ECS150 SQ16 Project 2


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You will be working with a partner for this project, you specify your partner in your
readme file. This specification is subject to change at anytime for additional clarification.
For this project, you and a partner will be implementing a virtual machine threading API
in either C or C++. Your virtual machine will be tested on the CSIF machines. You
must submit your source files, readme and Makefile in a zip or tar.gz file to smartsite
prior to the deadline.
You will be provided a machine abstraction upon which you will be building the thread
scheduler. The virtual machine will load the “applications” from shared objects that
implement the VMMain function. The virtual machine will need to support multiple user
space preemptive threads. The virtual machine mutex API provides synchronization
mechanism and file access is provided through the file API.
Threads have three priority levels low, medium, and high. Threads are created in the dead
state and have and have state transitions as shown below.
A makefile has been provided that compiles the virtual machine as long as you provide
your code as VirtualMachine.c or VirtualMachine.cpp. It will create the virtual machine
call vm. The applications can be built by making the apps with make apps. New apps
can be built by adding a C or C++ file in the apps directory and adding
$(BINDIR)/ to the Makefile apps line dependencies.
A working example of the vm and apps can be found in /home/cjnitta/ecs150. The vm
syntax is vm [option] appname [appargs]. The possible option for vm is -t; -t specifies the
tick time in millisecond. By default this is set to 100ms, for debugging purposes you can
increase these values to slow the running of the vm. When specifying the application
name the ./ should be prepended otherwise vm may fail to load the shared object file.
The machine layer is implemented using a cooperative process that communicates using
the System V message queues. As such during your development your program may
crash prior to the closing of the message queues. In order to determine the message queue
Ready Running
Dead 1
5 4
1. I/O, acquire mutex or timeout
2. Scheduler selects process
3. Process quantum up
4. Process terminates
5. Process activated
6. Process blocks
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id, you can use the ipcs command from the shell. You can remove the message queue
with a call to ipcrm. You can read more about the System V IPC commands at:
The function specifications for both the virtual machine and machine are provided in the
subsequent pages.
You should avoid using existing source code as a primer that is currently available on the
Internet. You must specify in your readme file any sources of code that you or your
partner have viewed to help you complete this project. All class projects will be
submitted to MOSS to determine if pairs of students have excessively collaborated with
other pairs. Excessive collaboration, or failure to list external code sources will result in
the matter being transferred to Student Judicial Affairs.
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VMStart – Start the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMStart(int tickms, int argc, char *argv[]);
VMStart() starts the virtual machine by loading the module specified by argv[0]. The
argc and argv are passed directly into the VMMain() function that exists in the loaded
module. The time in milliseconds of the virtual machine tick is specified by the tickms
Return Value
Upon successful loading and running of the VMMain() function, VMStart() will return
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS after VMMain() returns. If the module fails to load, or the
module does not contain a VMMain() function, VM_STATUS_FAILURE is returned.
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VMLoadModule – Loads the module and returns a reference to VMMain function.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
typedef void (*TVMMainEntry)(int, char*[]);
TVMMainEntry VMLoadModule(const char *module);
VMLoadModule() loads the shared object module (or application) specified by the
module filename. Once the module has been loaded a reference to VMMain function
obtained. The source for VMLoadModule is provided in VirtualMachineUtils.c
Return Value
Upon successful loading of the module specified by module filename, a reference to the
VMMain function is returned, upon failure NULL is returned.
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VMUnloadModule – Unloads the previously loaded module.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
void VMUnloadModule(void);
VMUnloadModule() unloads the previously loaded module. The source for
VMUnloadModule is provided in VirtualMachineUtils.c
Return Value
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VMTickMS – Retrieves milliseconds between ticks of the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMTickMS(int *tickmsref);
VMTickMS() puts tick time interval in milliseconds in the location specified by
tickmsref. This is the value tickms from the previous call to VMStart().
Return Value
Upon successful retrieval of the tick interval from the virtual machine, VMTickMS()
returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the parameter tickmsref is NULL,
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VMTickCount – Retrieves number of ticks that have occurred since the start of the virtual
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMTickCount(TVMTickRef tickref);
VMTickCount() puts the number of ticks that have occurred since the start of the virtual
machine in the location specified by tickref.
Return Value
Upon successful retrieval of the number of elapsed ticks, VMTickCount() returns
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the parameter tickref is NULL,
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VMThreadCreate – Creates a thread in the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
typedef void (*TVMThreadEntry)(void *);
TVMStatus VMThreadCreate(TVMThreadEntry entry, void *param,
TVMMemorySize memsize, TVMThreadPriority prio, TVMThreadIDRef tid);
VMThreadCreate() creates a thread in the virtual machine. Once created the thread is in
the dead state VM_THREAD_STATE_DEAD. The entry parameter specifies the
function of the thread, and param specifies the parameter that is passed to the function.
