Exercise A: Practice with logical instructions
Read This First
All of the instructions used here are described in Section 6.4.1 of the course textbook.
What to Do
Suppose that before the following instructions are run, $t8 contains 0x0000_0c54
and $t9 contains 0x0000_0a36.
lui $t0, 0x9a63
srl $t1, $t0, 6
or $t2, $t8, $t9
andi $t3, $t8, 0x07fc
nor $t4, $t8, $t8
nor $t5, $t8, $zero
xor $t6, $t8, $t9
xori $t7, $t8, 0x07fe
Without the aid of a computer, determine what values will be in $t0–$t7 after
the above instructions are executed. Show intermediate steps in base two (except
for the lui instruction—there’s no real intermediate work to be done there) and
then express your final answers in base sixteen.
What to Hand In
Hand in neatly hand-written solutions to this exercise.
Exercise B: Pseudoinstructions with real instruction mnemonics
Read This First
In lectures and labs you have already seen the la and li pseudoinstructions. These
can be used in MARS and MIPS assembly language, and will generate appropriate
machine instructions to copy an address (with la) or a 32-bit constant (with li)
into a GPR.
Many MIPS assemblers offer a very wide selection of pseudoinstructions, including, somewhat confusingly, some that share mnemonics with real instructions.
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Here is an example, using sw. Suppose that foo is a label for a word allocated
in with .word in a .data section in an assembly language file, and suppose also
that the address of this word will be 0x1001_000c. It’s possible to write this in a
.text section:
sw $t0, foo
That’s not a real instruction—I certainly hope that by this point in the course you
know that the address in a real sw instruction involves a GPR and a constant offset.
The assembler will deal with the above pseudoinstruction by generating these two
real instructions:
lui $at, 0x1001
sw $t0, 12($at)
Note the use of the GPR $at (“assembler temporary”), and note how the address
of foo generates both the constant in the lui instruction and the offset in the sw
Here is another example. Many MIPS assemblers will accept this:
add $s0, $s1, 0x123456
There are two reasons why that is not a real instruction. First, add needs two GPRs
as sources, not one GPR and a constant. Second, it’s not even acceptable as an
alternate syntax for a real addi instruction, because the constant 0x123456 can’t
be packed into the 16-bit constant field in an addi instruction.
Read This Second
Here is some helpful information about machine code formats for lui and ori
• For lui, the opcode, in base two, is 001111. Bits 25–21 are 00000, the destination register number is given in bits 20–16, and the constant is given in
bits 15–0.
• For ori, the opcode, in base two, is 001101. The source register number is
given in bits 25–21, and the destination register number is given in bits 20–16.
The constant is given in bits 15–0.
What to Do
This is a pencil-and-paper exercise. There is no need to use a computer.
(1) Suppose that str99 is a label for a byte allocated in a .data section, and that
the address of this byte is 0x1003_49a0. Determine the machine code that would
be generated as a result of this pseudoinstruction:
sb $t8, str99
Use the above example with sw as a guide, and show the steps you used to arrive
at an answer. Give the machine code in both base two and hexadecimal representations.
(2) Find machine code for
add $s4, $s1, 0x5dc70
Show the steps you used to arrive at an answer, and give the machine code in both
base two and hexadecimal representations. (Hint: you will need three instructions
in total.)
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What to Hand In
Hand in handwritten answers for items (1) and (2).
Exercise C: Machine code for MIPS branches and
What to Do
Consider the following sketch of some MIPS assembly language code:
L1: lbu $t0, ($s2)
beq $t0, $zero, L2
many more instructions
addi $s2, $s2, 1
j L1
L2: or $s5, $s2, $zero
Suppose that the address of the lbu instruction ends up being 0x0040_7320 and
the address of the or instruction ends up being 0x0040_73a4. What will be the
machine code for the beq and j instructions?
Take time to write the steps taken to determine the answers, and express the
answers as eight-digit hexadecimal numbers.
What to Hand In
Hand in your answers along with the work needed to find those answers.
