CSP554—Big Data Technologies Assignment #4


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Read from (TW)
• Chapter 16
• Chapter 19
For this assignment you will be using your Hadoop environments
The general theme of this week’s assignment is to write several Hive command and queries programs to perform various tasks.
I have included the code I used to demo Hive as one of the files—hql.zip—associated with this assignment. There are useful bits to study and reuse, so have a look now.
You must test your exercises against randomly generated data files. You will generate these files using the TestDataGen program. To do so please follow the below steps:
• Download the file TestDataGen.class from the Blackboard. It is one of the attachments to the assignment.
• scp the file over to the home directory on your Hadoop VM (into the maria_dev account)
• Log on to your VM using ssh (maria_dev account) and execute the file using “java TestDataGen”
• This will output a magic number which you should copy down and provide with the results of your assignment.
• It will also place the files foodratings.txt and foodplaces.txt in your VM home directory
• Use them for your exercises
• Note, each time you execute the TestDataGen program it create new files of test data so you can exercise your program using different combinations of data. Make sure to send the magic number of your final test data set.
The foodratings<.magic number>.txt file has six comma separated fields. The first field is the name of a food critic. The second through fifth fields are the ratings each critic gives to four food types at each restaurant they review. The ratings are an integer from 1 through 50. The sixth field is the id of the restaurant.
The foodplaces<.magic number>.txt file has two comma separated fields. The first field is the id of a restaurant. The second field is the name of that restaurant.
Exercise 1) 2 points
Create a Hive database called MyDb.
Then in MyDb create a table with name foodratings having six columns with the name of the first ‘name’ and the type of the first a string and the names of the remaining columns food1, food2, food3, food4 and id and indicate their types each as an integer. The table should have storage format TEXTFILE and column separator a “,”. That is the underlying format should be a CSV file. The table itself and each column should include a comment (it does not matter what it says).
Execute a one shot Hive command of ‘DESCRIBE FORMATTEDMyDb.foodratings’ and capture its output as one of the results of this exercise.
Then in MyDb create a table with name foodplaces having two columns with first called ‘id’ and the type of the first an integer and the second called ‘place’and the type of the second a string. This table should also have storage format TEXTFILE and column separator a “,”. That is the underlying format should be a CSV file. No comments are needed for this table
Execute a one shot Hive command of ‘DESCRIBE FORMATTEDMyDb.foodplaces’ and capture its output as another of the results of this exercise.
Exercise 2) 2 points
Load the foodratings<.magic number>.txt file created using TestDataGen from your local file system into the foodratings table.
Execute a hive command to output the min, max and average of the values of the food3 column of the foodratings table.
A copy of thehive command you wrote, the output of this query and the magic number are the result of this exercise.
Exercise 3) 2 points
Execute a hive command to output the min, max and average of the values of the food1 column grouped by the first column ‘name’.

The output should look something like:
Mel 10 20 15
Bill 20, 30, 24

A copy of the hive command you wrote, the output of this query and the magic number are the result of this exercise.
Exercise 4) 2 points
In MyDb create a partitioned table called ‘foodratingspart’
The partition field should be called ‘name’ and its type should be a string.The names of the non-partition columns should be food1, food2, food3, food4 and id and their types each an integer. The table should have storage format TEXTFILE and column separator a “,”. That is the underlying format should be a CSV file. No comments are needed for this table.
Execute a one shot Hive command of ‘DESCRIBE FORMATTEDMyDb.foodratingspart’ and capture its output as the result of this exercise.
Exercise 5) 2 points
Configure Hive to allow dynamic partition creation as described in the lecture.
Use a hive command to copy from MyDB.foodratings into MyDB.foodratingspart to create a partitioned table from a non-partitioned one.
Hint: The ‘name’ column from MyDB.foodratings should be mentioned last in this command (whatever it is).
Provide a copy of the command you use to load the ‘foodratingspart’ table as a result of this exercise.
Execute a hive command to output the min, max and average of the values of the food2 column of MyDB.foodratingspartwhere the food critic ‘name’ is either Mel or Jill.
The query and the output of this query areother results of this exercise. It should look something like
10 20 15

Exercise 6) 2 points
Load the foodplaces<.magic number>.txt file created using TestDataGen from your local file system into the foodplaces table.
Use a join operation between the two tables (foodratings and foodplaces) to provide the average rating for field food4 for the restaurant ‘Soup Bowl’
The output of this query is the result of this exercise. It should look something like
Soup Bowl 20

Exercise 7) 2 points Extra Credit
Write a half page summary of the following article on the blackboard in section “Articles:”
Pig Latin: A Not-So-Foreign Language for Data Processing