
ECS140A Project 3

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For this
programming assignment you will be programming in LISP. This entire project must be
purely functional; you are not allowed to use setq, loop or similar constructs. Points
may be docked for use of such constructs.
Fibonacci Sequence Less Than N
Write a function fibo-lt to return a list as the Fibonacci sequence such that all numbers
in the sequence are less than n (NOT the first n numbers of the sequence). For example:
> (fibo-lt ’50)
(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)
Your function must run in sublinear time and may not hardcode results except for those of
the beginning of the sequence such as ‘(), ‘(0) and ‘(0 1).
Pattern Matching Program
Before we start building the pattern matching function, let us first build a set of routines
that will allow us to represent facts, called assertions. For instance, we can define the
following assertions:
(this is an assertion)
(color apple red)
(supports table block1)
Patterns are like assertions, except that they may contain certain special atoms not allowed
in assertions, the single ! character, for instance, or may have strings containing the *
(color ! red)
(su*ts table block1)
Write a function match, which compares a pattern and an assertion. When a pattern
containing no special atoms is compared to an assertion, the two match only if they are
exactly the same, with each corresponding position occupied by the same atom.
> (match ‘(color apple red) ‘(color apple red))
> (match ‘(color apple red) ‘(color apple green))
ECS140A FQ20 September 28, 2020
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Project 3
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The special symbol ‘!’ expands the capability of match by matching zero or more atoms.
> (match ‘(! table !) ‘(this table supports a block))
Here, the first symbol ‘!’ matches this, table matches table, and second symbol ‘!’
matches supports a block.
> (match ‘(this table !) ‘(this table supports a block))
> (match ‘(! brown) ‘(green red brown yellow))
In the last example, the special symbol ‘!’ matches ‘green red’. However, the match
fails because yellow occurs in the assertion after brown, whereas it does not occur in
the assertion. However, the following example succeeds:
> (match ‘(! brown) ‘(green red brown brown))
In this example, ‘!’ matches list (green red brown), whereas the brown matches the
last element.
> (match ‘(red green ! blue) ‘(red green blue))
In this example, the ‘!’ matches the empty list. The * character matches zero or more
characters inside a string.
> (match ‘(red gr*n blue) ‘(red green blue))
> (match ‘(t* table is *n) ‘(this table is blue))
In the first example the *, matches ee. In the second example the first * matches his,
but the second one fails to match because of the n. The lone * will match any single atom.
> (match ‘(color apple *) ‘(color apple red))
> (match ‘(color * red) ‘(color apple red))
> (match ‘(color * red) ‘(color apple green))
In the last example, color * red and (color apple green) do not match because
red and green do not match.
Erasure Code Reconstruction
Erasure codes are used when a value can be detected as incorrect (or erased). They are
commonly used in storage (like in RAID-5) as well as in communication. Write a function
ECS140A FQ20 September 28, 2020
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Project 3
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to return a reconstructed message. Each message will be a set of words each with a parity
bit followed by a parity word. Each word is represented as a list of 0, 1 or NIL values. The
parity bit will be the final value in each word, the parity word will be the final word in the
list of words. An example output should be something like:
> (parity-correction ‘((0 1 1 NIL 0) (0 0 0 NIL 1) (NIL 1 1 1 0) (1 0 1
NIL 0) (0 NIL 1 0 1)))
(T ((0 1 1 0 0) (0 0 0 1 1) (1 1 1 1 0) (1 0 1 0 0) (0 0 1 0 1)))
This would be equivalent to the following message.
D0 D1 D2 D3 P
W0 0 1 1 0 0
W1 0 0 0 1 1
W2 1 1 1 1 0
W3 1 0 1 0 0
WP 0 0 1 0 1
If the message is incorrect or can’t be solved NIL should be returned with the original
message. For example:
> (parity-correction ‘((0 1 1 NIL 0) (0 0 0 NIL 1) (NIL 1 1 1 0) (1 0 1
NIL 0) (0 NIL 1 0 0)))
(NIL ((0 1 1 NIL 0) (0 0 0 NIL 1) (NIL 1 1 1 0) (1 0 1 NIL 0) (0 NIL 1
0 0)))
The parity-correction function should return results for modest size messages
within a second or two. Submissions that take significant amount of time may lose points.
Scripts of working solutions are in /home/cjnitta/ecs140a/proj3 on the CSIF.
Passing the arguments may require care on bash as a single quote may need to be passed
in to the test script.
You must submit the source file(s), and README.txt file, in a tgz archive. Do a make
clean prior to zipping up your files so the size will be smaller. You will want to be in the
parent directory of the project directory when creating the tgz archive. You can tar gzip a
directory with the command:
tar -zcvf archive-name.tgz directory-name
You should avoid using existing source code as a primer that is currently available on the
Internet. You must specify in your readme file any sources of code that you have viewed
to help you complete this project. You must also provide the URL any code sources in
comments of your source code. All class projects will be submitted to MOSS to determine
if students have excessively collaborated. Excessive collaboration, or failure to list external
code sources will result in the matter being referred to Student Judicial Affairs.
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Helpful Hints
• The command to use Common LISP is clisp.
• Appendix A of LISPcraft summarizes LISP’s built-in functions. Each function is
explained briefly. You will find this a very useful reference as you write and debug
your programs. Also, you can get help about clisp by typing: man clisp
• You may define additional helper functions that your main functions use. Be sure,
though, to name the main functions as specified since the test program uses those
• If you place a init.lsp file in the directory in which you execute LISP (or your home
directory), LISP will load that file automatically when it starts execution. Such a file is
useful to define your own environment. For instance, you will probably want to put the
following command in that fiile:
(setq *print-case* :downcase)
• When developing your program, you might find it easier to test your functions first
interactively before using the test program. You might find trace, step, print, etc.
functions useful in debugging your functions.
• A few points to help the novice LISP programmer:
• Watch your use of (, ), “, and ‘. Be sure to quote things that need to be quoted.
• To see how lisp reads your function, use pretty printing. For example,
> (pprint (symbol-function ‘foo))
will print out the definition of function foo, using indentation to show nesting. This
is useful to locate logically incorrect nesting due to, e.g., wrong parenthesizing.
• If you cause an error, Common Lisp places you into a mode in which debugging
can be performed (LISPcraft section 11.2). To exit any level, except the top level,
type :q. To exit the top level, type
> (bye)