ECSE 324 Lab 1: Basic Assembly Language Programming solved


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This lab introduces a variety of challenges in assembly language programming. You will work
with arrays, loops, and basic arithmetic in Part 1. Part 2 adds more complex control flow, and
recursion. You will demonstrate your code live, where you step through it, showing results in
registers and memories; you will also submit a short report documenting your approach, and
analysis of the performance of your various implementations.

Summary of Deliverables
● Source code for each algorithm (excepting summation, which is not assessed)
● Demo, no longer than five (5) minutes (week of February 6th)
● Report, no longer than four (4) pages (10 pt font, 1” margins, no cover page) (due
February 10th at 11:59 pm)

Please submit the above in a single .zip archive, using the following file name conventions:
● Code: part1-mm.s, part1-wmm22.s, part2-iterative.s, part2-recursive.s
● Report: StudentID_FullName_Lab1_report.pdf

Grading Summary
● 50% Demo
● 50% Report
● 5-Jan-2023 Initial revision.
● 13-Jan-2023 Typo in summation exercise (C code) corrected.
● 17-Jan-2023 Bug in binary search C code corrected. lowIdx == highIdx should be
lowIdx >= highIdx.

● 20-Jan-2023 Performance analysis section of Part 2 updated to eliminate references to
algorithms from Part 1.

Part 1: The Matrices! They’re Multiplying!!

In this part, you will translate into assembly two different implementations of matrix multiplication
in C, and then investigate their performance. Assume that main in the C code below begins at
_start in your assembly program. All programs should terminate with an infinite loop, as in
exercise (5) of Lab 0.

Subroutine calling convention
It is important to carefully respect subroutine calling conventions in order to prevent call stack
corruption. The convention we will use for calling a subroutine in ARM assembly is as follows.

The caller (the code that is calling a function) must:
● Move arguments into R0 through R3. (If more than four arguments are required, the
caller should PUSH the arguments onto the stack.)
● Call the subroutine at label func using BL func.

The callee (the code in the function that is called) must:
● Move the return value, if any, into R0.
● Ensure that the state of the processor is restored to what it was before the subroutine
call by POPing arguments off of the stack.
● Use BX LR to return to the calling code.

Note that the state of the processor can be saved and restored by pushing any of the registers
R4 through LR that are used by the subroutine onto the stack at the beginning of the subroutine,
and popping R4 through LR off the stack at the end of the subroutine.

For an example of how to perform a function call in assembly, consider the implementation of
vector dot product. Note that this code is an expansion of the example presented in 2-isa.pdf.
.global _start // define entry point
// initialize memory
n: .word 6 // the length of our vectors
vecA: .word 5,3,-6,19,8,12 // initialization for vector A
vecB: .word 2,14,-3,2,-5,36 // initialization for vector B
vecC: .word 19,-1,-37,-26,35,4 // initialization for vector C
result: .space 8 // uninitialized space for the results

_start: // execution begins here!
LDR A1, =vecA // put the address of A in A1
LDR A2, =vecB // put the address of B in A2
LDR A3, n // put n in A3
BL dotp // call dotp function
LDR V1, =result // put the address of result in V1
STR A1, [V1] // put the answer (0x1f4, #500) in result
LDR A1, =vecA // put the address of A in A1
LDR A2, =vecC // put the address of C in A2
LDR A3, n // put n in A3
BL dotp // call dotp function
STR A1, [V1, #4] // put the answer (0x94, #148) in result+4
B stop
// calculate the dot product of two vectors
// pre– A1: address of vector a
// A2: address of vector b
// A3: length of vectors
// post- A1: result
PUSH {V1-V3} // push any Vn that we use
MOV V1, #0 // V1 will accumulate the product
LDR V2, [A1], #4 // get vectorA[i] and post-increment
LDR V3, [A2], #4 // get vectorB[i] and post-increment
MLA V1, V2, V3, V1 // V1 += V2*V3
SUBS A3, A3, #1 // i– and set condition flags
BGT dotpLoop
MOV A1, V1 // put our result in A1 to return it
POP {V1-V3} // pop any Vn that we pushed
BX LR // return
Questions? There’s a channel for that in Teams.

