-up (.pdf format).
Detailed submission checklist in Section 6.
We provide you with a number of functions and scripts in the hopes of alleviating some
tedious or error-prone sections of the implementation.
You can find a list of files provided in Section 5. Please read these descriptions.
1 Warming up with some theory (9pts)
We provide a suggested number of lines for each answer are mentioned.
Question 1.1 (2pts, 1 line)
You are given an M × N image and a sliding window detector template of size h × w. Using
valid convolution (stride of 1 pixel), how many windows would you classify in this image?
Question 1.2 (5pts, 2-3 lines)
Give one concrete example where using precision/recall metric is better than using accuracy
metric for judging performance of a detection algorithm.
Question 1.3 (2 pts, 1 line)
Given 1000 bounding boxes in the training set for a single category, how many Exemplar
detectors would one train? How many Dalal-Triggs type template detectors would one train?
2 Object Detection via DPMs and Non-Maximum Suppression (40 pts)
All your code for this section should be in the baselineDPM/ folder.
In this section, you try to detect objects using the Deformable Part Models (DPMs) [1], one
of the most popular detection algorithms, along with the Mean-Shift Clustering which is used for
Non-Maximum Suppression. First, you implement the Mean-Shift Clustering algorithm using
a simple example. Later, you will try to use the publicly available DPMs library (provided
in this handout) for detection, and your Mean-Shift algorithm is used in a way to refine the
closely located outputs from the DPMs, as Non-Maximum Suppression.
2.1 Mean-Shift Clustering (20 pts)
In this part, you will implement the weighted Mean-Shift Clustering algorithm. In weighted
Mean-Shift each point also has an associated positive weight, you need to compute the weighted
mean of them:
Xmean =
i=1 wiXi
i=1 wi
where Xi
is a feature location and wi
is an associated score. Intuitively, we want to increase
the importance of the points of higher weight.
Implement a function,
[CCenters,CMemberships] = MeanShift(data,bandwidth,stopThresh).
As input, this function takes:
• data: N × (F + 1) matrix where N is the number of points and F is feature dimension.
The final column means a score value at the feature location (the higher, the better).
Remember that your function should run with arbitrary dimension of F.
• bandwidth: the bandwidth of the window (a scalar) to be used to update the mean. All
the points which are distant from a window center in feature space within this threshold
are used to update the mean for the window.
• stopThresh: a scalar value used to check convergence of the Mean-Shift algorithm
(stop iteration if ||newCenter − oldCenter||2 < stopThresh).
And, as output, this function should return:
• CCenters: M×F mode points (finally converged window centers), where M is the number
of clusters and determined by your function automatically.
• CMemberships: N × 1 membership vector which shows the clustering result. Each value
of element represents the corresponding mode index (row index of CCenters) for each
data point.
HINT: Your Mean-shift algorithm should start from every feature point. After many iterations, each of them converges to its nearby mode. Feature points which converge to a same
mode are in a same cluster. You may re-use the parameter stopThresh, to group like-modes
to handle numerical tolerance.
Question 2.1.1 Submit your code, MeanShift.m
Question 2.1.2 Use the provided sample data q21 data.mat, and q21 test.m to test your
implementation. This data has 100 × 3 matrix (feature dimension is 2 with a score at the third
column), and was generated by some functions with different means and the same variance.
Remember that your code should automatically determine the number of clusters. You may
need to adjust your bandwidth to get a good result. Save your CCenters and CMemberships
into q21 result.mat, and submit with your code. PLEASE double check whether you saved
the q21 result.mat correctly (especially, their dimensions). Also save the visualization result
from q21 test.m, as q21 clustering.jpg, and submit.
Question 2.1.3 (at most 3 lines in your write-up) Try with different bandwidth values.
Explain briefly how does the bandwidth affect your results, and how did you determine your
(a) Input Data (b) Clustering Result
2.2 Detecting using Deformable Part Models (DPMs) (20 pts)
In this section, we try to detect objects using the provided DPM library. Particularly in this
homework, we are interested in finding buses in the images. Using the provided training data
/data/bus dpm.mat and the imgdetect function, detect a car in the test image, q42 test.jpg
by running the sample demo code, demoDPM.m. The direct result of imgdetect function is a
set candidate object positions (bounding boxes) in [xmin ymin xmax ymax] format, and can
be visualized using the provided showBoxes function. See the demoDPM.m.
