CSE250 Assignment A5 – Spelling Assistant


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Spell checking is an important operation frequently showing up in online systems, text editors, or UIs in
mobile devices. Implementing a full scale corrector is a non-trivial task, however, we can consider a slightly
simplified version, focusing on names and considering mistakes that are only edit distance of 1 from the
correct spelling.
Your task in this assignment is to implement a tool that using an input dictionary of names (together with their
frequencies) will propose correct spellings for a stream of misspelled names. To simplify the task, the best
suggestion of correct spelling is a word that is edit distance of 1 or less from the misspelled word and has
highest frequency.
We define edit distance as the minimal number of substitutions, deletions and insertions that we have to apply
to one word to obtain the other. For example, suppose that we are using only upper case letters and consider
name JON. There are 3 words that are edit distance of 1 from it that can be created by deletion: ON, JN and
JO. There are 4 × 26 possible words that are edit distance of 1 that can be created by insertion, starting with
AJON and ending with JONZ (26 because of the size of the Latin alphabet). Finally, there are 3 × 25 possible
words that are edit distance of 1 that can be created by substitution, starting with AON and ending with JOZ. In
general, for a given word s of length n there are n + 26 × (n + 1) + 25 × n words that are edit distance of 1
from s.
A map (std::map<>) or an unordered map (std::unordered_map), along with other data structures that
we have already discussed in class, may be helpful for this assignment.
1. Create directory A5 where you will place your code.
2. Create Makefile to automate compilation of your code. Your main source code file should be named
a5.cpp and it should compile to a5 executable. You can directly adopt Makefile from Assignment 0
(replace a0 with a5).
3. Implement spelling corrector given the following specification:
(a) Your program should take as an input a dictionary file in which every line stores one name, all
upper case, and the frequency of that name. For example, if invoked like this: ./a5 dict.txt
your program should read the dictionary from a file dict.txt.
(b) Dictionary provides information about correctly spelled names and their frequencies. Name is a
single nonempty string of uppercase letters and frequency is a positive integer. For example, the
dictionary below contains three names:
JON 100
JIN 50
where JON is the most frequent.
(c) Your program should take query names from std::cin as long as they are provided.
(d) For each query name, your program should do the following:
i. If the query name is already in the dictionary, print it together with its current frequency
separated by space. Frequency of the query name in the dictionary should then increase by 1.
ii. If the query name is not in the dictionary, provide a suggestion that is in the dictionary and is
edit distance of 1 from the query (this should be the only action taken). If multiple suggestions
exist, provide one with the highest frequency, and if several suggestions have the same
frequency return the one which is lexicographically smallest. If no suggestion exists print –
and include the query name in the dictionary with frequency 1.
(e) You can assume that all input data is correct, i.e. dictionary file always exists and is correct, all
query and dictionary names are provided in upper case.
4. Print a line with five dashes: “—–”.
5. Output the final state of your dictionary in any ordering.
To illustrate how your program should work, consider the dictionary below stored in dummy.dict:
JON 100
JIM 90
Your code if invoked like this:
echo “GILL BILL BILL JILL SANTA SANTA” | ./a5 dummy.dict
should produce the following output:

JON 100
JIM 90
Notes: The first line is because GILL is edit distance 1 from WILL and BILL, but WILL has a higher frequency
at that time. The first – is caused by SANTA, which is not initially in the dictionary.
1. Remove your binary code and other unrelated files (e.g. your test files).
2. Create a tarball with your A5 folder.
3. Follow to https://autograder.cse.buffalo.edu and submit A5.tar for grading.
4. You will have five submissions. Any submission after the deadline will have 50% points deducted.
• 10pt: a5.cpp compiles, runs and has no memory errors.
• 90pt: If you pass the initial test, there will be nine benchmark tests. You will get 10pt for each correctly
completed test.
• If your code is extremely inefficient, for instance due to an infinite loop, autograder will terminate your
code and you will receive 0pt.
• Make sure that all files and directory names are exactly as instructed. Otherwise the grading system will
miss your submission and you will get 0pt.
• Make sure that you start working on the assignment early! If you wait to the very last moment, you may
expect delays from autograder (overloaded by other students who like you waited with their submission).
• If you are having trouble, have a public discussion on piazza! Before posting your question, ask yourself:
Am I giving enough information where someone who is not looking at my code can still help? Can you
describe tests that you have already tested? Do not, of course, share your code.
• Feel free to share dictionary tests as well as input tests on Piazza. Once again, do not share your code.