The size of the threads stack is specified by memsize, and the priority is specified by prio.
The thread identifier is put into the location specified by the tid parameter.
Return Value
Upon successful creation of the thread VMThreadCreate() returns
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. VMThreadCreate() returns
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VMThreadDelete – Deletes a dead thread from the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMThreadDelete(TVMThreadID thread);
VMThreadDelete() deletes the dead thread specified by thread parameter from the virtual
Return Value
Upon successful deletion of the thread from the virtual machine, VMThreadDelete()
returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the thread specified by the thread identifier thread
does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned. If the thread does
exist, but is not in the dead state VM_THREAD_STATE_DEAD,
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VMThreadActivate – Activates a dead thread in the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMThreadActivate(TVMThreadID thread);
VMThreadActivate() activates the dead thread specified by thread parameter in the
virtual machine. After activation the thread enters the ready state
VM_THREAD_STATE_READY, and must begin at the entry function specified.
Return Value
Upon successful activation of the thread in the virtual machine, VMThreadActivate()
returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the thread specified by the thread identifier thread
does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned. If the thread does
exist, but is not in the dead state VM_THREAD_STATE_DEAD,
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VMThreadTerminate– Terminates a thread in the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMThreadTerminate(TVMThreadID thread);
VMThreadTerminate() terminates the thread specified by thread parameter in the virtual
machine. After termination the thread enters the state VM_THREAD_STATE_DEAD,
and must release any mutexes that it currently holds. The termination of a thread can
trigger another thread to be scheduled.
Return Value
Upon successful termination of the thread in the virtual machine, VMThreadTerminate()
returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the thread specified by the thread identifier thread
does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned. If the thread does
exist, but is in the dead state VM_THREAD_STATE_DEAD,
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VMThreadID – Retrieves thread identifier of the current operating thread.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMThreadID(TVMThreadIDRef threadref);
VMThreadID() puts the thread identifier of the currently running thread in the location
specified by threadref.
Return Value
Upon successful retrieval of the thread identifier from the virtual machine,
VMThreadID() returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the parameter threadref is NULL,
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VMThreadState – Retrieves the state of a thread in the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
#define VM_THREAD_STATE_DEAD ((TVMThreadState)0x00)
#define VM_THREAD_STATE_RUNNING ((TVMThreadState)0x01)
#define VM_THREAD_STATE_READY ((TVMThreadState)0x02)
#define VM_THREAD_STATE_WAITING ((TVMThreadState)0x03)
TVMStatus VMThreadState(TVMThreadID thread, TVMThreadStateRef state);
VMThreadState() retrieves the state of the thread specified by thread and places the state
in the location specified by state.
Return Value
Upon successful retrieval of the thread state from the virtual machine, VMThreadState()
returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the thread specified by the thread identifier thread
does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned. If the parameter
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VMThreadSleep– Puts the current thread in the virtual machine to sleep.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMThreadSleep(TVMTick tick);
VMThreadSleep() puts the currently running thread to sleep for tick ticks. If tick is
specified as VM_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE the current process yields the remainder of
its processing quantum to the next ready process of equal priority.
Return Value
Upon successful sleep of the currently running thread, VMThreadSleep() returns
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the sleep duration tick specified is
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VMMutexCreate– Creates a mutex in the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMMutexCreate(TVMMutexIDRef mutexref);
VMMutexCreate() creates a mutex in the virtual machine. Once created the mutex is in
the unlocked state. The mutex identifier is put into the location specified by the mutexref
Return Value
Upon successful creation of the thread VMMutexCreate() returns
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. VMMutexCreate() returns
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VMMutexDelete – Deletes a mutex from the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMMutexDelete(TVMMutexID mutex);
VMMutexDelete() deletes the unlocked mutex specified by mutex parameter from the
virtual machine.
Return Value
Upon successful deletion of the thread from the virtual machine, VMMutexDelete()
returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the mutex specified by the thread identifier mutex
does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned. If the mutex does
exist, but is currently held by a thread, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is
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VMMutexQuery– Queries the owner of a mutex in the virtual machine.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMMutexQuery(TVMMutexID mutex, TVMThreadIDRef ownerref);
VMMutexQuery() retrieves the owner of the mutex specified by mutex and places the
thread identifier of owner in the location specified by ownerref. If the mutex is currently
unlocked, VM_THREAD_ID_INVALID returned as the owner.