Exercise D: Pointer/Index Speed Comparison
Read This First
You have seen that given an algorithm that needs to access each element of an array,
you can implement it in two rather different-looking ways. The first way uses an
integer index variable—in the following code, i is the index variable:
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
do something with a[i];
The second way uses pointer arithmetic—in the following code, p and past_end are
past_end = p + n;
p = a;
while (p != past_end) {
do something with *p;
You now have some experience translating both kinds of loops into MIPS assembly
language, and you should have noticed that the second of the two above code
fragments results in a shorter sequence of instructions for the loop than does the
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Most modern compilers have optimization options. If you don’t ask for optimization,
a C compiler will generate instructions by translating C expressions in a straightforward manner—for example, if a is of type int* and i is of type int, the address
of a[i] would be computed by adding four times i to the address in a.
If you do ask for optimization, a compiler will try to generate sequences of
instructions that have the effect specified by the source code and that achieve that
effect as quickly as possible. Optimizing C compilers use a lot of different tricks to
generate fast machine code; some of these tricks are very complex. Here are two
important and relatively simple optimization tricks:
• When compiler optimization is not requested, local variables and function
arguments are often all placed on the stack—that turns out to be helpful if a
tool called a debugger is used to examine contents of variables and arguments
belong to a running executable.
When optimization is requested, frequently-accessed local variables and function arguments will be put in registers instead; the result can be a large
reduction in the number of memory accesses.
• Source code that accesses array elements using square brackets can be translated into assembly language that achieves the same effect with instructions
that work using pointer arithmetic.
In this exercise you will use gcc on Cygwin64 to compare the speed of index-based
and pointer-based functions, with and without compiler optimization.
The definition of speedup
Speedup is a commonly used method for quantifying the relative performance of
two computer programs that do the same job, or two parts of programs, where the
parts do the same job.
There are lots of possibilities for what the two programs or two parts of programs
might be. Here are some common examples:
• There are “old” and “new” versions of a program, where the source code of
the “new” version has been rewritten in an attempt to improve performance.
• The “old” and “new” versions have exactly the same source code, but the
executable file for the “new” version is built using options that are expected
to generate faster machine code.
• The “old” and “new” executables are exactly the same, but are run on different
hardware. In this case we’re measuring the effect of changing hardware, while
in the above two cases we’re measuring the effect of changing software.
Let Told be the “old” running time, and Tnew be the “new” running time. Then
speedup is defined as
Speedup = Told
Note that a speedup that is > 1 indicates that the change from “old” to “new”
really is an improvement, while a speedup that is < 1 indicates that the change
actually made performance worse.1
1Also—somewhat but not totally joking—a speedup of ∞ means that the new program works
but the old one didn’t; a speedup of 0 means that the old program works but the new one is
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Notes about timing code with clock
In this exercise the clock function from the Standard C Library will be used to
time how long a portion of a program takes to run. Here are a few brief remarks
about using clock:
• To get reasonably accurate measurements of how long it takes part of a program to run, the total time measured should be on the order of one second or
more. So it may be necessary to call a function thousands of times in between
calls to clock, in order to get a long enough time interval.
• The clock function will measure only processor time used by the program
that calls it, not by other programs that may get some processor “timeslices”
while the program being measured is run. However, these other programs
may cause the program being measured to use excessive processor time due
to events called “cache misses”. (We will cover caches later in the course.)
Therefore when doing measurements such as the ones in this exercise, it is
best to reduce activity of other programs as much as possible.
When you are running the executables you generate in this exercise, avoid
having other applications run at the same time, especially a web browser,
which can get quite busy grabbing data from the Web and updating one or
more of its windows or tabs.
• There are a few more things to read about clock in the comments in the file
What to Do, Part I
In order to ensure that all students use the same hardware and compiler version,
please do this exercise on one of the computers in ICT 320.
Copy the directory encm369w18lab05/exD , then read the three files in the directory to see what the program does. Pay close attention to the comment describing
the use of the clock function.
Build an executable with the command
gcc main.c functions.c
and run the executable. You will have to wait 15 seconds or so for it to finish. Run
the executable a few more times.
You will probably notice that the CPU time measurements are not quite identical
from one run to the next, indicating that there is some degree of error in these
measurements. Use the following method to estimate CPU time over ten runs of
the program:
Take the average of the fastest five times. Ignore the slowest five times.
The rationale for this is that the operating system kernel or other programs will
occasionally do things to hurt the performance of the program being tested, but
normally can’t do anything to give an unfair improvement to that performance.
Answer the following questions:
• How much CPU time is used by 1,000,000 calls to index_version? How
much CPU time is used by 1,000,000 calls to pointer_version?
