Editing and running C programs using a text editor
and the gcc command line
In many lab assignments in ENCM 369, you will be expected to work with C code
in some way, so it is important that you know how to edit C code, and build
executables from it in the lab.
Most students in ENCM 369 in Winter 2018 took ENCM 339 in Fall 2017 or
Spring 2017; those students should be quite familiar with using text editors such as
Geany or Notepad++ to edit C source code, and using Cygwin Terminal to build
and run executables. However, there may be a few students in ENCM 369 this term
who have transfer credit for ENCM 339 and may not be familiar with the tools used
for programming in that course.
Instead of inserting into this document a lot of text about how to edit and
run C programs in the lab, I’ll just post a link to the “Lab Information” page for
Section 01 of ENCM 339 in Fall 2017:
You should consider clicking on that link and doing some reading and coding if
one or the other of the following is true:
• you’re not at all familiar with the programming tools used in recent versions
of ENCM 339;
• you took ENCM 339 in Spring or Fall 2017, but you did most of your lab work
on your own computer, and you would like to review the basics of editing and
running C code in ICT 320.
The key documents to read are “Editing and Running Programs in the ENCM 339
Lab” and the Lab 1 Instructions.
Exercise A: Practice editing C code and building an
Read This First
There are no marks for this exercise, but I strongly recommend that you make a
serious effort to get it done before your first lab period. If you are unsuccessful,
please be ready to ask questions at the beginning of the lab period.
What to do, Part I
If necessary, read the instructions for ENCM 339 Fall 2017 Section 01 Lab 1, and
work through some of the exercises.
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What to do, Part II
Open a Cygwin Terminal window. Within /cygdrive/h, create a directory called
encm369. Within your encm369 directory, create a directory called lab01, and
within that create a directory called exA.
Figure 1: C code for Exercise A.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n = 0;
int power = 1;
printf(“%12s%12s%12s\n”, “n “, “2**n “, “2**n”);
printf(“%12s%12s%12s\n”, “decimal”, “decimal”, “hex “);
while (n <= 16) {
printf(“%12d%12d%12x\n”, n, power, power);
power = power + power;
return 0;
Start up Geany or Notepad++ (or some other text editor, if you know that text
editor well). Type in the first line from Figure 1, then use a Save as . . . command
to save the file with name exA.c, in your encm369/lab01/exA directory. Use the
ls command to confirm that a file called exA.c exists within that directory.
Return to the text editor, and finish typing in the rest of the code from Figure 1.
When you have finished, save the file and return to your terminal window.
In the terminal window, build an executable with the command
gcc -Wall exA.c
If there are errors or warnings, go back to the text editor, try to fix the errors,
then try again to build an executable. If there are no errors or warnings, run the
You should see a table of powers of 2n for values of n from 0 to 16, displayed in
both base ten and base sixteen.
Keep working on this exercise until you are sure you know what you are doing—if
you do not, you will have serious problems with all of the remaining exercises!
What to Hand In
How to download files for ENCM 369 labs
Most lab exercises in this course will require you to download one or more files
containing C code, assembly language code, or data.
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Links for downloading these files can be found on the same Web page where you
find lab instructions. You have the option of clicking through links to get files one
at a time or downloading all the files you need for one lab in a single .zip archive.
When you are told to make a copy of, for example,
encm369w18lab01/exB/globals.c ,
you should look for it starting on the ENCM 369 Lab Information web page.
Exercise B: Global variables, review of pointer arithmetic
Read This First
Most variables you saw or created in programs in ENCM 339 were local variables. A
local variable can be directly accessed only within the function definition in which
it appears. (A local variable of one function can be indirectly accessed by another
function, if that other function has a pointer to the variable.)
C variables declared outside of all function definitions in a C source file are called
global variables or external variables. Unlike local variables, global variables can be
directly accessed from many different function definitions.
There are two kinds of global variables: those declared to be static and those
not declared to be static. Global variables declared to be static can be directly
accessed by all functions in the source file where the variable is declared. (This
use of the keyword static is confusing, because it has nothing to do with static
memory allocation.) Global variables not declared to be static can be directly
accessed by all functions in a program.
(If you are working on a program where a global variable is in fact accessed
from more than one source file, you need to know the rules regarding the extern
keyword. See a good C text for details, and read carefully.)
Global variables, regardless of whether they are declared as static, are always
statically allocated. So, according to rules you should have learned in ENCM 339,
global variables are found in the static storage region, are allocated and initialized
before main starts, and remain allocated as long as the program runs.