Return Value
Upon successful querying of the mutex owner from the virtual machine,
VMMutexQuery() returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the mutex specified by the
mutex identifier mutex does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned.
If the parameter ownerref is NULL, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
is returned.
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VMMutexAcquire – Locks the mutex.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMMutexAcquire(TVMMutexID mutex, TVMTick timeout);
VMMutexAcquire() attempts to lock the mutex specified by mutex waiting up to timeout
ticks. If timeout is specified as VM_TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE the current returns
immediately if the mutex is already locked. If timeout is specified as
VM_TIMEOUT_INFINITE the thread will block until the mutex is acquired.
Return Value
Upon successful acquisition of the currently running thread, VMMutexAcquire() returns
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the timeout expires prior to the acquisition of the mutex,
VM_STATUS_FAILURE is returned. If the mutex specified by the mutex identifier
mutex does not exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned.
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VMMutexRelease – Releases a mutex held by the currently running thread.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMMutexRelease(TVMMutexID mutex);
VMMutexRelease() releases the mutex specified by the mutex parameter that is currently
held by the running thread. Release of the mutex may cause another higher priority thread
to be scheduled if it acquires the newly released mutex.
Return Value
Upon successful release of the mutex, VMMutexRelease() returns
VM_STATUS_SUCCESS. If the mutex specified by the mutex identifier mutex does not
exist, VM_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_ID is returned. If the mutex specified by the
mutex identifier mutex does exist, but is not currently held by the running thread,
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VMPrint, VMPrintError, and VMFilePrint – Prints out to a file.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
#define VMPrint(format, …)
VMFilePrint ( 1, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define VMPrintError(format, …)
VMFilePrint ( 2, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
TVMStatus VMFilePrint(int filedescriptor, const char *format, …);
VMFilePrint() writes the C string pointed by format to the file specified by filedescriptor.
If format includes format specifiers (subsequences beginning with %), the additional
arguments following format are formatted and inserted in the resulting string replacing
their respective specifiers. The VMPrint and VMPrintError macros have been provided as
a convenience for calling VMFilePrint. The source code for VMFilePrint is provided in
Return Value
Upon successful writing out of the format string to the file VM_STATUS_SUCCESS is
returned, upon failure VM_STATUS_FAILURE is returned.
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VMFileOpen – Opens and possibly creates a file in the file system.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMFileOpen(const char *filename, int flags, int mode,
int *filedescriptor);
VMFileOpen() attempts to open the file specified by filename, using the flags specified
by flags parameter, and mode specified by mode parameter. The file descriptor of the
newly opened file will be placed in the location specified by filedescriptor. The flags and
mode values follow the same format as that of open system call. The filedescriptor
returned can be used in subsequent calls to VMFileClose(), VMFileRead(),
VMFileWrite(), and VMFileSeek(). When a thread calls VMFileOpen() it blocks in the
wait state VM_THREAD_STATE_WAITING until the either successful or unsuccessful
opening of the file is completed.
Return Value
Upon successful opening of the file, VMFileOpen() returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS,
upon failure VMFileOpen() returns VM_STATUS_FAILURE. If either filename or
filedescriptor are NULL, VMFileOpen() returns
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VMFileClose – Closes a file that was previously opened.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMFileClose(int filedescriptor);
VMFileClose() closes a file previously opened with a call to VMFileOpen().When a
thread calls VMFileClose() it blocks in the wait state
VM_THREAD_STATE_WAITING until the either successful or unsuccessful closing of
the file is completed.
Return Value
Upon successful closing of the file VMFileClose() returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS,
upon failure VMFileClose() returns VM_STATUS_FAILURE.
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VMFileRead – Reads data from a file.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMFileRead(int filedescriptor, void *data, int *length);
VMFileRead() attempts to read the number of bytes specified in the integer referenced by
length into the location specified by data from the file specified by filedescriptor. The
filedescriptor should have been obtained by a previous call to VMFileOpen(). The actual
number of bytes transferred by the read will be updated in the length location. When a
thread calls VMFileRead() it blocks in the wait state VM_THREAD_STATE_WAITING
until the either successful or unsuccessful reading of the file is completed.
