
EECS 560 Lab 6 – Implementation of Binary Search Trees

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The purpose of this lab is to implement a Binary Search Tree (BST) in C++.
General Requirements:
In this lab, you are required to implement a binary search tree using a pointer-based implementation
(do not use an array). Each node of the tree will have a key and left and right pointers, where the left
pointer will point to its left child, and the right pointer will point to its right child. You are to read in a
collection of integers from a data file called data.txt and insert them into the BST based on the BST
property. Duplicate keys are allowed in this lab, and your input data.txt file should have at least one
duplicate value. You may hard code the file name if you wish.
The binary search tree should be implemented with an appropriate constructor and destructor. The rest
of the methods should be implemented as follows:
• AddItem(x) – This function inserts the integer element into the tree. If there is a duplicate
integer as the input, it should go to the right subtree.
• DeleteItem(x) – This function deletes the integer from the binary search tree. The function
should delete the first occurrence of the integer only. In order to delete the integer, the tree
must be traversed in order to find the integer. This should be done using the < or >= property.
Once the node is located, it is deleted. (Note: This will be explained in more detail in lab.)
• InorderSuccessor() – This function should return the inorder successor of the given element.
• LevelOrder() – This function should print the elements in the tree in level order fashion.
• SpiralLevelOrder() – This function should print the elements in the tree in a spiral order fashion,
i.e., the alternating levels from the root should be printed in reverse order. The even level
elements should be printed in the forward order (from left to right), and the odd level elements
should be printed in the reverse order (right to left).
• LeftSideView() – This function should print the visible elements of the tree when looking at it
from its left side. The elements should be printed from top to bottom in a list format.
• RightSideView() – This function should print the visible elements of the tree when looking at it
from its right side. The elements should be printed from top to bottom in a list format.
• KthSmallestItem() – This function should return the kth smallest integer from the tree. If the tree
is empty, it should return null. The value of k must be a valid integer in the range from 1 to the
number of elements in the tree. For example, in the list [10, 20, 20, 30], the third smallest
EECS 560 Lab 6 – Implementation of Binary Search Trees
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
integer is 30 as opposed to 20. You should consider the value of the integer and not the position
of the integer in the list.
• Exit() – This function should exit the program.
Expected Results:
data.txt: 10 7 20 3 8 15 30 5 9 18 30
We will insert these keys, in the given order, into an initially empty BST.
Please note that you are not expected to show the tree graphically in your output. This is just for your
Now that you have built the BST, these are the expected results of performing the various options on
the BST.
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
3 8 15 30
9 18 5 30
EECS 560 Lab 6 – Implementation of Binary Search Trees
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
9. Exit
> 1
> Enter the element to be added: 2
> Element 2 was successfully added.
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> 2
> Enter the element to be deleted: 8
> Element 8 was successfully deleted.
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> 3
> Enter the element to which you want to know the inorder successor: 9
> The inorder successor of 9 is 10.
EECS 560 Lab 6 – Implementation of Binary Search Trees
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> Enter the element to which you want to know the inorder successor: 3
> The inorder successor of 3 is 5.
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> Level Order: 10, 7, 20, 3, 9, 15, 30, 2, 5, 18, 30
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
EECS 560 Lab 6 – Implementation of Binary Search Trees
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
> 5
> Spiral Level Order: 10, 20, 7, 3, 9, 15, 30, 30, 18, 5, 2
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> 6
> Left SideView: 10, 7, 3, 2
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> 7
> Right Side View: 10, 20, 30, 30
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
EECS 560 Lab 6 – Implementation of Binary Search Trees
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> Enter the value of k: 3
> 5
Please choose one of the following commands:
1. AddItem
2. DeleteItem
3. InorderSuccessor
4. LevelOrder
5. SpiralLevelOrder
6. LeftSideView
7. RightSideView
8. KthSmallestItem
9. Exit
> Done.
Follow the conventions below to facilitate grading:
Grading rubric:
 Full grade: The program should execute without any issues with all the options executed and
with no memory leaks.
 Points will be taken off for execution errors, such as memory leaks, segmentation/program
abort issues and missing handling of invalid cases.
 Programs that are compiled but do not execute will earn in the range of 0 to 50% of the possible
points. Your grade will be determined based on the program design and the options
implemented in the code.
Submission instructions:
• All files, i.e., the source files and Makefile, should be zipped in a folder.
• Include a ReadMe.txt if your code requires any special instructions to run.
• The naming convention of the folder should be (or .tar or .rar or .gz).
• Email it to your respective lab instructor: (Chiru) or (Prashanthi) with subject line EECS 560 Lab6.
• Your program should compile and run on the Linux machines in Eaton 1005D using g++.