Ungraded Practice Exercise: Summation

To introduce you to basic assembly language programming, you’ll complete a template to
implement a function that calculates the sum of the elements in an array. Consider the C
program below. Note that the C code compiles and runs. The use of such a golden model can
be helpful for comparison of intermediate values when debugging your assembly.
int sum(int *array, int length) {
int answer = 0;
for (int index=0; index<length; index++)
answer += array[index];
return answer;
} // sum
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int a[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int b[8] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};
int a_s = sum((int *) a, 4); // 10
int b_s = sum((int *) b, 8); // 77
return 0;
} // main

Complete the assembly language below to implement the C functionality above. Note that
most of the C has been copied into the template. Where assembly is missing, comments have
been made to remind **you** of what **you** need to do.
.global _start
// int a[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
matrixA: .word 1, 2, 3, 4
lengthA: .word 4
// int b[8] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};
matrixB: .word 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19
lengthB: .word 8
// we’ll save our results here
results: .space 8

// Summation
// Sum the integers in the given array
// pre– A1: address of array
// pre– A2: length of array
// post- A1: sum of elements
// **you** push any registers used below onto the stack
// int answer = 0;
// for (int index=0; index<length; index++)
// **you** answer=0
// **you** index=0
// **you** index<length?
// **you** if not, branch to sumDone
// answer += array[index];
// **you** read the element at index in the array
// **you** accumulate the answer
// **you** index++
B sumIter // repeat until done!
// **you** move the final answer into A1
// **you** pop any registers pushed above
BX LR // return!
// int a_s = sum((int *) a, 4); // 10
LDR A1, =matrixA // put the address of A in A1
LDR A2, lengthA // put the length of A in A2
BL sum // call the function
LDR V1, =results // put the address of Results in V1
STR A1, [V1] // save the answer (in A1) in result+0
// int b_s = sum((int *) b, 8); // 77
// **you** put the address of B in A1
// **you** put the length of B in A2
// **you** call the function
// **you** save the answer (in A1) in result+4
B inf // infinite loop!

Note! Your implementation of sum must match the function prototype in C: use A1 to pass the
address of the array; A2 to pass the length of the array; A1 to return the sum.
Once you have your code running, and getting the correct result, let’s evaluate it: a) how many
instructions are executed running the assembled program? b) how many memory accesses are
performed? c) how much memory is used by the assembled program?

First, set a breakpoint to stop execution at the infinite loop. You set breakpoints in the
Disassembly view, clicking on the gray column to the left of the address where you want to
pause. Once you’ve done this, if you click Continue, your program should run until it gets to the
breakpoint, and then pause.

Then, to find out how many instructions were executed, amongst other things, click on the
Counters pane on the left.
The first line reports the number of instructions
executed so far. The next two lines report the number
of data loads and stores; remember that data loads
are in addition to instruction fetches. In this example,
memory is accessed 97+23+8=128 times.

Finally, to see how big the assembled program is, look in the Messages pane.
In this example, the total size of the executable (all instructions and compile-time-allocated data)
is 168 bytes.

How does your program compare? Does it execute fewer instructions? Does it access memory
fewer times? Does it take up less space in memory? We’ll explore these metrics in more detail
in the following exercises.

The above exercise will not be presented during your demo, or documented in your report.

Matrix multiplication
Now you’ll write a program from scratch that implements a straightforward matrix
multiplication function, written in C below. As above, you’ll need directives that define the
arrays, and assembly at _start that sets up and performs the function call.

#include <stdint.h>
void mm(int16_t *a, int16_t *b, int16_t *c, unsigned int size) {
// for each row in c
for (unsigned int row=0; row<size; row++) {
// for each column in c
for (unsigned int col=0; col<size; col++) {
*(c + row*size + col) = 0;
// for each element in the selected row and column
for (unsigned int iter=0; iter<size; iter++) {
*(c + row*size + col) += \
*(a + row*size + iter) * \
*(b + iter*size + col);
} // for
} // for
} // for
} // mm
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int16_t a[2][2] = {{-1, 2}, {3, -4}};
int16_t b[2][2] = {{6, -3}, {2, 4}};
int16_t c[2][2] = {{0, 0,}, {0, 0}};
unsigned int size = 2;
// {{-2, 11}, {10, -25}}
mm((int16_t *) a, (int16_t *) b, (int16_t *) c, size);
return 0;
} // main

Note! Your implementation of mm must match the C function prototype above: use A1 to pass
the address of matrix a; A2 to pass the address of matrix b; A3 to pass the address of matrix c;
A4 to pass the length of one side of the square arrays, size.

Likewise, note that the above implementation is using 16-bit integers, otherwise known as
halfwords or shorts. Your implementation must do the same: allocate matrices made up of
shorts rather than words, and use appropriate memory access instructions.

Collect and be prepared to report a) code size, b) instructions executed, and c) total memory
accesses when running your implementation; you will need them for comparison later.