Return Value
Upon successful reading from the file, VMFileRead() returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS,
upon failure VMFileRead() returns VM_STATUS_FAILURE. If data or length
parameters are NULL, VMFileRead() returns
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VMFileWrite – Writes data to a file.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMFileWrite(int filedescriptor, void *data, int *length);
VMFileWrite() attempts to write the number of bytes specified in the integer referenced
by length from the location specified by data to the file specified by filedescriptor. The
filedescriptor should have been obtained by a previous call to VMFileOpen(). The actual
number of bytes transferred by the write will be updated in the length location. When a
thread calls VMFileWrite() it blocks in the wait state
VM_THREAD_STATE_WAITING until the either successful or unsuccessful writing of
the file is completed.
Return Value
Upon successful writing from the file, VMFileWrite() returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS,
upon failure VMFileWrite() returns VM_STATUS_FAILURE. If data or length
parameters are NULL, VMFileWrite() returns
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VMFileSeek – Seeks within a file.
#include “VirtualMachine.h”
TVMStatus VMFileSeek(int filedescriptor, int offset, int whence,
int *newoffset);
VMFileSeek() attempts to seek the number of bytes specified by offset from the location
specified by whence in the file specified by filedescriptor. The filedescriptor should have
been obtained by a previous call to VMFileOpen(). The new offset placed in the
newoffset location if the parameter is not NULL. When a thread calls VMFileSeek() it
blocks in the wait state VM_THREAD_STATE_WAITING until the either successful or
unsuccessful seeking in the file is completed.
Return Value
Upon successful seeking in the file, VMFileSeek () returns VM_STATUS_SUCCESS,
upon failure VMFileSeek() returns VM_STATUS_FAILURE.
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MachineContextSave – Saves a machine context.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef struct{
jmp_buf DJumpBuffer;
} SMachineContext, *SMachineContextRef;
#define MachineContextSave(mcntx) setjmp((mcntx)->DJumpBuffer)
MachineContextSave() saves the machine context that is specified by the parameter
Return Value
Upon successful saving of the context, MachineContextSave () returns 0.
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MachineContextRestore – Restores a machine context.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef struct{
jmp_buf DJumpBuffer;
} SMachineContext, *SMachineContextRef;
#define MachineContextRestore(mcntx) longjmp((mcntx)->DJumpBuffer, 1)
MachineContextRestore() restores a previously saved the machine context that is
specified by the parameter mcntx.
Return Value
Upon successful restoring of the context, MachineContextRestore() should not return.
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MachineContextSwitch – Switches machine context.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef struct{
jmp_buf DJumpBuffer;
} SMachineContext, *SMachineContextRef;
#define MachineContextSwitch (mcntxold,mcntxnew)
if(setjmp((mcntxold)->DJumpBuffer) == 0)
longjmp((mcntxnew)->DJumpBuffer, 1)
MachineContextSwitch() switches context to a previously saved the machine context that
is specified by the parameter mcntxnew, and stores the current context in the parameter
specified by mctxold.
Return Value
Upon successful switching of the context, MachineContextRestore() should not return
until the original context is restored.
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MachineContextCreate – Creates a machine context.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef struct{
jmp_buf DJumpBuffer;
} SMachineContext, *SMachineContextRef;
void MachineContextCreate(SMachineContextRef mcntxref,
void (*entry)(void *), void *param, void *stackaddr, size_t stacksize);
MachineContextCreate() creates a context that will enter in the function specified by
entry and passing it the parameter param. The contexts stack of size stacksize must be
specified by the stackaddr parameter. The newly created context will be stored in the
mcntxref parameter, this context can be used in subsequent calls to
MachineContextRestore(), or MachineContextSwitch().
Return Value
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MachineInitialize – Initializes the machine abstraction layer.
#include “Machine.h”
void MachineInitialize(void);
MachineInitialize() initializes the machine abstraction layer.
Return Value
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MachineTerminate – Terminates the machine abstraction layer.
#include “Machine.h”
void MachineTerminate(void);
MachineTerminate() terminates the machine abstraction layer. This closes down the
cooperative process that is executing the machine abstraction.
Return Value
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MachineEnableSignals – Enables all signals.
#include “Machine.h”
void MachineEnableSignals(void);
MachineEnableSignals() enables all signals so that the virtual machine may be
“interrupted” asynchronously.
