
ECE/CS 5510 Multiprocessor Programming Homework 5

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1 Problems (56 points)

1.1 Set (1) [8 points] In listing 3, two entries are locked before key presence is determined. If no entries were locked and it instead returned true/false based on key existence, would this alternative still be linearizable? If so, explain; if not, give a counterexample.

1.2 Set (2) [8 points] Will listing 1, by itself, function correctly if we switch the locking order on line 9? What about in context with listings 2 and 3? If it has issues in context, how can that be fixed?

1.3 Set (3) [8 points] Show that listing 1 only needs to lock pred.

1.4 Lock-free Linked List (1) [8 points] Listings 4 and 5 show the add() and remove() methods for LockFreeList class. Describe the two execution scenarios where the compareAndSet() operation in line 11 of add() method fails because of: 1. expected reference (1st argument) 2. marked value (3rd argument)

1.5 Lock-free Linked List (2) [8 points] Listings 4 and 5 show the add() and remove() methods for LockFreeList class. Describe the two execution scenarios where the compareAndSet() operation in line 11 of remove() method fails because of: 1. expected reference (1st argument) 2. marked value (3rd argument)

1 public boolean add ( T item ) { 2 int key = item . hashCode () ; 3 while (true) { 4 Node pred = head ; 5 Node curr = pred . next ; 6 while ( curr . key < key ) { 7 pred = curr ; curr = curr . next ; 8 } 9 pred . lock () ; curr . lock () ; 10 try { 11 if ( validate ( pred , curr ) ) { 12 if ( curr . key == key ) { 13 return false; 14 } else { 15 Node node = new Node ( item ) ; 16 node . next = curr ; 17 pred . next = node ; 18 return true; 19 } 20 } 21 } finally { 22 pred . unlock () ; curr . unlock () ; 23 } 24 } 25 } Listing 1: Add item

1 public boolean remove ( T item ) { 2 int key = item . hashCode () ; 3 while (true) { 4 Node pred = head ; 5 Node curr = pred . next ; 6 while ( curr . key < key ) { 7 pred = curr ; curr = curr . next ; 8 } 9 pred . lock () ; curr . lock () ; 10 try { 11 if ( validate ( pred , curr ) ) { 12 pred . next = curr . next ; 13 return true; 14 } else { 15 return false; 16 } 17 } 18 } finally { 19 pred . unlock () ; curr . unlock () ; 20 } 21 } Listing 2: Remove item

1 public boolean contains ( T item ) { 2 int key = item . hashCode () ; 3 while (true) { 4 Node pred = this. head ; 5 Node curr = pred . next ; 6 while ( curr . key < key ) { 7 pred = curr ; curr = curr . next ; 8 } 9 pred . lock () ; curr . lock () ; 10 try { 11 if ( validate ( pred , curr ) ) { 12 return curr . key == key ; 13 } 14 } finally { 15 pred . unlock () ; curr . unlock () ; 16 } 17 } 18 } Listing 3: Containment check

1 public boolean add ( T item ) { 2 int key = item . hashCode () ; 3 while (true) { 4 Window window = find ( head , key ) ; 5 Node pred = window . pred , curr = window . curr ; 6 if ( curr . key == key ) { 7 return false; 8 } else { 9 Node node = new Node ( item ) ; 10 node . next = new AtomicMarkableReference ( curr , false) ; 11 if ( pred . next . compareAndSet ( curr , node , false , false) ) { 12 return true; 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 } Listing 4: LockFreeList add()

1 public boolean remove ( T item ) { 2 int key = item . hashCode () ; 3 boolean snip ; 4 while (true) { 5 Window window = find ( head , key ) ; 6 Node pred = window . pred , curr = window . curr ; 7 if ( curr . key != key ) { 8 return false; 9 } else { 10 Node succ = curr . next . getReference () ; 11 snip = curr . next . compareAndSet ( succ , succ , false , true) ; 12 if (! snip ) 13 continue ; 14 pred . next . compareAndSet ( curr , succ , false , false) ; 15 return true; 16 } 17 } 18 } Listing 5: LockFreeList remove()

1.6 Lock-free Linked List (3) [8 points] A programmer notices that the add() method of the LockFreeList (Listing 4) never finds a marked node with the same key. Therefore, to save the need to insert a new node, he/she modifies algorithm to simply insert new added object into the existing marked node with same key if such a node exists in the list. Explain why will this not work.

1.7 Compare-And-Swap [8 points] Some naïve approaches to lock-free deletion in linked lists use a single CAS, swapping the element to be deleted with its next node as shown below. H 10 30 T Unfortunately, this can lead to the following situation: H 10 20 30 T Why can this happen? Why is it a problem?

2 Programming (44 points)

In this implementation, you will write a microbenchmark to test each of the linked-list algorithms for sets described in chapter 9 of the textbook; for the locking algorithms, replace usage of explicit locks with synchronized blocks that provide the same semantics as the explicit lock usage (this will not be possible in all cases). Don’t forget to add volatile to those variables that need it (but keep usage to a minimum as otherwise performance may suffer).

Note that there may be errors in the code that you will need to correct as well. Use sets of integers Set as the implementation to benchmark. A worker thread does an operation ITER times. The operation on the set could be add, remove or contains with a number passed as a parameter.

ITER = 1000 and operating with numbers (a random choice) from 0 to 100 is a good choice for a worker thread as it ensures some degree of contention. You will need to vary workload parameters (e.g. ratio of contains/add /remove operations) and find trends in behavior of all algorithms. Vary percentage of contains operation from 20% to 80% with the following spacing – 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. Divide rest of the operations between add and remove equally wherever possible. Benchmark from 4 threads to 40 threads with reasonable spacing and at least for 8 different thread counts (Use Rlogin).

There are two ways for approaching mixed workloads. Choose whichever you feel comfortable with. (1) Have worker threads that only perform one operation. For example, for 20 threads, you can have 12 threads that always invoke contains, and 4 threads each that always invoke add and remove. Approximate wherever needed. (2) Each thread chooses between contains , add and remove through a uniformly distributed float random number generator.

Hint: Read about java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom. Use it in the run() method of your thread. Don’t forget proper benchmarking practices (accounting for JVM warm-up – the more the better, no points of contention beyond the set object itself, etc.); you do not need to use JMH, but you may find it useful to avoid the pitfalls discussed in java/architect-benchmarking-2266277.html. Provide the following plots: 1. throughput vs. threads; threads varying from 4 to 40 (at least 8 different thread counts); contains % = 20; all algorithms. 2. throughput vs. threads; threads varying from 4 to 40 (at least 8 different thread counts); contains % = 40; all algorithms. 3. throughput vs. threads; threads varying from 4 to 40 (at least 8 different thread counts); contains % = 60; all algorithms. 4. throughput vs. threads; threads varying from 4 to 40 (at least 8 different thread counts); contains % = 80; all algorithms. 5. throughput vs. contains %; contains = 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% for fixed thread count = 20; all algorithms.

Analyze your findings in a writeup, which should not exceed two pages in length. Your code and writeup (with filename hw5_.pdf) should be included in a zip file named to be uploaded to Canvas by the announced due date; as with homework 1, your code should be part of a hw5 package and should be runnable from the command line (document the exact command(s) to use). 9