Winograd Matrix Multiplication
Much research has been conducted to reduce the number of arithmetic operations required in
matrix multiplication. The Winograd form for 2×2 matrices, for instance, reduces the number of
additions/subtractions from 18 to 15. Write an assembly implementation of the Winograd
form, in C below, and compare its performance with the standard algorithm above.

void wmm22(int16_t *a, int16_t *b, int16_t *c) {
// access each element of a and b
// value <= *(base address + row number * row size + col number)
int16_t aa = *(a + 0*2 + 0);
int16_t bb = *(a + 0*2 + 1);
int16_t cc = *(a + 1*2 + 0);
int16_t dd = *(a + 1*2 + 1);
int16_t AA = *(b + 0*2 + 0);
int16_t CC = *(b + 0*2 + 1);
int16_t BB = *(b + 1*2 + 0);
int16_t DD = *(b + 1*2 + 1);
// create the various intermediate values we need
int16_t u = (cc – aa)*(CC – DD);
int16_t v = (cc + dd)*(CC – AA);
int16_t w = aa*AA + (cc + dd – aa)*(AA + DD – CC);
// combine them to set the values of each element in c
*c = aa*AA + bb*BB;
*(c + 0*2 + 1) = w + v + (aa + bb – cc – dd)*DD;
*(c + 1*2 + 0) = w + u + dd*(BB + CC – AA – DD);
*(c + 1*2 + 1) = w + u + v;
} // wmm

Note! Your implementation of wmm22 must match the function prototype above, including using
appropriate data types. As before, collect and be prepared to report a) code size, b) instructions
executed, and c) total memory accesses when running your implementation.

You may find you are running out of registers to use. E.g., if you use a single register for each
array element in matrices A and B, you will have few left for the actual calculations! You have a
few options.

1. Repeat calculations or memory accesses. E.g., you need cc for u, v, and w (and
cc + dd for v and w), but rather than assigning it to a register and loading it once, you
may choose to load it multiple times. This increases code size and memory accesses,
but may reduce code complexity and ease debugging.

2. Save intermediate values on the stack. Compilers deal with running out of registers by
saving values that are needed again later on the stack. You can, too! Store them, use
the register for something else, and load them later.

Performance Analysis
The Winograd form is intended to improve the efficiency of matrix multiplication. Do you observe
that to be the case in your ARM assembly implementations? For full marks, justify your claims.
How much of a performance difference is there between the two implementations, in terms of a)
number of executed instructions, b) number of memory accesses, and c) code size? What
factors do you think are contributing to these differences?

Hint! While the Winograd form requires fewer additions/subtractions, there are other important
differences between the two algorithms as written above.

For bonus credit (up to 5%) on your report, optimize one of the two implementations, and repeat
the above analysis. More points will be awarded for objectively better implementations.

Hint! Common approaches to optimization include:
● Loop unrolling (e.g., making the straightforward algorithm, with triply nested for loops,
look more like the Winograd form, with all calculations listed in order, reducing the
number of branch instructions, etc.)
● Common subexpression elimination (e.g., factoring out a calculation that is required
multiple times, performing it just once, and saving the value in a register or on the stack)

1. Implement and evaluate an assembly program (part1-mm.s) standard matrix
multiplication. Collect performance metrics (code size, instructions executed, total
memory accesses).
2. Implement and evaluate an assembly program (part1-wmm22.s) Winograd matrix
multiplication. Collect performance metrics.
3. Compare the above; for a bonus, optimize one or the other, and compare again.

Part 2: To Search, or Not To Search: It’s Binary

In this part, you’ll implement two versions of binary search: one using an iterative approach,
another using recursion. As in Part 1, write a “main” function at _start that sets up a sorted
array to search, calls your binary search function, and then enters an infinity loop.

Iterative Binary Search
Translate the C function below and implement it as part of a program that calls it.
int binarySearch(int *array, int x, unsigned int lowIdx, unsigned int
highIdx) {
while (1) {
// are we done?
if (lowIdx >= highIdx) {
// yep!
if (x == array[lowIdx])
// found it!
return lowIdx;
// didn’t find it 🙁
return -1;
} // if
// find the index in the middle of low and high indices
unsigned int mid = (lowIdx + highIdx)/2;
// early stopping; did we get lucky?
if (x == array[mid])
// yep!
return mid;
// no, we didn’t: adjust low or high index
if (x > array[mid])
// x is to the right
lowIdx = mid + 1;
// x is to the left
highIdx = mid – 1;
} // while
} // binarySearch

Note! Your implementation of binarySearch must match the function prototype above. Use an
array of eight (8) elements. As in Part 1, collect and be prepared to report a) code size, b)
instructions executed, and c) total memory accesses when running your implementation. You
will compare these with another implementation of binary search.
Hint! Your ARM processor does not implement division. What instruction might you use to
divide by 2?

