
CSIT110/CSIT810 Assignment 2 

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Question 1. Write a function named get_subscription() with the help of a dictionary to display the
six TV channels available for subscriptions and take subscription orders. Your program should work
exactly as the following examples. The text in bold indicates user input. The two columns are 41
characters and 6 characters in width. The bullets that before the list of selection is a space, a hyphen
and a space.
Example 1: The user subscribes to 2 channels.
Channels available for subscription (price/mth)
Sports Group Pack $21.40
Documentaries Pack $15.32
FOX Movies Pack $17.12
HBO Pack $13.98
Cinema World $9.56
Celestial Movies $8.56
Subscribe to Sports Group Pack? (Y/N): Y
Subscribe to Documentaries Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to FOX Movies Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to HBO Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to Cinema World? (Y/N): Y
Subscribe to Celestial Movies? (Y/N): N
Your selection:
– Sports Group Pack ($21.40)
– Cinema World ($9.56)
Total cost $30.96
Example 2: The user subscribes to 0 channel.
Channels available for subscription (price/mth)
Sports Group Pack $21.40
Documentaries Pack $15.32
FOX Movies Pack $17.12
HBO Pack $13.98
Cinema World $9.56
Celestial Movies $8.56
Subscribe to Sports Group Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to Documentaries Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to FOX Movies Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to HBO Pack? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to Cinema World? (Y/N): N
Subscribe to Celestial Movies? (Y/N): N
Your selection:
– None
Total cost $0.00
Important requirement:
Your program must use string addition to produce the exact output as illustrated in the above
example. You may assume the input are of letters n and y .
Question 2. Write a function named generate_qns_from_list(). The function should take in a list.
Each element of this list is a list of integers. This function should convert the list into a list of
dictionaries. Each dictionary will have two keys – “qns” and “ans”. The value for the “qns” key
will be a string of the integers taken from a list in the input list. And the integers are separated with
the characters ” x “. The value for the “qns” key will be the product of all the numbers in the list.
You should skip the lists that contain less than 2 integers.
input_list = [[1,3,3], [2,5,-1],[3,2],[4,5,3],[0,23],[1,2,3,4], [1]]
def generate_qns_from_list(arg1):

The function should return the following list
[{‘qns’: ‘1 x 3 x 3’, ‘ans’: 9},
{‘qns’: ‘2 x 5 x -1’, ‘ans’: -10},
{‘qns’: ‘3 x 2’, ‘ans’: 6},
{‘qns’: ‘4 x 5 x 3’, ‘ans’: 60},
{‘qns’: ‘0 x 23’, ‘ans’: 0},
{‘qns’: ‘1 x 2 x 3 x 4’, ‘ans’: 24}]
Question 3.
Create a ShoppingCart class. The class has a class attribute server_url and instance
attributes account_id and cart. The server_url is the string “”. The
account_id is a string provided through the constructor. cart is an empty dictionary. The
keys in the dictionary are the product names while their values mark the quantity of the
products in the cart.
In the class there should be an instance method named add_item_to_cart. The method
takes in a unique string, which denotes the name of a product, and a number that states the
quantity of item to be added. The function should check if the item exists in the keys of the
cart attribute and update the quantity accordingly.
Create another instance method remove_item_from_cart that takes in a product name
and a quantity. It should update the cart attribute with the correct quantity. If the updated
quantity is 0, the key value pair should be removed from the cart. You can assume that the
product is available for removal and the quantity to be removed is less than or equal to the
quantity in the cart.
Create a class method get_url that returns the class attribute server_url.
Create an instance method empty_cart to empty cart.
Finally create an instance method count_items that returns the total checkout price based
on the existing items in the cart. If there is nothing in the cart, the total should be 0.
Your code must work exactly like the following example.
newCart = ShoppingCart(‘1234567’)
newCart.add_item_to_cart(‘fruit juice’, 2)
newCart.add_item_to_cart(’tissue box’, 4)
newCart.add_item_to_cart(‘ice cream’, 3)
# newCart.cart is now {‘fruit juice’: 2, ’tissue box’: 4, ‘ice cream’: 3}
newCart.remove_item_from_cart(’tissue box’,1)
newCart.remove_item_from_cart(‘fruit juice’,2)
# newCart.cart is now {’tissue box’: 3, ‘ice cream’: 3}
newCart.count_items() # returns 6
print(newCart.get_url()) # prints
newCart.count_items() # returns 0
Question 4.
Given that the student dictionary object is one with keys name and results,
an example of the student dictionary object is as follows:
“name”: “Fus Ro Dah”,
“results”: {
“assignment_1”: 10,
“assignment_2”: 10,
“examination_1”: 10,
Part I
Define a class Student that contains the instance attributes name and results.
The class constructor should accept a student dictionary object, as seen in the example
above, and instantiate the instance attributes accordingly.
Write a function dict_to_class_obj with one input argument – a list of student
dictionary objects. The function should return a list of student class instance objects,
constructed from the list argument.
An example of the list argument is as follows:
“name”: “Fus Ro Dah”,
“results”: {
“assignment_1”: 10,
“assignment_2”: 10,
“examination_1”: 10,
“name”: “Foo Barry”,
“results”: {
“assignment_1”: 1,
“assignment_2”: 2,
“examination_1”: 3,
Part II
In the Student class, define a class instance method get_weighted_result with one
parameter – a weights dictionary. The weights dictionary contains a subset of keys from
the results dictionary. The values are numerical. An example of the input weights
dictionary is as follows:
weights = {“assignment_1”: 1.0, “examination_1”: 9.0}
The get_weighted_result method should return a single value: the weighted sum of
the results.
Using the examples above, the weighted result for the student named Foo Barry is 28:
assignment_1: 1.0 * 1 = 1
examination_1: 9.0 * 3 = 27
weighted result: 28
Please note that not all key-value pairs present in the results dictionary may be included
in the weights dictionary. In the example above, assignment_2 was excluded. You can
assume that the keys in the weights are all present in the results dictionary.