Unlike automatic variables (which are the “normal” kind of local variables of
functions) global variables that don’t have initializers are initialized to zero. For
example, consider this variable declaration:
int arr[5];
If arr were local to some function, you could not count on the elements of arr to
have any particular values. But if arr were a global variable, its elements would all
be initialized to zero.
What to do
Part 1
Copy the file encm369w18lab01/exB/globals.c
Study the file carefully and make sure you understand the diagram of program
state at point one given in Figure 2.
Make a similar diagram to show the state of the program when it reaches point
three. (Note: In ENCM 369, whenever you are asked to hand in diagrams, you may
draw them neatly by hand or by computer, whichever you find more convenient.)
Figure 3 should give you a hint about how to draw part of the diagram.
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Figure 2: The state of the Exercise B program at the moment when point one is reached.
At that moment, functions update_cc and reverse are not active, so their parameters and
local variables do not exist. The notation ?? is used to indicate uninitialized local variables.
Important note for ENCM 369: As the course progresses, we will see that some of
the local variables and parameters of a program are in a region of main memory called the
stack, and other local variables and parameters are in registers; we’ll see later in the course
that for MIPS the arrays dd and ee would be allocated on the stack, but the integers and
pointers belonging to copy would be in general-purpose registers, not in memory at all!
cc 640
statically allocated
memory and function parameters
local variables
?? dd[5]
Figure 3: Example of a pointer pointing “just beyond” the last element of an array. Here
the element arr[3] does not exist, but the address of arr[3] does exist. This concept is
useful for setting up a condition to quit a loop, when the loop uses pointer arithmetic to
step through an array.
// fragment of a C function
int arr[] = { 10, 11, 12 };
int *p;
p = arr + 3;
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Figure 4: Table for Exercise B, Part 2.
instant in time to from pastend
point two, first time 0x100090
point two, second time
point two, third time
point two, last time
Part 2
Instead of using arrows to show what addresses are contained by pointers, let’s track
pointers as actual numbers.
We’ll assume that the size of an int is 4 bytes. We’ll use hexadecimal numbers,
writing them in C language notation. For example, 0x7ffe18 represents a number
we would have written as 7FFE1816 in ENEL 353.
Suppose that the address of ee[0] is 0x7ffe78. Then the addresses of elements
1, 2, 3 in the array must be 0x7ffe7c, 0x7ffe80, and 0x7ffe84—each address is
4 greater than the previous one. (Here is a fact you will use often in this course:
In base sixteen, adding 0xc and 4 generates a sum digit of zero and a carry out of
Now suppose that &bb[0] is 0x100090 and &ee[0] is 0x7ffe78. Use that information to fill in all of the addresses in all of the cells in a copy of the table of
Figure 4.
What to Hand In
Hand in a diagram for Part 1 and a completed table for Part 2.
Using your own computer for Exercises C–H
We (your instructors and your TAs) expect that most students will do Exercises C
to H on Linux workstations in ICT 320. However, all of the exercises can be done
on your own computer, if you have a reasonably up-to-date C development system
All students should do at least two or three of the exercises in ICT 320, just to
get comfortable with the process of editing C code and building executables using
a text editor and a command line.
Exercise C: goto statements
Read This First
goto statements are available in C and C++, and their equivalents are available in
most programming languages.
You can have a long career writing high-quality C and C++ code for a huge
variety of applications and never once use a goto statement. Just about everything
you can do with goto can be done more clearly some other way. Use of goto tends
to make code unreasonably hard to understand and debug.
Nevertheless, it’s useful to know what goto does, for the following reasons:
(1) You might find goto in code that somebody else wrote.
(2) C code generated by a program (as opposed to code written by a
human being) may have goto statements in it.
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(3) Writing goto statements is similar to writing branch instructions in
assembly language.
It’s reason (3) that makes the goto statement relevant to ENCM 369.
Consider the following simple program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
printf(“i is %d. “, i);
return 0;
Obviously, the output is
i is 0. i is 1. i is 2. i is 3.
Here is an equivalent program written using goto statements:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i;
i = 0;
if (!(i < 4)) goto past_loop_end;
printf(“i is %d. “, i);
goto loop_beginning;
return 0;
The output is exactly the same as that of the earlier program with the for loop.
The identifiers loop_beginning and past_loop_end are examples of what are called
labels. A label is used to name a particular statement; a colon must appear between
a label and the statement it names. A goto statement has the following syntax:
goto label;
A goto statement causes the flow of statement execution to jump to whatever
statement is named by the label. This should be reasonably clear from the example.
