Purpose: Building a pretty GUI using Swing
The purpose of this simple yet comprehensive assignment is to give you the enjoyment of
exercising your programming skills and the delight of applying your knowledge of how to build a
relatively simple GUI for a Calculator Application. The Calculator you are to build will be a
functional replica of your Windows calculator. The assignment is based on the material covered in
lectures, lab exercises, and hybrid activities. You will also find Chapter 12 of Textbook 1 to be very
Problem Specification:
In this part of Assignment #1 you are to build a relatively simple Swing GUI for a Calculator
Application. Your GUI must have exactly the same appearance as the posted on Blackboard
screen capture CalculatorSW_A1_F17_W10. The image is captured with a screen resolution
1366X768 under Windows 10. The screen capture of the GUI with some implementation details is
shown below:
Note: If you are running Windows 7 or 8.1, the frame borders and decoration may look differently
but the rest of GUI should look the same as the one above. See the screen captures on BB.
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The initial and the minimum size of the application frame must be (300, 460). The initial
frame location on the screen must be set by the platform.
The mode/error display label must have a dimension (35,55). It must be yellow at launch. It
must have a black left/right black matte border with thickness 1. And must display the letter
F in the middle of the label. Later the background color and the text will change depending
on the mode of operation (floating-point or integer) or when an error occurs as a result of
some calculation.
The backspace button must have a dimension (35,55) and it must yellow. It must be
transparent with a black left/right black matte border with thickness 1. You must use
Unicode (Arrows chart (code page 21XX)) to display the text symbol ↲ on the face of the
backspace button. The button must have a tool tip (see the image above). It must also react
to the Alt-B key combination (mnemonic).
All numeric keypad buttons must have a black text. All calculator numeric keypad buttons
and the . (dot) button must have a blue background. The calculator arithmetic operator
buttons must have a cyan background. The sign(±) button must have a pink background.
The Clear button (C) must be red in color with a black text; the Equal (Enter) button (=)
must be magenta in color with a black text. You must use Unicode (Latin 1 supplement
code page) to display the plus-minus sign symbol ±.
The calculator display consists of two text fields – display1 and dispaly2. Both text fields
must have 16 columns and height of 30. Both text fields must have a white background and
must be non-editable. The displayed text must be right aligned. The display2 text field must
display 0.0 when the GUI is made visible for the first time. The panel containing the
calculator display, the mode/error label, and the backspace button must have a yellow
The mode panel consist of a check box (mode) and three floating-point precision radio
buttons. They checkbox and the radio buttons must be included in a button group. The
radio buttons mast be yellow. The .00 radio button must be selected by default at launch.
The checkbox must be green. The panel containing the box container with the radio buttons
group and the check box must be black. The radio buttons must be equal in size.
There must be a gap between the calculator keypad buttons. The calculator keypad panel
must be surrounded by an empty border and it must be white.
To layout the GUI components you should use only the following layout managers:
BorderLayout, FlowLayout, GridLayout, and a Box (horizontal box). You may need struts to
align properly the components in the box container which is insude the mode panel.
When the application frame is resized your GUI must have exactly the same behavior
(appearance) as the posted on Blackboard screen capture
The GUI may look a little bit different on your screens because you may have different
operating system, screen resolution or different default “Look and Feel”, but relative
locations, proportionally and colors must same as on the screen captures.
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The Object-Oriented analysis of the problem shows that, to solve the problem as stated in the
problem specifications, you must design and implement several Java classes as outlined below.
All clasess must be placed in a package called calculator.
Class CalculatorViewController
The class CalculatorViewController is responsible for building the calculator GUI. It must extend
JPanel (not JFrame). The GUI must be build inside a constructor with no-parameters (the default
constructor). The CalculatorViewController panel must be surrounded by a black matte border with
the following insets (5, 5, 5, 5).
In this implementation the class must contain the following fields only:
private JTextField display1; // the calculator display1 field reference
private JTextField display2; // the calculator display2 field reference
private JLabel error; // the mode/error display label reference
private JButton dotButton; the decimal point (dot) button reference
If you like you can add some final fields to define constants like sizes, text, and colors used in the
The class must contain the following private method:
private JButton createButton (String text, String ac, Color fg, Color bg,
ActionListener handler)
The method is responsible for the creation of group of related buttons with the same basic
properties (for example, the calculator keypad buttons). The first parameter text is the button text
label (for example, 8 or +). The second parameter ac represents the action command string for
that button. The third parameter fg is the foreground color of the button. The fourth parameter bg
is the background color of the button. The fifth parameter handler is a reference to instance of the
event handler class (for example, object of type Controller). The method performs the following
Creates a new button with a specified text label;
Sets the background and foreground colors of the button;
Set the action command for the button. If ac parameter is null, the action command
property of the button need not to be set;
Set the size of the button font to 20. Do not change the default font name and style.
Registers the handler as an Action event listener for the button;
Returns a reference to the created button.
Note: If the text of some of the created buttons displays as …, Mac OS users may need to
surround each button with an empty border and may need to set a button preferred size.
When creating the calculator keypad you must call this method in a loop in order to create all of
the numeric and arithmetic operation buttons and add them to the calculator keypad panel. If the
created button is the decimal point (∙) button you must assign the reference returned by the
method to the dotButton field before adding it to the panel.
You can use the same method to create other buttons (=, C), but not for the backspace button.
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Class Controller
In this implementation (Part 1) this class is responsible for handling all the events generated by the
GUI. In the Part 2 of the assignment implementation you will be allowed to add more controller
classes. The class must implement the ActionListener interface. The class must be implemented
as a private inner class of the CalculatorViewController class. In this implementation, the
actionPerformed() method should implement the following only: if the check box or any button
(including the radio buttons and the backspace button) is clicked the code of the method must get
the action command string from the event and display it on the calculator display text field
Class Calculator
This class is responsible for launching the application. The class must contain a main method
only. Inside the main method you must first create a CaclculatorSplashScreen object and call its
showSplashWindow() method and display the splash screen for 5 s. Then the main method must
call EventQueue.invokeLater() method with a Runnable instance the run() method of which
creates a JFrame object; sets the frame title and minimum size; sets the default close operation
for the frame; sets the content pane of the frame to a CalculatorViewController object; sets the
application location at launch; and finally, makes the frame visible.
Class CalculatorSplashScreen
This class is responsible for displaying a splash screen before the launch of the application. The
splash screen must display an image, and must contain your name and student number at the
bottom of the screen. The class must implement a method called showSplashWindow() that is
responsible for building the splash screen and making it visible. It must contain a constructor which
has as a parameter the duration time of the splash screen.
In Part 2 you will add a class CalculatorModel which will be responsible for the actual calculations.
What to Submit:
No paper submission is required for this Part 1 of Assignment 1.
Code submission:
Compress in one .zip file all .java files, .class files, and image file(s). Upload the assignment
zip file to Blackboard prior to or on the due date. The name of the zip file must have the
following structure: Student’s family name followed by the last three digits of the student ID
number followed by _JAP_A1P1 , and finally, followed by your lab section number (s301, s302,
s303). For example,
The submission must follow the course submission standards. The Java Assignment
Submission Standard and the Java Assignment Marking Guide are posted on BB in the
Getting Started folder. Test Plan is not required for this assignment.
Enjoy the assignment. And do not forget that:
“A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are Swinging equally.” Anonymous Swing Programmer