• If index_version is considered to be the “old” version of a function and
pointer_version is considered to be a “new” version, what is the speedup?.
Use the definition of speedup given on page 5.
Now build an optimized executable with the command
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gcc -O2 main.c functions.c
(That’s an uppercase letter O, not the digit 0.) The -O2 option asks the compiler
to optimize fairly aggressively. Run the new executable, then answer these
• What is the speedup for index_version compiled with -O2 optimization
relative to index_version compiled without optimization? What is the
speedup for pointer_version compiled with -O2 optimization relative to
pointer_version compiled without optimization? (Show the data and
calculations you used to answer these two questions.)
• With optimization, is pointer_version significantly faster than
• Which seems to be a more important factor in array-processing speed: using
pointers instead of indexes, or asking the compiler for optimization?
Read This, Part II
This part of the exercise asks you to try one more compiler optimization option,
called loop unrolling.
Consider the following code taken from functions.c:
int sum = 0;
const int *p;
const int *past_last;
past_last = a + n;
p = a;
while (p != past_last) {
sum += *p;
Each pass through the loop executes the comparison p != past_last and the
pointer update p++. The code could be sped up if those two operations were performed less often:
int sum = 0;
int *p;
int *q;
/* q = a + (n rounded down to multiple of 4) */
q = a + (n & 0xfffffffc);
p = a;
while (p != q) {
sum += *p;
sum += *(p + 1);
sum += *(p + 2);
sum += *(p + 3);
p += 4;
switch (n % 4) {
case 3: sum += *(q + 2);
case 2: sum += *(q + 1);
case 1: sum += *q;
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Note that the comparison and pointer update are now done only once for every four
array element accesses. The switch statement is needed in case n is not a multiple
of four. (Choosing to do four element accesses in the loop body is just an example.
It might be even more efficient to do eight element accesses in the loop body.)
The new code is longer and much less readable than the original, so it is probably
not a good idea to modify the original C code. However, gcc and many other
optimizing compilers can translate C code like the original simple loop into assembly
language that works like the faster, more complicated C code. This is called loop
unrolling. gcc with -O2 does not do loop unrolling unless you ask for it explicitly.
What to Do, Part II
Build a new executable with the command
gcc -O2 -funroll-loops main.c functions.c
What is the speedup for pointer_version with -O2 and loop unrolling, relative to
pointer_version compiled with -O2 only? (Again, show your data and calculations.)
What to Hand In
Hand in neatly typed or hand-written answers to all of the questions asked in italics
in What to Do, Parts I and II.
Some Final Remarks
This is just one experiment with one not-very-practical program. Don’t assume
that compiler optimization will always be as effective as it appears to be in this
The most important factor in program speed is use of fast algorithms. Compiler
optimization might make a sort function run several times faster than the same
function compiled without optimization, but switching from insertion sort to quicksort might speed up the function by a factor of over a thousand if the array being
sorted is very large.
Modern operating systems provide alternatives to clock that may in some cases
be more precise and helpful. If you are looking for those alternatives—not needed
for ENCM 369, but possibly useful for projects in other courses or in “the real
world”—here some names of functions you could do Web searches for:
platform function
Linux clock_gettime
Windows QueryPerformanceCounter
Mac OS X mach_absolute_time
Whatever you find and choose, read the documentation carefully—it’s easy to make
big mistakes in performance measurement if you do not understand exactly what
information is being given to you by time-measuring function calls!
Exercise E: Steps in building an executable
Read This First
The point of this exercise is to help you get a better idea of the individual steps
used to create an executable from C source files. You may wish to re-read Section
6.6 of your textbook, and lecture notes from early February to be reminded of the
meanings of terms such as compiler, object file, linker, and executable file.
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Read This Second: x86 and x86-64
The term x86 usually refers to an instruction set architecture (ISA) that first became
available with the Intel 80386 processor in 1985. Section 6.8 in your textbook does
a good job of summarizing the main features of the x86 architecture.
Most processor chips installed in current PC and Apple Mac laptop and desktop
computers support what known as the x86-64 ISA. The term x86-64 is essentially a
generic term for the two nearly-identical architectures named AMD64 and EM64T
by AMD and Intel, respectively. This is described very briefly in Section 6.8.6 of
the textbook.
