The assignment is due on Wednesday, April 3, before the end of the day.
Place your submission in the dropbox Lassonde building, ground floor.
1. Backpropagation
Consider a neural network with one hidden layer containing two nodes, input dimension
2 and output dimension 1. That is, the fist layer contains two nodes v0,1, v0,2, the hidden
layer has two nodes v1,1, v1,2, and the output layer one nodes v2,1. All nodes between
consecutive layers are connected by an edge. The weights between node vt,i and vt+1,j
is denoted by wt,j,i as (partially) indicated here: The nodes in the middle layer apply
a differentiable activation function σ : R → R, which has derivative σ
x2 σ
(a) The network gets as input a 2-dimensional vector x = (x1, x2). Give an expression
for the output N(x) of the network as a function of x1, x2 and all the weights.
(b) Assume we employ the square loss. Give an expression for the loss `(N(·),(x, t))
of the network on an example (x, t) (again, as a function of x1, x2, t and all the
(c) Consider the above expression of the loss as a function of the set of weights
L(w0,1,1, w0,2,1, w0,1,2, w0,2,2, w1,1,1, w1,1,2) = `(N(·),(x, t)). Compute the 6 partial
(You may use the notation ai,j and oi,j for the input and output of nodes as
(6 + 4 + 10 marks)
2. k-means clustering
In this question you will implement and experiment with the k-means algorithm.
(a) Implement the k-means algorithm and include your code in your submission. As
always, the data, consisting of n datapoints which are d-dimensional vectors, is
given as an n × d-dimensional matrix. The output of your algorithm should be
one n-dimensional vector containing values on {1, . . . , k} indicating the cluster
assignments of the points. We will work with three ways of initializating the
centers. In the first, you will simply set the inital centers by hand. In the second
you will choose k datapoints uniformly at random from the dataset as your initial
centers. For the third initialization, choose the first center uniformly at random,
and then choose each next center to be the datapoint that maximizes the sum of
(euclidean) distances from the previous datapoints.
(b) Load the first dataset twodpoints.txt. Plot the datapoints. Which number of
clusters do you think would be suitable from looking at the points? Show that,
for the number k that you chose by visually inspecting the data, the k-means
algorithm can converge to to different clusterings depending on the initializations.
Show two such instances by plotting the clusterings that k-means produced (use
a different color for the points of each cluster) together with the initial centers.
In this part, set the initial centers manually.
(c) Can the above phenomenon also happen if the initial centers are chosen uniformly
at random? What about the third way of initializing? For each way of initializing,
run the algorithm several times and report your findings.
(d) From now on, we will work with the third method for initializing cluster centers.
Run the algorithm for k = 1, . . . 10 and plot the k-means cost of the resulting
clustering (with respect to the last set of centers, which are the means of the
output clusters). What do you observe? How does the cost evolve as a function
of the number of clusters? How would you determine a suitable number of clusters
from this plot (eg in a situation where the data can not be as obviously visualized).
(e) Repeat the last step (that is, plot the cost as a function of k = 1, . . . , 10) for
the next dataset threedpoints.txt. What do you think is a suitable number of
clusters here? Can you confirm this by a visualization?
(f) Load the UCI “seeds” dataset from the last assignment and repeat the above
step. Recall that the task for this dataset is 3-class classification. Remove the
last column (which contains the class labels) before the clustering. From how the
the k-means cost evolves, what seems like a suitable number of clusters for this
dataset? How could you use this for designing a simple 3-class classifier for this
dataset? What is the empirical loss of this classifier?
(g) Design a simple (two-dimensional) dataset where the 2-means algorithm with the
third initialization method will always fail to find the optimal 2-means clustering.
Explain why it will fail on your example or provide plots of the data with initializations and costs that show that 2-means converges to a suboptimal clustering.
Discuss what you think is the issue with this initialization method and how it
could be fixed.
(4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 marks)