• Determine the canonical SOP equation for f
f(a, b, c) = Xm (0, 2, 3, 4, 6)
• Generate the truth table for f
• Determine the number of gates required to implement the canonical SOP equation for f. Gates can
have any number of inputs.
• Simplify f using a Karnaugh Map and generate the simplified equation
• Implement the simplified version of f using ICs and verify it using your truth table
– Use only the 7408, 7432, and 7404 ICs
– Use switches for inputs and the bar LEDs as outputs
• Demonstrate your circuit to your lab TA
The report for this lab should include the following sections:
1. Description/Objectives
2. Procedure, which must include
(a) Canonical SOP equation for f
(b) Truth table for f
(c) Karnaugh Map reduction of f
3. Observations
4. Conclusions