Something that isn’t mentioned in the textbook is that x86-64 has 16 GPRs,
instead of just the eight that x86 has.
x86-64 processors can run most programs that have been compiled, assembled,
and linked for x86. This is important because there is a huge base of software
developed for x86 that users continue to want to run.
The computers in ICT 320 have x86-64 processors. The version of gcc available
on Cygwin64 these computers is configured to generate executables for the x86-64
architecture. So you’ll be looking at x86-64 instructions as you work through this
What to Do
Since this exercise, unlike Exercise D, is not about program performance, you do
not have to use a specific model of hardware for it. However, you do have to use
a specific version of gcc for x86-64. By far the easiest way to be sure of using the
correct version of gcc is to use a computer in ICT 320.
Get into the same directory you used for Exercise D. Now follow this sequence of
1. Run the preprocessor on functions.c with the command
gcc -E functions.c -o functions.i
The -E option says “preprocess only”; the -o option is used to specify the
name of the output file. Use the command less functions.i to have a
look at the file functions.i, which is the translation unit produced by the
C preprocessor. You should see that the contents are C code that include the
function prototypes from functions.h. (Notes on less: use the space bar to
page forward; use the b key to page backward; use the q key to quit; use the
h key for help on other commands.) By the way, lines such as
# 1 “functions.c”
appear in the translation unit so that the compiler can know the locations of
lines of C code in their original .c or .h files.
2. Run the compiler on functions.i:
gcc -S functions.i
The -S option says “translate to assembly language, but do not go on to run
the assembler”. The output will be a file called functions.s. Have a look at
this file with less. You probably won’t be able to understand all the details,
because (a) the x86-64 assembly language syntax used by the GNU assembler
is a bit different from the MIPS assembly language syntax and (b) the x86-64
instruction set is very different from the MIPS instruction set. Nevertheless,
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you should be able to see the general idea—for each of the two C functions
there is a label followed by sequence of instructions that do the work of the
The while loop in pointer_version will appear as 8 instructions starting
with jmp .L2 . (By the way, that first instruction is an unconditional
jump to the place in the code where the comparison p == past_last is done.)
Answer this question: What are these 8 instructions? Just list them—you
don’t have to explain what they do.
3. Run the assembler on functions.s:
gcc -c functions.s
The -c option says “generate an object file but do not go on to run the
linker”. The output will be a file called functions.o. This file is not a text
file, so it’s not helpful to try to view it with less. Instead you can use the
objdump program, which can get information from object files and display it
in human-readable form. Run the command
objdump -d functions.o | less
This will direct the output of objdump to the input of less, so you can view
the output of objdump one page at a time. The -d option is for “disassemble”;
what you’ll see is bit patterns for x86-64 instructions along with translations
of those bit patterns back into assembly language. Notice that different instructions are different numbers of bytes in length—that’s very different from
MIPS, where all instructions are four bytes long.
Answer this question: What is the machine code for the instruction
addl $0x1,-0x4(%rbp) ? Write your answer as sequence of bytes written
in hexadecimal. (By the way, this instruction is the translation of i++ in
4. Repeat the above three steps starting with main.c. Here are three things you
should observe:
• The translation unit main.i is a large file because a lot of C code is
included from <stdio.h>.
• The assembly language file main.s is not very large—none of the type
declarations and function prototypes in <stdio.h> cause the compiler
to generate any assembly language code.
• Looking at main.s, you will not find assembly language translations of
the library functions clock and printf.
Answer these questions:
• The line
sum = index_version(x, ARRAY_SIZE);
appears in main.c; what does this line get replaced with in the translation unit main.i? (Hint: If you press the / key in less, you will be
allowed to enter a string that less will search for, which is more fun
than paging through a thousand lines of stuff from <stdio.h>.)
• What is the machine code for the instruction
movl $0xf4240,-0x8(%rbp) ? (This appears about 30 instructions
from the beginning of main—it’s an instruction that gives the immediate
value 0xf4240, which is 1,000,000, to the variable count, located in
memory at address -0x8(%rbp).) Write your answer as sequence of bytes
written in hexadecimal.
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5. Run the linker with the command
gcc functions.o main.o -o exE.exe
Here again the -o option is used to name the output file. To confirm that you
have actually built an executable, run it with the command ./exE.exe
What to Hand In
Hand in neatly typed or hand-written answers to all of the questions asked in What
to Do.
