Digital Signal Processing LAB 8


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Design an IIR filter using bilinear transformation using Butterworth and Chebyshew- Type I
Filter design approximations.
 Concept of Simple digital filters and Digital IIR filter design
 Bilinear transformation
 Explore Butterworth filter design Approximation
 Explore Chebyshew Filter design Approximation
Explore Following Commands:
 Butter
 lp2hp
 Cheby1
 cheb1ord
 freqz
 zplane
Important note :
 First design the filter with all required steps in notebook followed by MATLAB program
1. Design the 4th Order Butterworth high pass filter having cut-off frequency 300Hz and
sampling frequency 1 KHz using bilinear transformation.
You need to find Order, Cut-off frequency, Analog butterworth coefficients, Digital low pass
filter Coefficients using MATLAB. Obtain magnitude response and Pole-zero plot.
SEAS Winter 2020
2. Design Chebyshev-I low pass filter having following specifications using Bilinear
transformation with T = 0.1 s
0.9≤| | ≤1, 0 ≤ ≤ 0.35
| | ≤0.1, 0.65 ≤ ≤
You need to find Analog low-pass coefficients, Analog band-pass coefficients; Digital
bandpass filter Coefficients using MATLAB. Obtain frequency response and Pole-zero plot.