EECS 560 Lab 12


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The purpose of this lab is to implement a graph data structure to help a city to build an efficient
road system.
General Requirements:
For this lab, you are required to implement a graph data structure using an adjacency matrix
and then implement Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithm to calculate the minimum spanning tree
(MST), please refer to slides 18 and 21 in note package 8 for Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithm,
respectively. At the same time, you will implement depth-first search and breadth-first search
traversals on the graph data structure, please refer to slide 25 in note package 8 for depth-first
search and breadth-first search. These implementations will help you build an efficient road
Bus service system:
The map of the city is given to you and specifies the distances between each pair of points in
the city. The city bus system needs to build an appropriate number of bus stops based on the
cost computation required to go from one area to another. You need to construct a bus map
with the help of Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms.
Operations on graph:
Implement the following operations for the graph data structure:
• Buildgraph(costs, n) – should build a graph, it accepts 2 arguments – a square 2D array of
integer costs representing the cost of each edge and n, the number of nodes in the graph.
• BFS() – the method performs a breadth-first search on the graph. It should return an
array of size 2 for which each entry contains a pointer that points to an array. The first
array should contain the tree edges of the graph. The second array should contain the
cross edges.
• DFS() – the method performs a depth-first search on the graph. It should return an array
of size 2 for which each entry contains a pointer that points to an array. The first array
should contain the tree edges of the graph. The second array should contain the back
• Kruskal() – implement Kruskal’s algorithm that computes a MST for a given graph. At
every step of adding a new edge, you will need to ensure that no cycle is created. You
may use the disjoint-set data structure and a priority queue—min-5 heap—that you
have implemented in the previous lab for cycle detection and obtaining a minimum cost
edge. The algorithm should return an array of edges and the costs of the corresponding
edges. The returned array will represent the MST.
• Prim() – implement Prim’s algorithm that computes a MST for a given graph. You may
use a priority queue —min-5 heap—that you implemented in the previous lab for
finding a minimum cost edge. The algorithm should return an array of edges and the
costs of the corresponding edges. The returned array will represent the MST.
You will have to construct a simple UI like this:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- BFS
2- DFS
3- Kruskal MST
4- Prim MST
5- Exit
Data file:
0 5 7 11 8
5 0 6 -1 12
7 6 0 9 -1
11 -1 9 0 7
8 12 -1 7 0
The first line mentions the number of bus stops (i.e., n) to be connected. The second line is the
label of the bus stop followed by the costs to connect the bus stop to the remaining stops in
numerical order. A value of -1 implies that no direct road can be built to connect the two bus
On the next page, we demonstrate the graph for data.txt:
Expected output
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- BFS
2- DFS
3- Kruskal MST
4- Prim MST
5- Exit
> 1
Tree Edges: (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (0,4)
Cross Edges: (1,2) (1,4) (2,3) (3,4)
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- BFS
2- DFS
3- Kruskal MST
4- Prim MST
5- Exit
> 2
Tree Edges: (0,1) (1,2) (2,3) (3,4)
Back Edges: (0,2) (0,3) (0,4) (1,4)
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- BFS
2- DFS
3- Kruskal MST
4- Prim MST
5- Exit
> 3
(0, 1){5} (1,2){6} (3,4){7} (0, 4){8}
Total cost = 26
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- BFS
2- DFS
3- Kruskal MST
4- Prim MST
5- Exit
> 4
(0, 1){5} (1,2){6} (0,4){8} (3,4){7}
Total cost = 26
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- BFS
2- DFS
3- Kruskal MST
4- Prim MST
5- Exit
> 5
Please answer the following questions in no more than 5 lines each and submit it in PDF format
along with your implemented code.
1. What is the worst case algorithmic asymptotic complexity, i.e., O(?) of each of the
operations that you have implemented? Assume, Graph G = (V, E), |V | = n, |E| = m.
a. Finding a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm.
b. Finding a minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm.
2. Can you find a simple graph example where Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm
both fail? What is the output of your implemented method for such a case? Does it fail
to generate the correct MST?
Follow the conventions below to facilitate grading:
Source Code
Place all your source files (*.cpp, *.hpp) and input files in a single folder with no subfolders.
• Name your folder using the convention Lastname_LabX (e.g., Smith_Lab12).
• Include a functioning Makefile inside the folder. (The makefile should also include the
clean command.)
• Verify that your code runs on the lab Linux machines before submission.
• Please include your answers (answers.pdf) in your folder before compressing it.
Compressed File
• Compress using .zip, .rar, or .tar.gz.
• Name your file using the convention Lastname_LabX (e.g.,
• Use the following subject for your email: Lastname_LabX (e.g., Smith_Lab12).
• Send your code to if you are in one of Lei’s sections or to if you are in one of Dhwani’s sections.
• Anytime you have a question about the lab, put the word question in the subject of the