Optional Exercise F: The jr instruction and
C switch statements
Read This First
This exercise won’t be marked and, unlike many other unmarked lab exercises in
this course, is not related to possible midterm or final exam questions.
However, it does provide some insight into how C switch statements can be
translated into highly efficient assembly language code, and shows a use of the jr
instruction that has nothing to do with returning from a procedure.
Consider this example switch statement:
switch(i) {
case 1: case 3: case 5:
printf(“odd, between 1 and 6\n”);
case 2: case 4: case 6:
printf(“even, between 1 and 6\n”);
printf(“less than 1 or greater than 6\n”);
How could it be translated into assembly language? One approach would be to
write an equivalent if statement . . .
if (i == 1 || i == 3 || i == 5)
printf(“odd, between 1 and 6\n”);
else if (i == 2 || i == 4 || i == 6)
printf(“even, between 1 and 6\n”);
printf(“less than 1 or greater than 6\n”);
. . . which could then be used as a guide for generating an appropriate collection of
branch instructions.
But what if there are a hundred cases in a frequently-executed switch statement? (Some real-world C switch statements do have that many cases!) Coding
a hundred branch instructions would result in slow code—on average, when the
switch statement is entered, fifty or so branch instructions would have to be executed before a branch would cause a “goto” to the appropriate statement. (The
number fifty is based on an assumption that all cases are reached with equal frequency; even if the assumption is not true there is still a potential for a lot of
branches to be executed.)
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Is there a way to jump more quickly to the appropriate statement? The answer
to this is yes, using something called a “jump table” and the MIPS jr instruction
(similar instructions, when programming other processor architectures).
What to Do
Copy the directory encm369w18lab04/exF
Carefully study the files switch1.c and switch1.asm. Note the key role played
by the array that is set up with jump_table as a label, and the use of the instruction
jr $t5.
Consider, for example, the situation when k is 9. After checking for k < 0 and
k > 10, there is no checking for k == 1, k == 2, and so on, one case at a time, up
to k == 9. Instead, a four-instruction sequence rapidly puts the right address to
jump to into $t5, and then there is a jump straight to the instructions needed to
handle k == 9.
Now study the file switch2.c. Using the code in switch1.asm as a guide,
write a MARS translation of switch2.c, using a jump table to implement your
translation of the switch statement.
What to Hand In
There is nothing to hand in. You may check your work against a solution that will
be posted on the Web sometime before the end of Reading Week.
Optional Exercise G: Recursion in Assembly Language
Read This First
Like Exercise F, this exercise won’t be marked and, again, unlike many other unmarked lab exercises in this course, is not related to possible midterm or final exam
Recursion is a powerful tool in computer programming. One general form of
recursive solution to a problem involving a collection of data items is as follows:
• If there is only one item—or sometimes, if the collection is empty—solve the
problem in some very easy way. For example, it requires no work at all to
sort a collection that has only one item.
• If there are two or more items:
– Divide the collection into two parts, each roughly half the size of the
– Make two recursive calls to solve the problem for each partial collection.
– Combine the results produced by the recursive calls.
This general structure loosely describes many important algorithms, including the
famously efficient sorting algorithms called quicksort and mergesort.
In this exercise, you will look at recursive code that performs a much easier
task than sorting: summing the element values of an array. Obviously, a recursive
solution is neither the easiest nor the most efficient way to perform this task using C
or assembly language. However, the code is very short, and relatively easy to
understand compared to complicated sort functions.
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What to Do
Copy the directory encm369w18lab05/exG
Study the C code and the corresponding assembly language code. Bring the
assembly language code into MARS, and assemble it.
Set a breakpoint on the first sw instruction in the prologue array_sum. Run the
program to the breakpoint, and then single-step through the four sw instructions in
the prologue, watching a return address and three incoming arguments get copied
into the stack.
Click on the Run icon; you will find that the program stops at the same breakpoint. Single-step again through the prologue and observe that the saved arguments
and return address are not exactly the same as in the previous stack frame.
Click on the Run icon again, and once again watch data get copied into the
stack. Repeat this as many times as necessary to get an idea of how the sequence
of recursive calls gradually accumulates the sum of all the elements of the array x
in main.
What to Hand In