Return Value
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MachineSuspendSignals – Suspends all signals.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef sigset_t TMachineSignalState, *TMachineSignalStateRef;
void MachineSuspendSignals(TMachineSignalStateRef sigstate);
MachineSuspendSignals() suspends all signals so that the virtual machine will not be
“interrupted” asynchronously. The current state of the signal mask will be placed in the
location specified by the parameter sigstate. This signal state can be restored by a call to
Return Value
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MachineResumeSignals – Resumes signal state.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef sigset_t TMachineSignalState, *TMachineSignalStateRef;
void MachineResumeSignals(TMachineSignalStateRef sigstate);
MachineResumeSignals() resumes all signals that were enabled when previous call to
MachineSuspendSignals() was called so that the virtual machine will my be “interrupted”
asynchronously. The signal mask in the location specified by the parameter sigstate will
be restored to the virtual machine. This signal state should have been initialized by a
previous call to MachineSuspendSignals().
Return Value
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MachineRequestAlarm – Requests periodic alarm callback.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef void (*TMachineAlarmCallback)(void *calldata);
void MachineRequestAlarm(useconds_t usec,
TMachineAlarmCallback callback, void *calldata);
MachineRequestAlarm() requests periodic alarm callback from the machine abstraction
layer. The callback function specified by the callback parameter will be called at a period
of usec microseconds being passed the parameter specified by calldata. The alarm
callback can be canceled by calling MachineRequestAlarm() with a parameter of 0 usec.
Return Value
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MachineFileOpen – Opens a file with the machine abstraction layer.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef void (*TMachineFileCallback)(void *calldata, int result);
void MachineFileOpen(const char *filename, int flags, int mode,
TMachineFileCallback callback, void *calldata);
MachineFileOpen() attempts to open the file specified by filename, using the flags
specified by flags parameter, and mode specified by mode parameter. The file descriptor
of the newly opened file will be passed in to the callback function as the result. The
calldata parameter will also be passed into the callback function upon completion of the
open file request. The flags and mode values follow the same format as that of open
system call. The result returned can be used in subsequent calls to MachineFileClose(),
MachineFileRead(), MachineFileWrite(), and MachineFileSeek(). MachineFileOpen()
should return immediately, but will call the callback function asynchronously when
completed. Upon failure the result will be less than zero.
Return Value
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MachineFileRead – Reads from a file in the machine abstraction.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef void (*TMachineFileCallback)(void *calldata, int result);
void MachineFileRead(int fd, void *data, int length,
TMachineFileCallback callback, void *calldata);
MachineFileRead() attempts to read the number of bytes specified in by length into the
location specified by data from the file specified by fd. The fd should have been obtained
by a previous call to MachineFileOpen(). The actual number of bytes transferred will be
returned in the result parameter when the callback function is called. Upon failure the
result will be less than zero. The calldata parameter will also be passed into the callback
function upon completion of the read file request. MachineFileRead () should return
immediately, but will call the callback function asynchronously when completed.
Return Value
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MachineFileWrite – Writes to a file in the machine abstraction.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef void (*TMachineFileCallback)(void *calldata, int result);
void MachineFileWrite(int fd, void *data, int length,
TMachineFileCallback callback, void *calldata);
MachineFileWrite() attempts to write the number of bytes specified in by length into the
location specified by data to the file specified by fd. The fd should have been obtained by
a previous call to MachineFileOpen(). The actual number of bytes transferred will be
returned in the result parameter when the callback function is called. Upon failure the
result will be less than zero. The calldata parameter will also be passed into the callback
function upon completion of the write file request. MachineFileWrite() should return
immediately, but will call the callback function asynchronously when completed.
Return Value
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MachineFileSeek – Seeks in a file in the machine abstraction.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef void (*TMachineFileCallback)(void *calldata, int result);
void MachineFileSeek(int fd, int offset, int whence,
TMachineFileCallback callback, void *calldata);
MachineFileSeek() attempts to seek the number of bytes specified in by offset from the
location specified by whence in the file specified by fd. The fd should have been obtained
by a previous call to MachineFileOpen(). The actual offset in the file will be returned in
the result parameter when the callback function is called. Upon failure the result will be
less than zero. The calldata parameter will also be passed into the callback function upon
completion of the seek file request. MachineFileSeek() should return immediately, but
will call the callback function asynchronously when completed.
Return Value
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MachineFileClose – Closes a file in the machine abstraction layer.
#include “Machine.h”
typedef void (*TMachineFileCallback)(void *calldata, int result);
void MachineFileClose(int fd, TMachineFileCallback callback,
void *calldata);
MachineFileClose() attempts to close the file specified by fd. The fd should have been
obtained by a previous call to MachineFileOpen(). The result parameter when the
callback function is called will be zero upon success; upon failure the result will be less
than zero. The calldata parameter will also be passed into the callback function upon
completion of the file closure request. MachineFileClose() should return immediately, but
will call the callback function asynchronously when completed.
Return Value