
ECE 253 Homework 1

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1) Cleaning by cluster removal

A photo of a partial textbook page has been thresholded to be a binary image, called badIm, which
looks like this:
We want to extract the chapter number and chapter title and the large black lines, but get rid of
everything else.

So the clean image we are aiming for, called idealIm, looks like this:
We can use xor to find all the pixels where idealIm and badIm are not the same. If we sum up
over the rows and columns of the xor output, we get a count of how many pixels are not the same:
count = sum(sum(xor(idealIm,badIm)))

and we find there are 127,994 pixels different. We will try to make this count as small as possible.

In Matlab, the function bwareaopen removes small objects (objects with fewer than P pixels)
from an image. Because there are a lot of clusters of black pixels (zero-valued pixels) that need to
be removed, and because bwareaopen considers objects to be one-valued pixels, we will need to
invert the image to operate on it, and then invert again to return the image to its normal appearance.

So, for example, to remove clusters of black pixels with less than 10 pixels, we could use:
clean10 = 1 – bwareaopen(1-badIm,10);

We can then use xor to find and count all the pixels where clean10 is different from idealIm.
We will call these bad pixels.

a) Make a plot where the x-axis (going from 1 to 2500) represents the number of pixels P for
which black objects with fewer than P pixels get removed, and the y-axis is the corresponding
number of bad pixels (that is, the number of pixels where the resulting bwareaopen result
(with parameter P) differs from idealIm). Include the plot in your write-up and the matlab
code which you used to generate it.

b) Explain why the plot has the shape that it does. In particular, there is an initial portion where
the bad pixel count decreases monotonically. What is happening there? Then the curve bottoms
out and goes generally up, but is not monotonic– it has some little ups and downs within a
general upward trend. Why do those occur?

c) What is the minimum value of your curve, and what is the value of x at which that minimum

2) Erosion and Dilation

Now we will see how dilation and erosion can do a much better job of this task than the simple
cluster removal.

a) Use imdilate and imerode commands on badIm, using the structuring element ones(3).
How does this do in terms of the count of bad pixels? Try ones(5) and ones(7). Show your
Matlab code and give your numeric results (count of bad pixels) and explain what is going on
in your results.

b) If e5 and e7 denote the output from the previous part with structuring elements ones(5) and
ones(7), it appears visually that e7, compared to e5, gets rid of more noise, but also gets rid
of more of the letters that we want to keep.

So we can potentially deploy e7 and e5 with
an approach like “geodesic dilation” and “morphological reconstruction” from Section 9.6, to
try to get back the portions of letters that were eaten away, without getting back the noise.
Make a plot of the number of bad pixel versus the iteration number in this approach, using
the structuring element ones(3). Show your code, and discuss the result.

c) Your choice: Try something else using dilation and erosion, potentially in combination with
other operations or different structuring elements, that gets you even closer to idealIm.
Whatever you try, you have to apply it to the whole image– you can’t just selectively apply
your operator to a section of the image where there is noise.

3) Skeletonization

a) Starting with the image idealIm, use the bwmorph function with ’skel’ to fully skeletonize the image. (You’ll need to invert the image first, or you’ll get weird results.) Explain
the appearance of your results

b) Propose a sequence of steps (you do not have to carry them out) to get rid of the spurs. Your
proposed method should be able to handle the fact that the skeleton components (and their
spurs) are of very different sizes.

4) Pencil and paper problem: Erosion and Dilation

Image B below was produced from A by an operator that used two structuring elements: S1, which
exactly matches one of the small square boxes, and S2 which fits snugly around the small square

For example, if the boxes are 3×3 pixels, then S1 would be the 3×3 structuring element
ones(3), and S2 would be a 5×5 ring, where the outer ring pixels have value 1 and the inner 3×3
pixels have value 0.

For both S1 and S2, the origin of the structuring element is at the center. The
gray object in B is shown only for reference, and is actually not present.

Determine which of the operations listed below was used in this transformation. Give a brief
a) B = [(A ⊖ S1) ∩ (Ac ⊖ S2)] ⊖ S1
b) B = [(A ⊖ S1) ∩ (Ac ⊖ S2)] ⊕ S1
c) B = [(A ⊕ S1) ∩ (Ac ⊖ S2)] ∩ A
d) B = [(A ⊖ S1) ∩ (Ac ⊖ S2)] ∩ A

5) Pencil and paper problem: Skeletons

Match the sets in R2
in the left column with their “skeleton by maximal balls” in the right column.
In other words, for each numbered shape on the left, find the letter of the skeleton it corresponds
to on the right. If you find that an item on the left has no match on the right, then draw what the
skeleton would look like. No explanations are required.

Note #1: The shapes and their skeletons are not necessarily drawn to the same scale, so don’t rule
things out on scale grounds. For example, the line segment in the right column is longer than the
diameter of the disk in the left column; that alone would be enough to rule out a match if these
items were drawn to scale. But you should ignore the scale.

Note #2: Consider these sets are in R2
, and not on a pixel grid in Z