CSL765:Assignment 3 The Expression language FL(X)


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The document FL(X) describes an expression language The language consists constructors and variables over
two datatypes – integer and booleans.


The set of terms TΣ(X) is defined as followt ::= x ∈ X | Z | (P t) | (S t) | T | F | (IT E ht, t1, t0i) | (IZ t) | (GT Z t)
Here, X is an infinite set of variables, while Z, P, S, T, F, IT E, IZ, and GT Z are constructors disjoint from the
set X. The language makes sure that all the expressions in the language have a unique normal form.

Problem Statement

Your task is to generate a normal form for any given input in language FL(X). Make sure your implementation is
complete and efficient since a part of or the entire assignment might be used in upcoming assignments.
We have attached a signature file with this document. Your task is to create a module and implement the
signature file named signatureFLX.sml.

What you have to do

1. Create a file structureFLX.sml implementing the signature provided given in signatureFLX.sml.
2. Name your structure that implements the given signature Flx. We will use open Flx in our script to use
your structure.
3. Write a parser and tokenizer to process the input string keeping in mind the following.
• The name of the constructors are the same as those provided in the language signature viz. Z, P, T, F, IT E, IZ,
and GT Z
• Every constructor will be followed by at least one space character.
• The form of application of each constructor P, S, IZ, and GT Z will be ‘(’ ‘ ’
• The form of application of constructor IT E will be ‘(’ ITE ‘ ’ ‘<’ ‘,’ ‘,’
‘>’ ’)’.
• You can safely assume any token apart from constructors, parentheses, comma and angular brackets
to be the name of a variable i.e, a string ∈ X.

4. Check if the given input is a well formed expression in the language FL(X).
5. The function fromString: string -> term should take a string as input and return the term created
after parsing. The function should raise exception Not wellformed if the input string is not well formed
in the language FL(X).

6. Implement the function toString: term -> string which returns a string form of input term.
7. Function fromInt: int -> term takes an integer and converts it to an SS . . . SZ or P P . . . P Z form in
the datatype term. For example fromInt 2 should return (S (S Z)).

8. Function toInt: term -> int should take an integer term in normal form and return the corresponding
integer number e.g, toInt (S (S Z)) should return 2 and toInt (P (P Z)) should return ~2. If the
term consists of a mix of S and P raise the exception not nf. If the input term consists of any other
constructor, raise not int exception.
9. Implement the reduction rules to create a normal form of any well-formed expression.

10. Create a function normalize: term -> term, which produces a normal form of the input term as output.
11. You are not supposed to handle any exception in your program. Our script depends on you raising
the exception from your code.
12. Do not write any code in the signature file signatureFLX.sml attached with the assignment.

Submission Instruction

Submit a structureFLX.sml file on Moodle https://moodle.iitd.ac.in
Important Notes
1. Do not change any of the names given in the signature. You are not even allowed to change upper-case
letters to lower-case letters or vice-versa.
2. You may define any new functions you like besides those mentioned in the signature.
3. Follow the input output specification as given. We will be using automated scripts to execute the code
for evaluation. In case of mismatch, you will be awarded zero marks.
4. All of your code should be in file structureFLX.sml
5. Make sure your structure matches with the signature provided. We will not entertain any requests regarding minor change in the signature.
6. Your functions in this assignment might be used as an argument to higher order functions and
type inferencing in upcoming assignments. Make sure to write efficient code.