Database Systems, CSCI 4380-01 Homework # 5


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Double Jeopardy and Final Jeopardy
Homework Description
The data model is the same for this homework except we have added a new states table. Given
this database, write the following queries using SQL (in no particular order of difficulty):
Query 1. Query 1. Return name of categories that appeared in final jeopardy 6 or more times and
never appeared in the other rounds of the game (i.e. in the clues table). Order by category
Query 2. Find the full name of the contestant with highest total score (sum of final scores) over
all his/her games. You can assume there is a single such person. (Note that the database
does not contain the championship rounds in case you are unsatisfied with the answer.)
Query 3. Query 3. Find answers to clues that are longer than 20 characters that were answers
to more than 6 clues. Return the answer, the number of clues it was an answer to and the
number of categories that had a clue with this correct answer, order by the number of clues.
Query 4. Find categories that have a correct response less 60% of the time, order by the number
of different games these categories appeared in and return the top 20 most frequent such
For each category, return the name, number of games it appeared in, and the percentage of
correct answers in that category ( number of times a correct answer is given for a clue in this
category divided by the number of clues in the category). Order by number of games and
percent correct.
Query 5. Query 5. Find people who had higher scores than ’Ken Jennings’ (fullname) in Round
3. Return their full name, gameid in which this happened and the score difference in Round
3. Order by score difference.
Query 6. Return the gameid and air date of games that has at least 15 triple stumpers in Jeopardy
or Double Jeopardy rounds. Order ther results by airdate.
Query 7. Find the full name and total winnings of the lowest total scoring 5 time champion (i.e.
sum of final scores of exactly 5 time champions in). (Note: This could be a pretty tricky
query. I recommend you use WITH here.)
Query 8. Find categories that appeared in two games more than 30 years between them (meaning
the category did not appear between two appearances that are 30 years apart.) Use 365 days
to represent a year.
Query 9. For each state, return the state name and the number of contestants per capita from
this state as well as the number of contestants (+1) who were at least 5 time champions per
capita (percapita5times) from this state. Order by percapita5times. Note: for this query,
we added a new table called states(name,population) To find a percapita value, you need to
divide the population of the state with number of contestants.
Clarifications. A few clarifications on the results here.
Number of contestants for each state is non-zero, so we compute per capita directly: population/num contestants.
However, number of contestants with at least 5 time champions can be zero, so I compute per
capita as: population/(1+num 5plustimers). This avoids division by zero. It is a hack,
sorry about that. We will learn case statement soon that will simplify this.
The second one is finding the contestants from a state. This could get complex. So, I am
looking for the following pattern:
in description for a contestant. Note that any part in red is some other text. This is not
perfect, but it should be close enough.
Finally, to simplify the query, I have used the same trick from Hw 4 to find 5 timers (i.e. by
checking 5-time consecutive winners based on the desription). I know it is not consistent, but
hopefully this will simplify the query.
Query 10. FINAL JEOPARDY! Find the full name of contestants who won at least two games
in which they were third going into final jeopardy (i.e. at round 3). Order by name.
Submission Instructions.
Submit a single ASCII text file named username_hw5ans.sql that contains all your queries to
SUBMITTY. It should have the same format as Homework #4.
— Print your answer and RCS id first
SELECT ‘Student: Sibel Adali (’;
SELECT ‘Query 1’;
— Replace this with your answer for Query 1.
SELECT count(*) FROM games ;
— Repeat this pattern for each query
SELECT ‘Query 2’;
— Replace this with your answer for Query 2.
SELECT count(*) FROM contestants ;
Database Schema
— Each game is in a season, given by id
( id INT — season id
, gameid INT
, airdate DATE
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid)
) ;
— Each contestant is identified by a shortname, which is unique for a
— game.
CREATE TABLE contestants
( gameid INT
, fullname VARCHAR(100)
, description VARCHAR(255)
, shortname VARCHAR(100)
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid, shortname)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid)
) ;
— The overall scores of each contestants after different rounds
— of the game.
— Rounds ‘1’, ‘2’ are in the first stage called the ‘Jeopardy’ stage,
— Round ‘3’ is after ‘Double Jeopardy’ before ‘Final Jeopardy’.
— Round ‘Final Score’ is the actual score of each person
— Round ‘Coryat Score’ is the hypothetical score without the bets
— Round ‘6’ is an error, which needs to be identified later.
( gameid INT
, shortname VARCHAR(100)
, score INT
, round VARCHAR(20)
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid, shortname, round)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid, shortname)
REFERENCES contestants(gameid, shortname)
) ;
— Each game has many clues, clue is the question, and correct_answer is the answer
— value is the dollar value of the clue: amount player wins/looses
— for correct, incorrect answers
— category is the named of the category
— cat_type is one of: ‘J’: ‘Jeopardy’ round and ‘DJ’: ‘Double Jeopardy’ round
— isdd is true if the question was a double jeopardy question
( gameid INT
, clueid INT
, clue TEXT
, value INT
, category VARCHAR(255)
, cat_type VARCHAR(10)
, isdd BOOLEAN
, correct_answer VARCHAR(255)
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid, clueid)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid)
) ;
— Each contestant can answer a clue, if the answer is wrong,
— another contestant can answer. This relation stores all
— contestants who gave a response (but not what they said).
— If there is no correct answer for a question here, it means
— that no contestant answered the question correctly.
CREATE TABLE responses
( gameid INT
, clueid INT
, shortname VARCHAR(255)
, iscorrect BOOLEAN
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid, clueid, shortname)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid, clueid) REFERENCES clues(gameid, clueid)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid, shortname)
REFERENCES contestants(gameid, shortname)
) ;
— At the end of the game, there is a single question/clue called
— the ‘Final Jeopardy’. This relation stores the clues for this
— specific round. There is no dollar value attached to these questions.
CREATE TABLE final_clues
( gameid INT
, clue TEXT
, category VARCHAR(255)
, correct_answer VARCHAR(255)
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid) REFERENCES games(gameid)
) ;
— For the ‘final jeopardy’, all contestants give an answer and a bet
— The bet is the dollar amount the contestant will win/loose if they
— answer correctly. Only contestants with positive winnings/scores
— at round ‘3’ can participate. This relation stores the bets and
— whether each person scored correctly or not.
CREATE TABLE final_responses
( gameid INT
, shortname VARCHAR(255)
, iscorrect BOOLEAN
, bet FLOAT — VARCHAR(10)
, PRIMARY KEY (gameid, shortname)
, FOREIGN KEY (gameid, shortname)
REFERENCES contestants(gameid, shortname)
) ;
( name VARCHAR(50)
, population INT
) ;