
ECE250 Project 3: Spell-Checking Using Trie ADT

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In this project, you will implement a trie data structure which is defined as: “A trie is a 26-ary tree where the root node
represents an empty string (“”) and if the 𝑘
(k going from 0 to 25) subtree is not a null subtree, it represents a string that
is the concatenation of the characters represented by the parent and the 𝑘
letter of the alphabet (where ‘a’ is the 0th
letter and ‘z’ is the 25th)”. Each node may additionally indicate that it is a terminal entry. This means when a node has no
children. In this project, no characters of any kind outside of the 26 upper-case English letters will be considered to be
For example, presuming we didn’t care about case, consider the sentence “the fable then faded from my thoughts and
memory”. If we want to put these nine words into a trie, it will look like as depicted in Figure 1 with two important
concepts: (1) only the root node shows its 26 subtrees and (2) some of those subtrees are null because the letters they
correspond to are not present in the input.
Figure 1: A trie
Note that edges are labeled with letters only for clarity. The letters are not actually stored in the edges or the nodes.
Instead, the position of a node determines the key associated with it. The first child of any node represents ‘a’, the second
child represents ‘b’ and so on. You are free to store an additional symbol to indicate that the letter terminates a word. If
you do, this means your trie will be a 27-ary tree. This is not necessary to complete the project.
In this project, you will use a trie to implement a spell-checker. You will be provided with a text document, known as a
“corpus”, and stored in the file “corpus.txt” and posted on LEARN, which contains words that you may assume are correctly
. You will write code to input this data into your trie. Your trie may not contain duplicate words, so this must be
accounted for when you are parsing the corpus. You will also implement code to use, manipulate, and analyze the trie.
The details can be found in the table of the commands below.
Program Design and Documentation
You must use proper Object-Oriented design principles to implement your solution. You will create a design using classes
which have appropriately private/protected data members and appropriately public services (member functions). It is not
acceptable to simply make all data members public. Structs are not permitted. Write a short description of your design
(three pages) to be submitted along with your C++ solution files for marking according to the template posted on LEARN.
You may use the vector class, but no others from the STL.
1 The corpus comes from a review of the 1991 hit computer game, “Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego”, original available here: The corpus has been edited to ensure it contains only upper-case English letters.
Input/Output Requirements
In this project, you must create a test program that must read commands from standard input and write the output to
standard output. The commands are described below.
Command Parameters Description Expected Runtime Output
load Load the corpus into the trie, ensuring that
duplicate words are not added. You should do
this by opening the file and reading it one
word at a time. In the corpus, a “word” is
separated from other words by whitespace.
You may not assume that this command will
always start all input files. You do not have to
worry that some words in the corpus are not
valid English words. Pretend that they are2
N/A success
Note: This command should
output “success” no matter
i word Insert a new word into the trie. O(n)
where n is the
number of
characters in word
success if the insertion was
failure if the word is already in
the trie
illegal argument (see below
the table)
c prefix Outputs a count of all words in the trie that
have the given prefix. The prefix does not
need to be a full word in the trie, although it
may be. For example, if the Trie contains the
words “CAR”, “CARD”, and “CARMEN” only,
then searching for the prefix CA should return
a count of 3, as should searching for the prefix
where N is the
number of words in
the trie
count is NUM where NUM is
the number of words with
that prefix
not found if no words with
that prefix exist in the trie
illegal argument (see below
the table)
e word Erase the word in the trie. O(n)
where n is the
number of
characters in word
success if the word is in the
trie and was erased
failure if the word is not in the
trie, or the trie is empty
illegal argument (see below
the table)
p Prints all words in the trie in alphabetical
order on a single line (use depth-first
where N is the
number of words in
word1 word2 word3…
There should be a new line
after the last word, but
otherwise all words should be
printed on a single line.
No output is created if the trie
is empty.
For instance, the string “II” is in the corpus. It is there on purpose. Why?
Command Parameters Description Expected Runtime Output
spellcheck word Spell-checks the word or offers suggestions if
the word is not spelled correctly.
For example, assume the trie contains the
The command: spellcheck YOL will print a list
of all words in the trie starting with “YO”. It
should print this list alphabetically.
where N is the
number of words in
correct if the word is in the
trie and terminates with the
last letter of the word
word1 word2 word3… if the
word is not in the trie.
Start from the first letter with
an error
For example, the corpus
contains the words:
The commands: spellcheck
YOL and spellcheck YO will
print a list of all words in the
trie starting with “YO”
alphabetically. Therefore, it
will output:
If a word is provided for which
there is no match on the first
letter, this command will
produce no output other than
a newline. For example, the
corpus has no words starting
with ‘Z’, so a call to
“spellcheck ZEBRA” should not
give any suggestions and
should output a blank line.
Note: Yes, we know this isn’t
exactly how spellcheck works
empty Checks if the trie is empty. O(1) empty 1 if the trie is empty
empty 0 if the trie is not
clear Deletes all words from the trie. O(N)
where N is the
number of words in
success if the trie was already
empty, this command should
print “success” anyway
size Prints a message indicating the number of
words in the trie.
O(1) number of words is count
where “count” is the number
of words. Count may be 0 if
the trie is empty.
exit Last command for all input files. This command does not print
any output.
Illegal arguments: For the commands i, c, and e, you must handle invalid input. If the word contains any characters other
than those of the upper-case English alphabet your code must throw an illegal_argument exception, catch it, and output
“illegal argument” (without quotes) if it is caught. Afterward, the code should continue parsing input if any remains. You
may assume that the words will not contain spaces. To do this, you will need to:
a. Define a class for this exception, call it illegal_exception
b. Throw an instance of this class when the condition is encountered using this line:
throw illegal_exception();
c. Use a try/catch block to handle this exception and print the desired output of the command
You must analyze the expected runtime of your algorithms in your design document. Prove that your implementation
achieves these runtimes.
Valgrind and Memory Leaks
10% of your grade in this project will be allocated to memory leaks. We will be using the Valgrind utility to do this check.
The expected behaviour of Valgrind is to indicate 0 errors and 0 leaks possible, with all allocated bytes freed. To test your
code with Valgrind, presuming you are using an input file, you would use the following command:
valgrind ./a.out <
Test Files
Learn contains some examples input files with the corresponding output. The files are named, and so
on with their corresponding output files named test01.out etc.
All lines in the input files end with a UNIX newline character (\n), and there are no spaces before this character.
Submitting your Program
Once you have completed your solution and tested it comprehensively on your own computer or the lab computers, you
should transfer your files to the eceUbuntu server and test there. We perform automated tested on this platform, so if
your code works on your own computer but not on eceUbuntu it will be considered incorrect. A makefile is required for
this projectsince the exact source structure you use will be unique to you. A video has been posted on Learn about how
to create it.
Once you are done your testing you must create a compressed file in the tar.gz format, that contains:
– A typed document, maximum of three pages, describing your design. Submit this document in PDF format. The
name of this file should be xxxxxxxx_design_pn.pdf where xxxxxxxx is your maximum 8-character UW user ID (for
example, I would use my ID “mstachow”, not my ID “mstachowsky”, even though both are valid UW IDs), and n is
the project number. In my case, my file would be mstachow_design_p3.pdf.
– A test program, trietest.cpp, that reads the commands and writes the output.
– Required header files that you created.
– Any additional support files that you created.
– A makefile, named Makefile, with commands to compiler your solution and creates an executable. Do not use the
-o output flag in your makefile. The executable’s name must be a.out.
The name of your compressed file should be xxxxxxxx_p3.tar.gz, where xxxxxxxx is your UW ID as above.