Recursive Binary Search
Now write another implementation of binary search binary search using recursion. A recursive
function is a function that uses the stack to call itself until a base case is reached. The above C
has been re-written below.
int binarySearch(int *array, int x, unsigned int lowIdx, \
unsigned int highIdx) {
// are we done?
if (lowIdx >= highIdx) {
// yep!
if (x == array[lowIdx])
return lowIdx; // found it!
return -1; // didn’t find it 🙁
} // if
// find the index in the middle of low and high indices
unsigned int mid = (lowIdx + highIdx)/2;
// early stopping; did we get lucky?
if (x == array[mid])
return mid; // yep!
// no, we didn’t; adjust low or high index
if (x > array[mid])
// x is to the right
return binarySearch(array, x, mid+1, highIdx);
// x is to the left
return binarySearch(array, x, lowIdx, mid-1);
} // binarySearch

Note! Again, ensure your implementation matches the function prototype above. The function
calls itself, a hallmark of recursion. This means that your implementation will include BL
instructions (not just B instructions, as in the iterative implementation); because BL uses the link
register LR, you’ll need to PUSH {LR} before binarySearch calls binarySearch, and POP it after
the nested call returns.

As above, use an array of eight (8) elements, and collect and be prepared to report a) code
size, b) instructions executed, and c) total memory accesses when running your implementation.

Performance Analysis
Recursion is a useful abstraction, but recursive implementations often perform more poorly than
iterative ones. Do you observe this to be the case? For full marks, justify your claims. How much
of a performance difference is there between the two implementations, in terms of a) number of
executed instructions, b) number of memory accesses, and c) code size? What factors do you
think are contributing to these differences?

Hint! The obvious difference between the two is that the iterative version uses a loop, while the
recursive one uses function calls. What consequences does this have?
For bonus credit (up to 5%) on your report, optimize one of the two implementations, and repeat
the above analysis. More points will be awarded for objectively better implementations.
Hint! Beyond the optimization approaches in Part 1, tail call elimination, for instance, is
commonly applied to recursive functions.

Your demo is limited to 5 minutes. It is useful to highlight that your software computes correct
partial and final answers; draw our attention to the registers and memory contents at
appropriate points to demonstrate that your software operates as expected.

Your demo will be graded by assessing, for each algorithm, the correctness of the observed
behavior, and the correctness of your description of that behavior.
In your report, for each algorithm, describe:
● Your approach (e.g., how you used subroutines, including passing arguments and
returning results, how you used the stack, etc)
● Challenges you faced, if any, and your solutions
● Shortcomings, possible improvements, etc

Your report is limited to four pages, total (no smaller than 10 pt font, no narrower than 1”
margins, no cover page). It will be graded by assessing, for each algorithm, your report’s clarity,
organization, and technical content.

Your demo and report are equally weighted. The breakdown for the demo and report are as
● 25% Part 1A: Matrix multiplication
● 25% Part 1B: Winograd matrix multiplication
● 25% Part 2A: Iterative binary search
● 25% Part 2B: Recursive binary search
Each part of the demo will be graded for (a) clarity, (b) technical content, and (c) correctness:
● 1pt clarity: the demo is clear and easy to follow
● 1pt technical content: correct terms are used to describe your software
● 3pt correctness: given an input, the correct output is clearly demonstrated
● 20% Part 1A: Matrix multiplication
● 20% Part 1B: Winograd matrix multiplication
● 10% Part 1 Performance analysis
● 20% Part 2A: Iterative binary search
● 20% Part 2B: Recursive binary search
● 10% Part 2 Performance analysis

Each part of the report will be graded for: (a) clarity, (b) organization, and (c) technical content:
● 1pt clarity: grammar, syntax, word choice
● 1pt organization: clear narrative flow from problem description, approach, testing,
challenges, etc.
● 3pt technical content: appropriate use of terms, description of proposed
approach, description of testing and results, etc.

Please submit, on MyCourses, your source code, and report, in a single .zip archive, using the
following file name conventions:
● Code: part1-mm.s, part1-wmm22.s, part2-iterative.s, part2-recursive.s
● Report: StudentID_FullName_Lab1_report.pdf