What to Do
Determine the output of the following program by tracing its execution line by line
with a pencil and paper.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int outer, inner;
outer = 3;
ENCM 369 Winter 2018 Lab 1 page 8 of 11
if (outer == 0) goto quit_outer_loop;
inner = 0;
if (inner > outer) goto quit_inner_loop;
printf(” %d”, 100 * outer + inner);
goto inner_loop;
printf(” **\n”);
goto outer_loop;
return 0;
Check your work by typing in the program, compiling it, and running it. (If it
doesn’t compile, goes into an infinite loop when it runs, or crashes, you have made
a typing error.)
What to Hand In
Goto-C: Read this before starting Exercises D–H
From now on in this course, the term “Goto-C” refers to a programming language
that is C with the following modifications:
• The only kind of if statement allowed in Goto-C is the following:
if (expression) goto label;
• Goto-C does not have the following keywords and operators:
else while for do switch && ||
• Goto-C does not have ?: , the conditional operator.
As you will soon see, Goto-C is an annoying language, significantly harder to read
and write than normal C. However, working with Goto-C will help you learn how
to code algorithms in assembly language.
Consider the following simple fragment of normal C:
if (x >= 0)
y = x;
y = -x;
The above is illegal in Goto-C for two reasons: the if statement is not in an
acceptable form, and the banned keyword else is used. One way to translate the
fragment to Goto-C is as follows:
if (x < 0) goto else_code;
y = x;
goto end_if;
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y = -x;
Technical Note: The C standard does not permit code like the following:
void f(int i)
if (condition) goto L;
The reason is that the label L is followed by a closing brace, which is not a statement.
To write standard-compliant code, use an empty statement—a semicolon all by
itself . . .
void f(int i)
if (condition) goto L;
Exercise D: Translating if / else-if / else code to
What to Do
Copy the file encm369w18lab01/exD/temperature.c
Read the file temperature.c. Make an executable and run it. Then recode the
function report in Goto-C. Make sure that the output of your modified program
exactly matches the output of the original program.
What to Hand In
Exercise E: Simple loops in Goto-C
Read This First
Simple C while and for loops are easy to code in Goto-C. You need a statement
of the form
if (condition) goto label;
at the top of the loop to skip past the end of the loop when appropriate and you
need a statement of the form
goto label;
to jump backwards after the loop body has been executed. For example, this code:
while (i >= 0) {
printf(“%d\n”, i);
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can be written as:
if (i < 0) goto past_end;
printf(“%d\n”, i);
goto loop_top;
Remember that the condition to quit looping is the opposite of the condition to
continue looping.
What to Do
Copy the file encm369w18lab01/exE/simple_loops.c
Read the file and follow the instructions in the comment at the top of the file.
What to Hand In
Exercise F: && and || in Goto-C
Read This First
You should recall from ENCM 339 that short-circuit evaluation is used when the
&& and || operators are encountered in C code. (This also happens with && and
|| in C++, and with and and or in Python.) For example, the right-hand operand
of && is not evaluated if the left-hand operand is false. It’s quite easy to translate
expressions with && into Goto-C. For example,
if (y > 0 && x / y >= 10) {
can be coded as
if (y <= 0) goto end_if;
if (x / y < 10) goto end_if;
Expressions with || can be coded in goto-C using a simple adjustment of the technique used for expressions with &&.
What to Do
Copy the file encm369w18lab01/exF/logical_or.c
Read the file and follow the instructions in the comment at the top of the file.
What to Hand In
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Exercise G: A more complicated program in Goto-C
What to Do
Copy the file encm369w18lab01/exG/exG.c
Read the file carefully. Make an executable using the following command:
gcc -Wall exG.c
Run the executable eight times, using the following text as input:
input description
1.0 x first run, test with invalid input
1.0 0 second run, also invalid input
1.0 3 third run
1.0 4 fourth run
1.5 10 fifth run
1.6 10 sixth run
-4.3 10 seventh run
-4.4 10 eighth run
Translate the definitions of main and polyval to Goto-C. Be careful to translate
every use of a C feature that is not allowed in Goto-C.
Test your modified program with the same input given above for the original
program. Make sure it always generates exactly the same output as the original
What to Hand In
Printouts of the final version of your source file and and the outputs of all of your
test runs.
Exercise H: Nested loops in Goto-C
What to Do
Copy the file encm369w18lab01/exH/exH.c
Read the file, then make an executable and run it to check what the program does.
Translate the definitions of print_array and sort_array to Goto-C. Be careful
to translate every use of a C feature that is not allowed in Goto-C.
Make sure your modified program generates exactly the same output as the
original program.
What to Hand In
A printout of the final version of your source file.