ECE 5480 Lab1: Introduction to TetraMAX solved


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TetraMAX is used to check testability design rules and to automatically
generate manufacturing test vectors for a logic design. It is included in RTL
synthesis and test category of Synopsys tools.
TetraMAX is a high-speed, high-capacity automatic test pattern generation
(ATPG) tool. It can generate test patterns that maximize test coverage while
using a minimum number of test vectors for a variety of design types and
design flows. It is well suited for designs of all sizes up to millions of gates.
TetraMAX can read design netlists in Verilog, VHDL, and EDIF formats;
and test protocol information in STIL format. Also, it can write pattern files
in a variety of standard and proprietary formats: WGL, STIL, Verilog,
VHDL, Fujitsu TDL, TI TDL91, and Toshiba TSTL2. This tool supports the
following design-for-test (DFT) styles:
Various scan flip-flop types (multiplexed flip-lop, master, slave,
transparent latch, and so on)
Internal, non-decoded three-state buses
Bus keepers
RAM and ROM models
Proprietary and standard test controllers (such as IEEE
1149.1-compliant boundry scan)
ATGP Modes
TetraMAX offers three different ATGP modes:
Basic-Scan ATGP: In this mode, TetraMAX operates as a full-scan,
combinational-only ATGP tool. To get high-test coverage, the
sequential elements need to be scanning elements.
Fast-Sequential ATGP: This mode provides limited support for
partial-scan designs. It allows data to be propagated through non-scan
sequential elements in the design. Using the “-capture_cycles” option
of the “set_atpg” command can enable it.
Full-Sequential ATGP: It is like Fast-Sequential ATGP with this
difference that it can increase test coverage in partial-scan designs.
Using the “-full_seq_atgp” option of the “set_atpg” command can
enable it.
Supported Fault Models:
TetraMAX supports test pattern generation for five types of fault models:
Stuck-At: This model is the standard model for test pattern generation.
Transition: It is used to generate test patterns to detect single-node
slow-to-rise and slow-to-fall faults.
Path Delay: The path delay fault model tests and characterizes critical
timing paths in a design.
IDDQ: This model assumes that a circuit defect will cause excessive
current drain due to an internal short circuit from a node to ground or
to a power supply.
Let’s Start TetraMAX
1) Setting up your run directory
Log on to one of the vlsi-xx machines using your account.
2) The LINUX initial file (.bashrc)
Each LINUX user has an initialization file in their home directory
This directory is called “.bashrc” and is hidden.
To open the file, first go to your home directory and then type:
“gedit ~/.bashrc”
(Note: gedit is a text editor! You can use any other editor of your
Your .bashrc file will look something like this:
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
Add the following at the bottom of the “.bashrc” file:
# User specific aliases and functions
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/software/elicense.dat:/opt/software/qed license.dat
export PATH=/opt/software/mentor/modeltech/bin:/opt/software/cadenc
are/synopsys/coretools/bin:/opt/software/synopsys/hspice/bin :/opt/software/synopsys/
export MODELSIM=/opt/software/mentor/modeltech/modelsim.ini
Save and then exit the file
Make sure there are no line breaks in the LICENSE and PATH
Type the command: “source ~/.bashrc” and then the new “.bashrc” file will
take effect.
3) Running TetraMAX
Please type “tmax &” in terminal. By default, the command starts
TetraMAX in its GUI mode.
Starting and Stopping the TetraMAX GUI from shell mode:
To use TetraMAX in shell mode use the following command: “tmax –
To switch from shell to GUI mode, use command “gui_start”. The
command line should look as follows:
BUILD-T> gui_start
To exit the GUI mode, use command “gui_stop”.
Note: Please refer to Figure 1!
Figure 1: TetraMAX GUI Main Window
Basic ATPG Design Flow:
The basic ATPG flow applies to relatively straightforward designs. It
consists of the following steps:
1) Preprocess your netlist to meet the requirements of TetraMAX (If
2) Read in the netlist
3) Read in the library models
4) Build the ATPG design model
5) Read in the STIL test protocol file, generated by DFT Compiler or
another source
6) To prepare the design for ATGP, set up the fault list, analyze buses for
contention, and the ATGP options
7) Run automatic test pattern generation
8) Review the test coverage and rerun ATGP if necessary
9) Rerun ATGP
10) Save the test patterns and fault list
Note: Figure 2 shows the Basic ATGP Design Flow.
Figure 2: Basic ATGP Design Flow
Preparing the Netlist:
Before reading in the netlist or the library models, you should check to see if
any of the modules in your netlist have the same names as the library models.
In the case of duplicate module definitions, the last one encountered is the
one used. Therefore, if you read in your netlist and then read in library
models, the modules in your netlist are overwritten by any library models
that having the same names.
If you need to start over or you want to clear the in-memory design and
switch to a new design, use the following commands:
1) BUILD-T> read_netlist
2) BUILD-T> read_netlist
filename –delete
Reading the Netlist:
BUILD-T> read_netlist netlist_directory_name/*.v
Reading Library Models:
BUILD-T> read_netlist library_directory_name/*.v
Specifying a Command File:
You can specify a command file containing TetraMAX commands in a
number of ways:
% tmax command_file [other_args] … %
tmax [other_args] … < command_file
% tmax [other_args]
BUILD-T> source command_file
What to turn in: Please take a snapshot of the TetraMAX GUI and upload
this for the lab credit.