GUI program for the main screen of an ATM solved


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Write a GUI program for the main screen of an ATM. You must use a switch/case statement on this one. Unfortunately it is an older ATM where the user can only enter a number into a textbox for their selection, and another for how much money they wish to withdraw or deposit. The GUI screen should have labels for the menu such as

(1) Balance Inquiry Checking

(2) Deposit Checking

(3) Withdraw Checking

(4) Exit

Have another label to display balance information and deposit / withdrawal messages.

Create a Form level variable for Balance of type decimal and assign it 1000.00

Make a button on the form. The click event of the button should take the choice the user gives and process it with the switch/case statement. If the user enter a 1 the program should display the current balance in the message label for output, if the user enter a 2 the program should take the amount the user entered into the second textbox and deposit this amount by adding it to the balance , and giving a confirmation message to the user in message label for output, if the user enters a 3 the program should take the amount the user entered into the second textbox and withdraws this amount by subtracting it from the balance if there is enough money to cover it in the account and giving a confirmation message ( or denial message ) to the user in the message label for output, if the user enters a 4 the program should end with Application.Exit(); if the user enters anything other than 1-4 it should give the user an invalid selection message in the message label for output.