As can be seen, the imgdetect function returns every location above some internal thresholds, producing multiple bounding boxes around object locations.
The main goal of this section is to refine the detection result using your Mean-Shift algorithm
using a Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS). The goal of NMS is to find the best one among its
neighborhood by suppressing the non-maximum candidates, and it reminds me of Mean-shift
algorithm as a mode finding tool. In particular, in this homework, you use your Mean-shift
algorithm for the NMS.
Implement a function:
[refinedBBoxes] = nms(bboxes, bandwidth,K)
As input, this function takes
• bboxes: result of imgdetect function, which contains all detected bounding boxes and
detection score (N × 5 matrix)
• bandwidth: same as before
• K: expected detection number. Only the top-K detections (at most) are selected as final
And, as output, it returns K ×4 matrix where K is the number given from your input. The
each row of refinedBBoxes represents a bounding box in [xmin ymin xmax ymax] format.
Note that you should use your Mean-Shift code in this function with 4 dimensional BBox
values as input features. Again, you may need to adjust your bandwidth input to get better
results. BE AWARE that the score of DPM can have negative numbers. Before applying your
Mean-Shift, make sure to make them to positive numbers using any preferred method (e.g. add
a constant value or normalize them).
Question 2.2.1 Submit your nms function
Question 2.2.2 (at most 3 lines in your write-up) Explain how does your nms function
determines the top-K candidates from Mean-Shift results (there could be different ways, so just
explain the method you have implemented).
Question 2.2.3 Find at least 3 bus images in the provided data folder or any images from
the Internet. Apply DPM detector with your nms function. Save the result images using the
names as q22 result1.jpg, q22 result2.jpg, q22 result3.jpg, and so on. Remember that
DPM may failed in some situation even if the image has a bus/buses. In your submission, you
may have at most 1 failure case, if you want.
(c) DPM Result (d) After refinement via Mean-Shift NMS
3 Reducing Exemplar Detectors (55 pts)
All your code for this section should be in the baselineESVM/ folder.
In this section we will use Exemplar-SVMS [3] for detection. You will first see how detection
parameters affect performance. Then you will try to cluster the images the Exemplars were
trained on, so that you may select a few of them and “compact them”.
For this part of the assignment we will use Exemplar-SVM (ESVM) [3] as our base Exemplar
detector. We have provided you with pre-trained ESVM detectors in bus esvm.mat. If you
load the file, you should find a cell array named models. This cell array is of dimension 1 × N
for N detectors. Each element in the models variable has the following parameters you need
to understand:
• I: name of image on which detector was trained. (This image is in data/voc2007).
• gt box: ground truth bounding box in [xmin ymin xmax ymax] format
• model.w: learned detector template using HOG feature. It will be of size h × w × 31
Throughout this assignment we will use bounding boxes in the [xmin ymin xmax ymax]
format. Figure 1 explains this format.
3.1 Detecting using Exemplar Detectors (10 pts)
As you have learned in class, object detection using ESVM involves convolving the detector
template on the image. Specifically, we use the HOG feature space to do this detection task.
The trained detector template h × w × 31 is convolved with the image m × n × 31 using 2D
convolution (i.e. the detector is not moved in the 3rd dimension of the HOG feature).
The function esvm detect performs detection on a given image. Have a look at the function
file to understand its input/output. It performs NMS on the output. It accepts detection
parameters in the variable params. For this assignment you will need to look at the following
fields on params
• detect keep threshold: scalar in range [−1, 1] determines score threshold on detections
• detect levels per octave: related to number of scales in which we perform detections.
Generally set between [3 − 10]. It is the number of resizings of an image between two
octaves. Figure 4 explains this.
Figure 4: The concept of levels per octave. Octave refers to resizing of an image by half (blue
levels). Levels per octave determines how many times we scale the image between these octaves.
Question 3.1.1 (10 pts) You will now implement a simple function batchDetectImagesESVM
that takes a cell array of images and ESVMs (models variable as described in Section 3), and
returns bounding boxes as a cell array. You will also pass detection parameters (Section 3)
params. You may use code from HW2 (specifically matlabpool in batchToVisualWords) to
speed up detections. boundingBoxes is a 1 × N cell array for N images. Each cell contains
detections for a particular image, using models.
