CSE1322 claModule 5B–Coding Assignment


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Write a program to perform a bird survey to count the number of birds of each species in an area.  Create a class BirdSurvey that is a linked list.  The linked list can be one way linked list, circular linked list or a doubly linked list; whichever you choose.


BirdSurvey should have the following operations in addition to those normally found in your linked list class:

  1. add(bird) – adds the bird species bird to the end of the list, if it is not already there. sets its count to 1; otherwise, adds 1 to the count for bird.
  2. getCount(bird) – returns the count associated with the species bird. If bird is not on the list, returns zero.
  3. getReport() – displays the name and count for each bird species on the list.



You will write a program that uses BirdSurvey to record the data from a recent bird survey.  Use a loop to read bird names until done is entered.  Illustrate the use of each of the methods mentioned above, with the last being a Report of all the species of birds entered and the count for each species.



Start writing the code from your pseudocode:

Code the solution from your pseudocode. Compile and debug all parts of your program to ensure it is correct.




Test your code with sample data.


Now make sure that your code is the best it can be.  Check your formatting, comments, and make sure your output is correct and communicates what is happening in your code.





What to Turn In

Follow submission guidelines on this page: http://ccse.kennesaw.edu/fye/Submission%20Guidelines.php