ECE 454 Assignment 2: Big Data Analytics


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• In this assignment you will perform analytical computations
over a data set of movie ratings.
• The assignment has several parts. All parts use the same
input data format. Each part defines a different analytical
• For each task, you will implement a Hadoop-based solution
using Java and a Spark-based solution using Scala.
• You will also submit a text file with the Nexus IDs of your
group members, as in the other assignments.
• Sample inputs are provided in HDFS under /a2_inputs.
• This assignment is worth 20% of your final course grade.
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 3
Data set
The input data set is a matrix of movie ratings. Each row
represents one movie, and each column represents one user.
Movie titles are provided in the leftmost column, and the
remaining columns represent numerical ratings. Columns are
delimited by commas, and you may assume that any commas
in the movie titles have been stripped. Ratings are integers
ranging from 1 to 5 inclusive. Blanks denote missing data.
Example data set with three movies and six users:
The Lord of The Rings,5,4,4,,3,2
Apollo 13,,,4,5,,5
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 4
Task 1: users with highest ratings
For each movie, output the column numbers of users who
gave the highest rating. If the highest rating is given by
multiple users, output all of them in ascending numerical
order. Assume that there is at least one non-blank rating for
each movie.
Example output for the example input shown earlier:
The Lord of The Rings,1
Apollo 13,4,6
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Task 2: total number of ratings
Compute the total number of (non-blank) ratings. Output the
total as a single number on a single line.
Example output for the example input shown earlier:
Note: For this task, the program should generate output in a
single file. (Hint: force the framework to use a single reducer.)
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Task 3: ratings per user
For each user, output the user’s column number and the total
number of ratings for that user. If a user has no ratings then
output 0 for that user.
Example output for the example input shown earlier:
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 7
Task 4: similarity between movies
For each pair of movies, compute the number of users who
assigned the same (non-blank) rating to both movies.
Example similarity computation for Apocalypto and Apollo 13:
Ratings for Apocalypto: 3,5,4,,5,4
Ratings for Apollo 13: ,,4,5,,5
Similarity = 1 (because user #3 rated both movies as 4)
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Task 4: similarity between movies
Example output for the example input shown earlier:
Apocalypto,Apollo 13,1
Apollo 13,The Lord of The Rings,1
Apocalypto,The Lord of The Rings,1
Note: Output the similarity score exactly once for a given pair
of movies, and output the two movie titles of each movie pair
in ascending lexicographic order (e.g., “Apocalypto” before
“Apollo 13”). Produce output even if the similarity is zero.
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 9
Group members file
Include in your submission a text file called group.txt that lists
the Nexus IDs of your group members, with one group
member per line.
Note: Do not place numerical student IDs, student names, or
e-mail addresses in this file.
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 10
Input and output
• Your programs will receive two command line arguments: an
input file and an output path. The input file will be specified
by the grader. The output path is a directory where your
programs must place one or more output files.
• A Hadoop program generates output by emitting tuples in
the reducer. If the last job in your workflow does not have a
reducer, then the program generates output by emitting
tuples in the mapper. A Spark program generates humanreadable output by executing the saveAsTextFile method on
an RDD. You should not be opening and writing output files
using any other means.
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 11
Input and output (cont.)
• The input and output files must use comma-delimited
records, meaning that consecutive elements of one record
are separated by a comma and nothing else. (A record is a
line of text.) Do not use tabs or spaces.
• The order of records in the input and output files does not
matter. To compare your outputs with the sample outputs
given in the starter code tarball, first coalesce and sort the
output files, and then compare using the diff utility.
cat outputA/* | sort > normalized_outputA.txt
cat outputB/* | sort > normalized_outputB.txt
diff normalized_outputA.txt normalized_outputB.txt
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 12
Packaging and submission
• The starter code includes sample implementations of word
counting for Hadoop and Spark. Shell scripts are provided to build
and run this code.
• For task number X, your Hadoop-based solution should be in a
single Java file called, and your Spark-based solution
should be in a single Scala file called TaskX.scala. All classes must
be in the default package.
• For task number X, the mainline of the Hadoop solution should be
in a Java class called TaskX, and the mainline of the Spark solution
should be in a Scala object called TaskX.
• Each program will take as arguments the input file and the output
path only. If you require temporary output directories for your
Hadoop workflows, take the output path and append a suffix (e.g.,
given “myout”, append “_tmp” to obtain “myout_tmp”).
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 13
Packaging and submission (cont.)
• For submission, run the provided script in Linux
to generate a .tar.gz file, and submit this file to the dropbox
in LEARN before the deadline.
• Note that the script only archives your
and TaskX.scala files for each task X. There should not be
any other source code files.
• The list of group members should be provided in a text file,
as explained earlier.
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 14
Testing and assessment criteria
• The grader will run your code on our own data sets, and
compare your outputs against a reference implementation
using the technique discussed earlier.
• For performance, focus on minimizing the number of job
stages, the number of data shuffles, and the amount of time
spent in garbage collection. Do not fiddle with tuning knobs.
• For Task 4, you should follow an approach similar to a mapside join. Use the Hadoop distributed cache, and Spark
broadcast variables.
• Performance will be assessed partly by measuring the
running times of your programs, and partly by inspecting
various performance counters (number of bytes read,
written, shuffled, etc.).
ECE 454/750 – University of Waterloo – Dr. Wojciech Golab 15
Grading scheme
Evaluation structure:
Correctness of outputs: 50%
Performance: 50%
Penalties of up to 100% will apply in the following cases:
• solution cannot be compiled or throws an exception during
testing despite receiving valid input
• solution produces incorrect outputs, for example due to a logic
error or wrong output format
• solution is improperly packaged
• you submitted the starter code instead of your solution
• one or more members of the group did not follow the house
rules (see next slide)
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Cluster house rules
• Details regarding how to access the Hadoop/Spark cluster will be
provided in a separate document.
• Storage space on the cluster is limited, so please keep your HDFS
usage below 1GB.
• If you want to experiment with large inputs then consider placing
them in HDFS under /tmp where they can be accessed by other
students. This encourages sharing, and avoids duplication.
• Please limit yourself to running one Hadoop or Spark job at a
time, especially during busy periods such as shortly before the
• Do not let any job run for more than 30 minutes on the cluster.
After 60 minutes of running time, the teaching team reserves the
right to kill your job. Repeat offenders will be penalized 
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