[boundingBoxes] = batchDetectImageESVM(imageNames, models, params)
3.2 Evaluating Detection Performance (15 pts)
In this section you will evaluate (both qualitatively and quantitatively) the performance of
your detectors. Please use the images provided with the assignment for all questions. For
debugging purposes only you may use a small subset of images. Please DO NOT report
your answers on subsets. Use the full set of images for the answers. You can use the function
utils/evalAP for computing AP. Please see Section 5 for details.
Question 3.2.1 Theory (5 pts, 2 lines) What is Average Precision (AP)?
You will now change detection parameters and see how that affects Average Precision (AP).
Question 3.2.2 (10 pts) Change the number of scales at which your detector is evaluated
(detectParams.detect levels per octave (lpo)). Plot a graph of AP vs. lpo on the test set.
Set the lpo as [3,5,10]. Can you interpret the graph and explain in 2-4 lines? Submit your
script as q3 2 2.m
3.3 Compacting the set of exemplar detectors
Getting maximum detection performance with a smaller number of detectors is useful in practical applications like robotics, wearable computing etc. where compute power is limited.
Computational issues aside, recent work [2],[4] has shown that sometimes carefully choosing a
subset of training set can actually improve performance, i.e. smaller subset outperforms entire
set. In this section, you will attempt to reduce the number of exemplar detectors while trying
to maintain (or improve!!) the detection performance (AP).
Recall that for exemplar detectors, each detector corresponds to a bounding box from a
training image. Hence the terms detector and bounding box can be used interchangeably for
these detectors. The most basic way to reduce the number of detectors is by looking at their
corresponding training image bounding boxes and working with them. You can use these
bounding boxes to perform clustering and then just select the cluster centers as your final
“compacted” set of detectors.2 For the scope of this assignment, you are expected to follow
such approaches and just play with different features/number of clusters. You are welcome to
try more advanced techniques if you wish 🙂
Please do NOT use the test data for selecting your subset of Exemplars.
To handle bounding boxes of different sizes, you can resize them to a single size (e.g.
100 × 100). Figure 5 shows the average image for the clusters.
2To avoid re-training, just pick the exemplar detector “closest” to the cluster centers
Figure 5: We cluster the Exemplar-SVMs and then display the average image for each cluster.
To select the exemplars, we can just pick the exemplars that are closest to the cluster center.
This figure was generated using imdisp by resizing every bounding box to 100 × 100.
Question 3.3.1 (20 pts) For the provided Exemplar-SVM detectors, compute the
filterBank (yes, this again!) features from HW2 on the corresponding bounding boxes. Now
perform k-means clustering on the filter responses (no Bag-of-words needed), and select k
Exemplar-SVMs. Compute the AP for these selected k detectors. Vary k and plot a graph of
k vs. AP on the test set. Submit your code as q3 3 1.m. Please show the average images for
your clusters as shown in Figure 5.
Question 3.3.2 (10 pts) Repeat the steps in Question 3.3.1 using a different feature 3
Compute the AP for these selected k detectors. Vary k and plot a graph of k vs. AP on the
test set. Submit your code as q3 3 2.m. Please show the average images for your clusters as
shown in Figure 5.
4 Extra credit: Segmentation transfer using ESVM (20
Please place all your code for this section in a folder segTransfer.
One nice property of exemplar detectors is that they allow you to transfer meta-deta properties. Properites such as viewpoint, segmentation etc. associated with an exemplar can be
transfered to its confident detections. Figure 6 shows some examples.
In this section, we want to see if we can transfer segmentations using ESVMs. For this,
we want you to pick 2 detectors and create a segmentation mask for them. You should then
show 5 examples each, of segmentation transfer, for both the detectors (total 10 examples).
Include all your results (total 10 pairs) as shown in Figure 7. Use showHOG function to visualize
your model4
. Your visualization need not be as “appealing” as Figure 7, but make sure you
show 1. exemplar bounding box, 2. exemplar segmentation mask, 3. detected bounding box 4.
3you can use external code for this part by placing it in baselineESVM/external/
4use imagesc on the output to get a nice colored picture.
transfered segmentation mask to the detection. You can find more pre-trained ESVM models
at http://people.csail.mit.edu/tomasz/exemplarsvm/models/.
Figure 6: If we know some meta-data (e.g. 3D cuboid) of an ESVM, we can transfer it to the
detection. This is possible with an Exemplar detector because the detected bounding box and
the detector are very “aligned”.
