1 Java memory model [6 points]
Consider the class shown in listing 1. According to what you have been told
about the Java memory model, will the reader method ever divide by zero?
2 Sequential Consistency (1) [2 points]
The following is a history of a FIFO queue. The operations are enq(x)/void
and deq()/x. Is this history a valid sequential history? Why not?
A: q.enq(x)
B: q.enq(y)
A: q:void
B: q:void
3 Sequential Consistency (2) [6 points]
P1 P2 P3
x = 1; y = 1; z = 1;
print(y,z); print(x,z); print(x,y);
The variables x, y and z are stored in a memory system that offers sequential
consistency. Every operations including the print statements is atomic1
Explain whether the following are legal output sequences or not.
1. 001011
2. 001111
3. 001110
For a legal output, show one possible interleaving of the instructions that leads
to the said output. For an illegal output, explain why there is no possible
interleaving that may leads to the said output.
4 Consistency (1) [6 points]
Consider a memory object that encompasses two register components. We
know that if both registers are quiescently consistent, then so is the memory
object. Does the converse hold? If the memory object is quiescently consistent,
are the individual registers quiescently consistent? Outline a proof or give a
5 Consistency (2) [6 points]
Give an example of an execution that is quiescently consistent but not
sequentially consistent, and another that is sequentially consistent but not
quiescently consistent.
6 Linearizability (1) [6 points]
The following is a history of a stack. The operations are push(x)/void and
pop()/x. Is the history linearizable? If yes, then find a legal sequential history.
A: s.push(x)
B: s.push(y)
B: s:void
B: s.pop()
1no operation can overlap with other operations
A: s:void()
A: s.pop()
A: s:y
7 Linearizability (2) [6 points]
The following is a history of a FIFO queue. The operations are enq(x)/void
and deq()/x. Is the history linearizable? If yes, then prove. Is it sequentially
A: r.enq(x)
A: r:void
B: r.enq(y)
A: r.deq()
B: r:void
A: r:y
8 Linearizability (3) [6 points]
The following is a history of a FIFO queue. The operations are enq(x)/void
and deq()/x. Is the history linearizable? If yes, then prove.
A: q.enq(x)
B: q.enq(y)
A: q:void
B: q:void
A: q.deq()
C: q.deq()
A: q:y
C: q:y
9 Compositional Linearizability [6 points]
Proove the “only if” part of Theorem 3.6.1, reprinted below.
H is linearizable if, and only if, for each object x, H|x is linearizable.
Homework 3 Fall 2018 130 4 Atomicity: Formal Definition and Properties
Fig. 4.9 Sequential consistency is not a local property
easy to see that, when we consider each object in isolation, we obtain the histories
|Q and H
|Q that are sequentially consistent. Unfortunately, there is no way to
witness a legal total order S that involves the six operations: if p1 dequeues b from
, Q
) has to be ordered after Q
) in a witness sequential history.
But this means that (to respect process-order) Q.enq(a) by p1 is necessarily ordered
before Q.enq(b) by p2. Consequently Q.deq() by p2 should return a for S to be
legal. A similar reasoning can be done starting from the operation Q.deq(b) by p2.
It follows that there can be no legal witness total order. Hence, despite the fact that
|Q and H
|Q are sequentially consistent, the whole history H
is not.
4.5.2 Serializability
Overview It is sometimes important to ensure that groups of operations appear
to execute as if they have been executed without interference with any other group
of operations. The concept of transaction is then the appropriate abstraction that
allows the grouping of operations. This abstraction is mainly encountered in database
A transaction is a sequence of operations that might complete successfully (commit) or abort. In short, the execution of a set of concurrent transactions is correct
if committed transactions appear to execute at some indivisible point in time and
aborted transactions do not appear to have been executed at all.
This correctness criteria is called serializability (sometimes it is also called atomicity). The motivation
(again) is to reduce the difficult problem of reasoning about concurrent transactions
into the easier problem of reasoning about transactions that are executed one after
the other.
For instance, if some invariant predicate on the set of shared objects is
preserved by every individual committed transaction, then it will be preserved by a
serializable execution of transactions.
Definition To define serializability, the notion of history needs to be revisited.
Events are now accsa trsai n, s ery H.
10 More histories (1) [10 points]
Figure 1 shows a History H with two processes: p1 and p2. The processes are
accessing two concurrent queues Q and Q0
. Answer the following questions:
1. Is H|Q sequentially consistent?
2. Is H|Q0
sequentially consistent?
3. Is the entire history H sequentially consistent? If not, then why? If yes,
then explain.
11 More histories (2) [6 points]
Assume you have a multiprocessor system with three processors. Each
processor does not stall when it encounters a last-level cache (LLC) miss; i.e.,
each processor continues executing instructions that are independent of the
data that needs to be fetched from DRAM due to the LLC miss.
