
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List

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The purpose of this Lab is to review and practice implementation of a Singly Linked List and
related operations in C++. This lab will help you brush up on your basic C++ concepts. Your
program is expected to produce output as shown in the Expected Output section of this
document. You are to read in the numbers from a data file of integers, one at a time, and put
them into a Singly linked list. The list must be built as you read in the numbers. You are not
allowed to use a vector or array. Your program should handle the duplicate numbers in the
following way. Duplicate values can be inserted in the list. When the delete function is called,
it should remove the last occurrence of the duplicate number.
Operations on Singly Linked List:
As you execute the code, your program should read the data from the input file (e.g., data.txt)
and store the data in a singly linked list. After that your program should have a simple menu like
as shown below.
Please choose one of the following commands:
 IsEmpty(): Returns true if the list is empty or the head node is NULL.
 Length(): Return the length of linked list.
 Insert(x): Inserts an element at the start of linked list.
 Delete(x): Deletes a given element. If a duplicate is present, deletes the last
occurrence of the duplicate value.
 DeleteDuplicates(): Removes all the duplicate elements in the list. The output should be a
list of unique elements. All duplicates except the first occurrence of
each element are to be removed.
 Find(x): Searches for an element and returns True if found or False if not
 FindNext(x): Finds and prints the next element of a given number. The cases below
need to be checked.
1) Searches for the next element of x and prints it. Prints None if x is
the last element.
2) If there is a duplicate x value, prints the next element after the
first occurrence of x.
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
3) Always perform find(x) before finding next. If x is found, then
proceed with finding the next element.
 Print(): Prints the list.
 ReverseList(): Prints the reversed list.
 PrintAt(x): Prints the element at a given position x.
 Exit(): Exits the program.
All the Invalid cases must be handled for all of the menu options, as well as input file data
(numeric). When you are finished, submit the final project along with a Makefile so that we may
build an executable and run your code. Make sure to zip or tar.gz everything together.
Expected Output:
Sample data.txt: 1 2 23 34 23 2 4 5 2 67
Your program should produce the menu below and should work as per the sample given
below. However, we will test your code with inputs other than the one shown below.
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. ReverseList
10. Print At
11. Exit
> 8
List: 67 2 5 4 2 23 34 23 2 1
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
> 9
Reversed list: 1 2 23 34 23 2 4 5 2 67
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
The length of the list is: 10
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
Choose a position to print element:
The element at the 9th position is: 2
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
Choose a number to be inserted:
> 11 is inserted.
Choose one operation from the options below:
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
> 11 67 2 5 4 2 23 34 23 2 1
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
Choose a number to be deleted from the list:
The last occurrence of 23 has been deleted from the list
Choose one operation from the options below:
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
> 11 67 2 5 4 2 23 34 2 1
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
> The list is not empty
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
Enter the number to find:
> 56 is not found in the list.
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
Enter the number to find its next element:
23 is next after 2.
Choose one operation from the options below:
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
Enter the number to find its next element:
There is no element 56 in list. Hence there is no next element.
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
>Duplicates deleted
Choose one operation from the options below:
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
11 67 2 5 4 23 34 1
Choose one operation from the options below:
1. Is Empty
2. Length
3. Insert
4. Delete
5. Delete Duplicates
6. Find
7. Find Next
8. Print
9. Reverse List
10. Print At
11. Exit
>Program execution completed!
Execution Instructions:
GDB/DDD can be used to debug your code. Make sure to use Valgrind to execute your code to
check for any memory leaks/segmentation faults.
EECS 560 Lab 1 – Implementation of Singly Linked List
Prof.: Dr.Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Grading rubric:
 Full grade: Program should execute without any issues with all the options executed and
with no memory leaks.
 Points will be taken for any execution errors, such as memory leaks,
segmentation/program abort issues and missing handling of invalid cases.
 Programs that are compiled but do not execute will earn in the range of 0 to 50% of the
possible points. Your grade will be determined based on the program design and the
options implemented in the code.
Submission instructions:
• All files, i.e., the source files and Makefile, should be zipped in a folder.
• Include a ReadMe.txt if your code requires any special instructions to run.
• The naming convention of the folder should be (or .tar or .rar or .gz).
• Email it to: or (your
respective lab instructor) with subject line EECS 560 Lab1.
• Your program should compile and run on the Linux machines in Eaton 1005D using g++.