Figure 7: If we know a segmentation mask for an ESVM, we can transfer the mask to the
5 HW3 Distribution Checklist
After unpacking homework3.zip},you should have a folder homework3}containing the following
code/, data/. The code/ folder contains
• baselineDPM/: Folder where you will write code for Section 2.
• baselineESVM/: Folder where you will write code for Section 3.
• lib/esvm, lib/esvm: Library (MATLAB based) code for DPM/ESVM.
• utils/: Utility (MATLAB based) code for DPM/ESVM. This folder contains two subfolders unix and win64 which have C++ code. Include the code for your platform.
In the data/ folder you will find the following files
• bus dpm.mat, bus esvm.mat: Pre-trained detectors for “bus” class
• bus data.mat: Contains images for the test set along with ground truth bounding boxes.
• voc2007: folder containing images
Details of Test Set
The data/voc2007/ folder contains .jpg files for all test images. It also contains all the
train images on which the Exemplar-SVMs were trained.
The file data/bus data.mat contains the following variables for TEST set.
• gtBoxes : a 1 × 50 cell array containing ALL ground truth boxes per image.
• gtImages : a 1 × 50 cell array containing ALL image names.
• posBoxes : a 1×25 cell array containing only ground truth boxes for images that contain
a bus.
• posImages : a 1 × 25 cell array containing only image names for images that contain a
• negBoxes : a 1 × 25 cell array containing only ground truth boxes for images that do not
contain a bus. Since this is negative data, there are no boxes and this cell array is empty.
• negImages : a 1 × 25 cell array containing only image names for images that do not
contain a bus.
Using the utils folder
The function
function [rec,prec,ap] = evalAP(gtBoxCell,detBoxCell,IOU ratio,draw)
computes Precision, Recall and Average Precision (AP) once given cell array of ground truth
boxes per image, and detections per image. The variable IOU ratio is set by default to 0.5 and
is the ”intersection over union” ratio used to determine if a detection coincides with ground
truth. Note that the returned recall and precision are cumulative and hence 1 × n “vectors”.
For the sake of this assignment, you do not need to use them. You just need to use ap values.
When passing boxes to this function make sure that you have
• Applied NMS on the boxes.
• Only kept the boxes above a certain score threshold (which you determine).
The function showHOG can be used to visualize the learned “HOG template” of an ESVM.
The file also contains paths/labels for train/test which you will be using. I have provided
paths/labels for a small subset of the data in smallTrain***/smallTest***. Use these only
for debugging.
6 HW3 Submission Checklist
Points will be deducted for not following the guidelines. Before you submit, please read and
make sure that
• All your submission is inside a zip file named with your Uni id. e.g. if your Uni id is
jsmith, then jsmith.zip. No rar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, 7Z or other formats.
• Your writeup is named with your Uni id. It is in the pdf format.
• Upload your zip file! No digital dropbox or links please.
• Your homework zip file must contain 2-3 folders – baselineDPM/, baselineESVM,
segTransfer/. Please do not include lib/, utils/ folders. Please place the code for
relevant sections under the relevant folders – Section 2 in baselineDPM/ etc.
• Any EXTERNAL CODE should be placed in a folder /external. This includes
export fig, imdisp etc.
• data/ folder is DELETED. We have the images/detectors we gave you.
• File/Directory structure. Running unzip on your zip file should yield .pdf,
baselineDPM/*.m, baselineESVM/*.m, segTransfer/*.m, external/*. Please follow
this carefully. If you do not attempt a part (like say extra credit) you will not have that
directory in your submission.
• The segTransfer/ folder can have small .mat files.
• Include any external code you have used for Question 3.3.2 in baselineESVM/external/
[1] P. F. Felzenszwalb, R. B. Girshick, D. McAllester, and D. Ramanan. Object detection with
discriminatively trained part-based models. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 32(9):1627–1645, 2010.
[2] A. Lapedriza, H. Pirsiavash, Z. Bylinskii, and A. Torralba. Are all training examples equally
valuable? arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.6510, 2013.
[3] T. Malisiewicz, A. Gupta, A. Efros, et al. Ensemble of exemplar-svms for object detection
and beyond. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
(ICCV), pages 89–96, 2011.
[4] I. Misra, A. Shrivastava, and M. Hebert. Data-driven exemplar model selection. In IEEE
Winter Conference of Applications in Computer Vision (WACV), pages 339–346, 2014.