W stands for write instruction. R stands for read instruction. Assume
the data in the memory locations a and b is initialized to zero. The three
processors execute the following sequence:
Processor 1: W(a, 1); R(b, 0);
Processor 2: W(b, 1); R(b, 1); R(a, 1);
Processor 3: R(b, 1); R(a, 0);
Is this multiprocessor system sequentially consistent?
12 More Histories (3) [6 points]
Is this a linearizable execution?
Time Task A Task B
0 Invoke q.enq(x)
1 Work on q.enq(x)
2 Work on q.enq(x)
3 Return from q.enq(x)
4 Invoke q.enq(y)
5 Work on q.enq(y)
6 Work on q.enq(y)
7 Return from q.enq(y)
8 Invoke q.deq()
9 Return x from q.deq()
13 More Histories 4) [6 points]
Is this a linearizable execution?
Time Task A Task B
0 Invoke q.enq(x)
1 Work on q.enq(x) Invoke q.enq(y)
2 Work on q.enq(x) Return from q.enq(y)
3 Return from q.enq(x)
4 Invoke q.deq()
5 Return x from q.deq()
14 More Histories (5) [6 points]
Is this a linearizable execution?
Time Task A Task B
0 Invoke q.enq(x)
1 Return from q.enq(x)
2 Invoke q.enq(y)
3 Invoke q.deq() Work on q.enq(y)
4 Work on q.deq() Return from q.enq(y)
5 Return y from q.deq()
15 AtomicInteger [7 points]
The AtomicInteger class (in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package) is
a container for an integer value. One of its methods is boolean compareAndSet
(int expect, int update).
This method compares the object’s current value to expect. If the values
are equal, then it atomically replaces the object’s value with update and
returns true. Otherwise, it leaves the object’s value unchanged and returns
false. This class also provides int get(), which returns the object’s actual
Consider the FIFO queue implementation shown in listing 2. It stores its
items in an array items, which, for simplicity, we will assume has unbounded
size. It has two AtomicInteger fields: head is the index of the next slot from
which to remove an item, and tail is the index of the next slot in which
to place an item. Give an example showing that this implementation is not
16 Herlihy/Wing queue [9 points]
This exercise examines a queue implementation (listing 3) whose enq()
method does not have a linearization point.
The queue stores its items in an items array, which for simplicity we will
assume never hits CAPACITY. The tail field is an AtomicInteger, initially
zero. The enq() method reserves a slot by incrementing tail and then
storing the item at that location. Note that these two steps are not atomic:
there is an interval after tail has been incremented but before the item has
been stored in the array.
1 class IQueue <T > {
2 AtomicInteger head = new AtomicInteger (0) ;
3 AtomicInteger tail = new AtomicInteger (0) ;
4 T [] items = ( T []) new Object [ Integer . MAX_VALUE ];
5 public void enq ( T x ) {
6 int slot ;
7 do {
8 slot = tail . get () ;
9 } while (! tail . compareAndSet ( slot , slot +1) ) ;
10 items [ slot ] = x ;
11 }
12 public T deq () throws EmptyException {
13 T value ;
14 int slot ;
15 do {
16 slot = head . get () ;
17 value = items [ slot ];
18 if ( value == null)
19 throw new EmptyException () ;
20 } while (! head . compareAndSet ( slot , slot +1) ) ;
21 return value ;
22 }
23 }
Listing 2: IQueue implementation
The deq() method reads the value of tail, then traverses the array in
ascending order from slot zero to the tail. For each slot, it swaps null with
the current contents, returning the first non-null item it finds. If all slots
are null, the procedure is restarted.
Give an example execution showing that the linearization point for enq()
cannot occur at line 142
. Give another example execution showing that the
linearization point for enq() cannot occur at line 15. Since these are the only
two memory accesses in enq(), we must conclude that enq() has no single
linearization point. Does this mean enq() is not linearizable?
1 public class HWQueue <T > {
2 AtomicReference <T >[] items ;
3 AtomicInteger tail ;
4 static final int CAPACITY = 1024;
6 public HWQueue () {
7 items = ( AtomicReference <T >[]) Array .
newInstance ( AtomicReference . class ,
8 for (int i = 0; i < items . length ; i ++) {
9 items [ i ] = new AtomicReference <T >( null) ;
10 }
11 tail = new AtomicInteger (0) ;
12 }
13 public void enq ( T x ) {
14 int i = tail . getAndIncrement () ;
15 items [ i ]. set (x ) ;
16 }
17 public T deq () {
18 while (true) {
19 int range = tail . get () ;
20 for (int i = 0; i < range ; i ++) {
21 T value = items [ i ]. getAndSet ( null) ;
22 if ( value != null) {
23 return value ;
24 }
2Hint: give an execution where two enq() calls are not linearized in the order they
execute line 14.
25 }
26 }
27 }
28 }
Listing 3: Herlihy/Wing queue